Monday, August 19, 2013

Ice Cream And Flour Equals Bread

Since I had nothing else to do after getting my carpet cleaned…

“it will take three hours”
…and please leave those noisy “fans going for 24-hours”
…oh, and "try not to walk on it." 
Huh? How am I supposed to do that? 
The hallway to my bathroom is carpeted and my sewing machine is calling me!


As I was saying before I rambled on, since I had nothing else to do after getting my carpet cleaned AND my refrigerator repaired…$$$$....I decided to make Ice Cream Bread.

I love ice cream and I love for me!

I saw a post on my sister’s Facebook page about Ice Cream Bread and because I was trapped in my kitchen (with no carpeting) it seemed logical to try making this strange combination of ingredients. It seemed simple enough, but would it taste good?

Start with 2 cups of your favorite ice cream (use the ice cream with fat not the yogurt or nonfat kind.) Melt/soften that ice cream until it is soupy so that you can easily stir it (if it isn't melted enough, it is REALLY hard to stir.) Add 1½ cups of self-rising flour (not regular flour.) Stir them until they are just barely mixed together.

Once you stir the ice cream and self-rising flour together you can add extra ingredients like banana, chocolate chips, or anything that would mix with your favorite ice cream and make your Ice Cream Bread just a little more yummy. I added half a banana.

Shovel the mixture (it’s really thick) into a small greased loaf pan (about 4" x 8".
Double the recipe if you want to use a bigger loaf pan. 

Bake at 350 degrees for 35-40 minutes or until a 
toothpick stuck in the center comes out clean.

My thoughts on this thing called ICE CREAM BREAD:
  • It was easy to make
  • The texture was really good
  • It looked pretty
  • It was moist
  • It smelled yummy
  • It needed chocolate chips or something else to add more flavor
  • Maybe a little vanilla or sugar would help?
  • It wasn't very sweet, which can be a good thing for some people
  • Banana in it was good, but I would use a whole one instead of a half
  • Maybe a different flavor of ice cream would make it taste better

Have you ever made Ice Cream Bread?


  1. I am having a hard time deciding if I could try this or not. I mean i love bread and I love ice cream - Not supposed to eat either one!
    I wonder if like Cherry vanilla would be good?
    xo jan

  2. Oh boy I am so going to have to try this ... for my daughters ... of course :) :) :) .... YUMMMO!! Thanks for getting stuck in your kitchen :)

  3. My thoughts on ice cream bread. Make banana nut bread, rhubarb bread, lemon loaf or chocolate loaf (all favorites in my family) and scoop the ice cream on a slice.

  4. YOU make me go BANANA's over this ....honestly, I actually spilled my are without a doubt the brightest shiny star to come along my path in a long laughing like I have never laughed before...
    soooo it was good heh? lol

  5. As you are describing this, I'm thinking it's going to be eaten cold with the flour mixed in... kind of yucky and grainy.... then you baked it! Wasn't expecting that. I think I'd give this a try and see what happens. Thanks for the idea!

  6. Oh yes, I have an entire post dedicated to Ice Cream Bread and in fact it is one of the top posts on my blog..go figure? I used vanilla ice cream and I got a nice pound cake type bread/cake. I also used a teaspoon of vanilla and it was yummo!! My family loved it!
    Gmama Jane

  7. That bread looks scrumptious ! My girls are coming up from the coast next week, I'll have to let them help me make some. (They like to cook with Grandma, and Grandma likes to cook with them ! :)


Comments are always appreciated!

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