Saturday, September 28, 2013

It's All About Frankie

I'm in the middle of packing up to move...I have a little over three weeks to get it done. Whew, this old body is not liking it at all! So what did I do this weekend to relax and put all that packing out of my head? I played around and made a pattern. It didn't start out that way...I was just making something for the Wicked Blog Hop. I think Frankie is a pretty cool guy who'd make a great wall hanging or table runner. Or...I think I have a three year old Monkey Boy who might love to use him as a quilt to snuggle with me.

Just Call Me "Frankie"


  1. He is so cute! That other lady maybe jealous!

  2. Frankie bought a big smile to my face

  3. Oh boy, Frankie is sew cool. And he made me smile and I am still smiling. Thanks for sharing

  4. Geeze.... in the midst of packing you come up with this darling pattern.... do you sleep? I'm sure it was a nice distraction from the chaos and Frankie is surely a winner!

  5. Oh my there anything that you can't do! You must be the neatest grandmom those little monkey boys could ever have! Congrats on your newest pattern and I wish you continued success in the pattern department!

  6. Carol he is adorable! You are wonder woman!

  7. He is so cute!! You are amazing. You must be hirering a moving company to help you. Or you have the energy of a 20 year old. How do you do it? :-)

  8. Congrats on the creation of another fabulous pattern.

  9. I will call him CUTE or HANDSOME, or DOOBER, or Wowzers, ok he is just about the greatest pattern did I miss this lol

  10. Is love at first sight really possible? I think so and I'm in love! Blessings, marlene


Comments are always appreciated!

Something Smells Fishy Day Four

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