Thursday, September 11, 2014

I've Had A Touch Of Halloweenish-itis

Noun ~ Hal·low·een·ish·i·tis
-a mysterious and sometimes (almost always) contagious virus that causes one to begin buying
Halloween fabric and sewing Halloween projects long before the month of October.
It might also include playing in PicMonkey to make an avatar look a little creepy.

Possibly a ghoulish fever caused it or was it that nasty bronchitis that was haunting me?
Whatever it was, I got it BAD!

It all began with a trip to Quilted Works to spend my Stash Cash (funny money earned from
purchases made over several months. I had a small large HUGE stack of them.)

As I walked through the door of Quilted Works, there IT was. A little bundle of Halloween joy!
It said, "BOO" and it had a black cat.
I whipped out my stash cash faster than you could say "Creepy Carol!"
That's when the symptoms of Halloweenish-itis started to appear.

I knew I had it bad because I had sworn there would be no more Ghastlies added to my stash.
But I could tell it was too late. The Halloweenish-itis had taken control of my brain.
I found these fabrics in my bag when I got home. I have no idea how they got there.
It had to have been the Halloweenish-itis. Had to be!

I was shocked to find more in the bag! What's this? Four Halloween pillowcases?
The virus must have known that I have four Monkey Boys...that just gives me chills!

Wickedly split, the fever from the Halloweenish-itis broke and I found that I had managed to
completely sew this pillow. I guess I was lucky to have caught the virus! It might also have been a
big help that the pillow came as a laser cut kit with everything (except the pillow form) included.

I guess that virus wasn't so bad after all!

A little imp over at Quilted Works told me they have this pillow kit for sale on their website...

Oh, my...
I hear there are several others fighting the Halloweenish-itis bug!


  1. Love your post! I think I have it too!!
    What a wonderful Halloween pillow! It's fantastic!!

  2. Ahh...I have a Halloween quilt started right now for a certain hop coming up soon...your pillow is so cheery for Halloween,love all the bright color!! nice to see when it is so grey and dreary weatherwise here.

  3. Cute, cute post!! Love the pillow and can't wait to see the rest of your Halloween projects.

  4. Creepy Carol, you've got the hilarious virus ! ROTFLMAO

  5. Haha!! Love your new avatar!

    Yep, I think I'm infected too. I just bought me a lovely set of Halloween fabrics to go with my other Halloween fabrics. I hope I don't infect anyone else... ;)

  6. Love this post! It's happened to me before and I just can't ever figure out how those extra Halloween fabrics get into my bag. Love the pillow. Now that you've passed the virus on via the blog I'm headed to my stash to pull spooky fabrics and start working on trying to relieve the symptoms.

  7. Just don't get the evilola virus.

  8. This is one of those viruses that is kind of fun to have. However, you might want to add a little concealer to your daily make up routine. ;)

  9. Very clever post. Fabulous fabrics and no one can resist those Ghastlies! Monkey boys really do need Halloween pillowcases. Creative Halloween-ish-itis Bliss...

  10. Love the Halloween pillow. So cute!!

  11. Love your pillow and yes I think I have the same fever! Keep thinking of projects to do for the Black Cat Crossing.

  12. What fun! Your newly modified avatar certainly fits the season.

  13. I have been dying to get over here and read this post, because I have been having this rare ghoulish symptoms too! I mean really I am looking worse than the Rush Hour Graphic more and more everyday!! Love your Pillow Carol, it really is Boo~tiful!!
    Huggs, Nancy

  14. Chuckle, chuckle. I so understand. I have it too. My newest Ghastlie additions are flying on the brook stick on their way to me as we speak. I don't dare walk into my LQS, my wallet would hurt even more.

  15. Hahahaha!! Love the post and the pillow. Your new avatar looks fantastic. I think I got the virus too :)


  16. I can feel somethin' coming on myself... I love the candy corn flowers, and the black cat!


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