Thursday, August 15, 2013

Just Some Other Stuff

I took a little ride today with my hubby to take some pics of my hexie project (I'm not crazy about hexies, but I'm giving it a good try.) The place we went to take those pics had a gorgeous view...

...and a little cottontail wondering what the heck we were doing in his park. He looked a little scruffy!

That Other Lady had a post today that showed off what she's up to with her hexies.  It looks like she's really making something very cool...good thing I'm not competitive or I'd be worried.!

I bet there are some amazing hexies being sewn right now!
Debby is the queen of this hop...can't wait to see what she makes.


  1. What a great photo op area! Yep that poor bunny looks like he had a bad hare day, LOL!

  2. Beautiful photo spot. I wish mine was finished so the pictures could be taken. Hopefully soon! ;)

  3. Great pictures Carol...there will be some fabulous hexies..and I bet yours will be one of them!! I am just about ready.

  4. Lovely pictures. I love hexies so I'd better go and take a look.

  5. Love your pictures Carol. Even though I missed out in signing up for the hexies I can't wait to see what everyone has made. I even made something because it was something I wanted to try. They are not as hard as I thought they would be.

  6. Ohhh scenery is beautifullllll...the hare, perhaps he was the inspiration for your crazy one lol tree planted we are now off to a similar scenery...if we see any hares, we will compare lol

  7. I look forward to drooling over everyone's projects. We have 4 bunnies that live in our backyard. They even leave and wonder the neighborhood. My son has a B B gun out back too. Thank goodness he knows I love those sweet bunnies.
    Love your pictures

  8. Just think-4 lucky rabbits feet! ( lucky he sill has them) Great company to enjoy the view with.


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