Monday, August 12, 2013

Where Did All This Fabric Come From?

We're selling our house, which means the fabric and sewing supplies have to be boxed up to move.


I'm avoiding having my husband help box it up because he might see EXACTLY how much fabric I really have in that room, though I think he gets it since he's the one carrying all the boxes downstairs. It's multiplying faster than I can box it up...kind of like that Star Trek episode with the Tribbles!

My three year old Monkey Boy said, "It looks like a tornado in here." 
Yes, it does sweetie, but I assure you it is all good stuff and
NO you don't need your headlamp to find your way through the fabric! 

My six year old Monkey Boy told me to make sure the next house has a craft room. 
He knows what's important! 
I have a section in my sewing room that is set-up 
just for the Monkey Boys to work on projects of their own.

YES, Debby K., I am working on my hexies in the middle of packing.

Monkey Baby wanted to help with those hexies. He loved watching all those
stitches switch from one to another...and another...and another. 
But, who cares! Look at those big brown eyes!

Off I go to sew, pack, sew, pack, sew, pack...whew!
I'm too old for this moving stuff!

Another fabulous blog hop coming our way beginning August 21st!


  1. Hi Carol where are you moving to? You just retired you are suppose to be having fun. My little guy use to love to push those buttons too. When he went home we would go around and check them.he he .We moved a few years ago to help out with Jonah and I couldn't believe how many boxes full of fabric I had. Have fun it is sort of a trip down memory lane. Blessings Sandra

  2. Moving is not any fun. I hope it goes quite smoothly for you!! You monkey grandkids are just so adorable. Can't wait what you create for a Hexie hop while moving.

  3. Good luck with your move! Hope to see lots of quilty treasures once you get set up in your new home!

  4. Ok, first your Monkey boys are my mind of boys already thinking craft room...YOU are doing such a good thing for really you are..
    And yes moving is a chore, we are off this weekend to our new abode, complete with some new additions for my sewing room, ( which it did not have, can you believe that) well that will change...Deciding what to bring and what to giveaway will be my hardest task...tooo bad we are not closer, we could help one another out...Of course I would just tell you what I would want lol YOU can do this BTW!

  5. Good luck with the move! I am an odd bird I do not mind moving. We have done it so often for DHs job that I sort of look forward to the change of scenery, the reorganizing etc.

  6. Moving is alot of work!! Thank goodness for cute little helpers, they are so adorable!! I'm sure your hexies will be perfect, even with the chaos!!

  7. been their & did that 2 & a half years ago...Hardest move ever. And weve had quiet a few. My husband is retired Navy. You just realize how much craft room stuff you have till you have to put it in boxes. Good luck with your move.Where are you moveing too Carol.

  8. Hi!
    I am in the middle,of that business too!
    I gave away at least half of my sewing room, some to a newbie quilter, my OLD stuff, good for her to practice with, some really nice left overs too! My sewing room is now a bedroom with a single,bed, with my sewing projects hidden in all sorts of spots!
    Great Luck with selling, our home is still stuck in limbo, do not know why!
    Take care, Leslie

  9. A new house is exciting ! enjoy the process and show us pictures !

  10. Hope your new home has everything that you could want--with lots of sewing space! best of luck in your move.
    I laughed when i read your post about your fabric. My hubby isn't allowed in my sewing room just because of that very thing. He is 70 years old and I would hate for him to have a heart attack. Some things are better left alone. LOL The boys are so cute. Great kids. They know what mommy needs.

  11. Moving? Where are you going, does it have a workroom especially for you?
    Good luck moving!

  12. We're moving in about a month, but both my parents and my inlaws have taken a few small loads home with them every time they've visited (we're moving to be closer to family). Well, let's just say that I made sure most of my fabric and crafty boxes went home with my parents... although, since we're moving in with my inlaws until they decide if they want to buy or build a new house, I'm sure they'll figure out that I have *too much* fabric sooner or later :)

  13. I don't envy your moving, it is a big help with cleaning your sewing area though, LOL! The Monkey boys look like they are enjoying Grandma's toys.

  14. I didn't know you were moving Carol...moving and retiring at the same time? What were you thinking! :) blessings, marlene


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