Monday, June 17, 2013

Tammy And Me...Bags, Of Course!

I chose some Moda fabric called Round Robin by Kathy Schmitz for
my bag. I loved the colors and prints so much I used it to make
a quilt, too! It's HERE on a previous post.

This is my little can. I cut a piece from a magnet sheet to fit the lid,
which holds my needles in place, and the can will hold several colors 
of thread depending on what I need for the project I'm working on.


  1. LOVE the fabrics!!!! Red and black...I'll take that one...or the Monkeys...I LOVE the monkeys. Oh, right, neither bag is the bad. Ok...I'll take the bear then. :)
    Seriously you did a fantastic job per usual (and like I told the 'other' nice neither of you are the competitive

  2. Love your Tammy bags! That other lady will be sew in love with the red and black one, lol! Now the monkey one is more my style, oops meant to say my GD's! She is a collector of the little beasts. Thank you for sharing.

  3. Love the little sock monkey Tammy - cute !!

  4. Both Tammy bags are wonderful, love the colors of the first one and second one makes me smile, love the idea of the tin with magnet, I will start looking for the perfect size tin, thank you.

  5. I really like the monkey one.
    Thanks for the give away.

    Warm regards from Holland,

  6. I love the moda fabric one!
    The one with the monkey fabric is to it!

  7. Carol your bags are lovely...very chic on the red and black just love it....and the sock monkey well who does not like the sock monkey....this non-competitive vice that you and the "other" lady have is rather a hoot to read...take care and have a fun day.

  8. Hi Carol,
    your Tammys are so cute, and perfect sewn. Now I know, for the future we have to make a new Tammy for each quilt we will handquilt *lol*
    Thanks for beeing part of this great hop.
    Liebe Grüße

  9. Carol, your bags are terrific! I love the one you made with Round Robin...beautiful! And your monkey bag is so cute...even without pockets! Great work!

  10. Your red and black Tammy is so beautiful. I love the color and everything.The extra one is so cool and awesome. Thanks for sharing
    Have a great weekend
    Hugs from Sweden

  11. Your bags are so cute! Love your fabric choices. Great idea, the thread and needle tin can.

  12. Hello Carol
    At last it's your day. Lovely bags, and you CAN compete!! with "that other lady" :-) hehe..
    Has been a lovely hop.
    See you again soon.....
    regards from Sweden.

  13. You make me laugh! The bear in a bag is adorable. I guess we could say He (or She) is Tammified! Both bags are great. I love the competition between you and she who whose name is unspoken, HaHa!

  14. LOVE your bags -- what great fabrics! I can't wait to make some of these, as soon as I find some handles. :)

  15. Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful!!

  16. Hi sweet NOW really had you not said anything about the missing pockets I would have never known....HOWEVER how could you possibly miss that STEP....geeesh, everyone now will think I pressured you into making yet another Tammy

    Seriously now, I love both of your bags equally even the one you forgot to add pockets too...
    Classy, Elegant and filled with monkey business..

    ps. from the less competitive one..

  17. Wonderful bags! I like the first one the best and I'm thinking that I might have that print in my stash. Thanks for sharing (competing!) today!

  18. Nope, not a competitive bone in your body. Great job of both bags. I missed my inside pockets on the second one too. The monkey fabric is priceless. Thanks for coming to play with us.

  19. Carol your bags are beautiful. Great can to hold the threads. I always put a magnet in my small empty mint tins and take my pins with me that way. So cute that everything coordinates.

  20. Lovely bags. What a great for the little tin with the magnet. Thanks for sharing today.

  21. You two are a good laugh!!!! I just love both Tammys Carol. Your fabrics are very nice in the ruffled one and the monkeys is fun...good job.

  22. Gorgeous bag, Carol. Love the fabric. Thanks for sharing and for the opportunity on your draw.

  23. I love your fabrics for the bags! Thanks for the giveaway.

  24. I see you have been "monkeying around " again! Cute! Thnx for the giveaway chance!

  25. I have got to get some of that monkey fabric! On of my BFFs has a monkey and she'd love a purse made from that. :) And anything Kathy Schmitz makes I want. Sad but true. I'm making her latest BOM right now. Love, love, love these Carol. :) blessings, marlene

  26. Love your bags and the eyeglass case has me thinking I better try ruffling :)

  27. Oh your Tammys are so lovely! The first one very bold and a beauty and the second one so cute and funny. Loove them!

  28. Carol, how smart you are to have your Tammy's match those quilts ! And who needs pockets with monkeys anyway...right? hey, hey ! People say you monkey around, you were too busy singing, to let anybody down ! "sew" don't worry bout it ! Super cute bags!!

  29. I love the monkey bag. I might just have to make one of them. The bags I have seen on the hop are just amazing. I really am enjoying seeing all the inspiration. It is awesome how the different fabric choices makes them look like they are a different pattern. No two are alike.

  30. Love both your bags. You can't go wrong with red & black. The sock monkeys are rather cute as well.

  31. Love both of your bags, but I, like several others, love the red and black the most. Awesome post!

  32. Great Tammy bags. That other lady will love your colors...I heard they are some of her favorites...What a great hop. Lots of gorgeous bags.

  33. Your fabric choices are so cute! Love the sock monkeys across the front pockets! Too cute!

  34. I love both bags, but the first is really classy. Love the fabric, and it is beautifully made! The magnet in the top of the tin is a great idea. Lovely.

  35. Your bag is fabulous! I so love the colors.Thank you for participating in the hop.

  36. Both of your bags are just beautiful! I love the ruffle on top of the first one and the monkey fabric on the second! Great job!!!

  37. What a cute Tammy. These monkeys are absolute great.
    Thanks for sharing.

  38. Both bags are sweet! Great job!

  39. love the red fabric and the monkey bag is adorable. thanks for the giveaway also

  40. OH Carol, I love the red and black fabric, the Tammy is wonderful both of them and I love your can idea to store your thread and needls. Being competitive is a good thing, it brings out the creativity in a person.

  41. Cute bags. Who needs an inside pocket anyway. Haha

  42. It's tough being so competitive!! Your bags are just darling and deserving of a top spot today.

  43. very cute....LOVE the monkeys! Thanks for a chance to win. Thanks for sharing in the hop. SEW fun to see everyone's creations. I'm thinking I NEED a bag now. janita

  44. How neat are these bags! I really want one!
    hulseybg at gmail dot com

  45. Love your bags. Thanks for the chance to win.

  46. your little bags are so cute. the ks fabric looks great on the first bag.
    putting that magnet in the lid is so smart. thanks for the giveaway.

  47. Very cute bags. I love Kathy's fabrics and was glad to see how wonderful it was made into a bag.

  48. Carol-Love your little Tammy Bags, especially the "Monkey Around" one. They do look like they're addicting, and I'm planning on making one eventually but I'm in the middle of something else right now, so I will put it on my "To Do" list. From CA, thanks for sharing and the opportunity to win some great fabric.

  49. great job! are you giving the monkey bag away? i have not been able to quit smiling since i saw it. must have it {evil laugh} keep up the great work

  50. I love the red flowers, but the sick monkey fabric just makes me smile! Love the idea of magnetic sheet in the tin. Congrats on being one of the chosen.

  51. Both of your bags are adorable... with or without pockets!

  52. Carol, I love your bags. There is something so classic about black and red. and who could not love monkeys! I so have to borrow your tip for my pins and needles, that is ingenious!
    Congratulations for making top picks!

  53. Great bags!
    I hear Madame Samm isn't competitive either!!
    Thanks for sharing!

  54. Well I guess now I will be having to make another bag- one with monkeys on it!! Too Cute!

  55. Oh, gorgeous Tammy bags, Carol. Amazed at all the goodies you can tuck into this bag. Wowee!

  56. Love your bags, Carol. They are both really adorable, but I really like Monkeying Around. Want to throw it in on the giveaway? LOL Great job and thanks for the giveaway.

  57. Great bags! I especially like the first one, I love black and red together.

  58. What wonderful bags. Love them both.

  59. Love the sock monkeys! I remember my dad wearing those socks when we were young!

  60. Hi, love your bag even without the pockets lol.
    (smjohns63 at yahoo dot com)

  61. Wow! Your bag first bag is gorgeous. Really neat fabric. But I love the monkeys--fun, fun fun.

  62. Darling purses! Thanks for the giveaway!

  63. love your bags..The monkey one is so cute with the bear in it and shame on you for not putting in the pockets. LOL. Thank you for sharing.

  64. Not only are YOU TWO competitive, but you both like red!! Adorable bags. What a super idea to put that magnetic piece inside the tin. I'll remember that - for sure!

  65. Cute bags! I recognize that cute monkey fabric!

  66. Great bag. Love the fabric. Adore the Coca Cola bear. Personal favorite, right there. Love those bears.

  67. Love your bags! LOL and your post had me giggling! Thank you for the fun!


  69. Both bags are wonderful. But that monkey bag is over the top.

  70. Love the bags, the fabric is great! Thanks for sharing and for the giveaway. vickise at gmail dot com

  71. Love your Tammy bags and I do believe that you gave your friendly competitor a run for her money. Thanks for the inspiration.

  72. Beautiful bag! Pockets or no pockets!

  73. Gorgeous fabric choice for the Tammy's, I love the red one, but I see a great future for the Monkey around, holding little treats for monkey boys, it will be a much loved Tammy in your house/car/bag!
    Thanks for sharing two lovely Tammy's!

  74. Fab bags, great idea to put the magnet in the tin lid too!

  75. It's been fun seeing everyone's Tammy bags! :) Thanks.

  76. Your bags are too cute! Nice job with the fabric choices.

  77. Love your bags Carol. You always do such a nice job. Thanks for having a give away.

  78. I am late getting around today but I am loving what I am seeing so far! Both of the bags are fantastic! I cannot believe that you can put that large tin in there. The magnet is a good idea. The fabric choices are wonderful but did she beat you out in numbers again? I'll check further down the line! THX for the opportunity for your giveaway.

  79. I Love your Monkey Tammy Bag!!! Its so super cute!!

  80. AAH, ye "Old" Jealousy/Competitive Bug or whatever you want to call it has struck much like the worm in my squash plants. You can't get rid of them once they arrive and start their destruction. Nice job though!! You are The One to beat in these blog hops, not counting "that other lady" ya know.
    Gmama Jane

  81. I'm sooo glad you are not competitive. You and that other lady would put everyone else to shame. ( I really did love the Dorothy bag.) Congrats on a top spot. That bag is gorgeous! And I love love the handle on your cute little sock monkey bag. Those BIG knobs. Where did you get it?

  82. Carol, both your Tammy bags are wonderful...luv those little monkeys. You always inspire me...the magnet in the tin is a great idea. Thanks for sharing with us today!! Happy stitching, Pauline

  83. It is nice to know that you are not competive with that other lady. I know she will love your beautiful black and red bag and so do I.the second bag is just adorable even without the. Pockets inside.

  84. The fabric you used for your project bag (and quilt) is so pretty! I think the second cute bag should hold treats for your monkey boys!

  85. Love both your Bags, but first one (& your Awesome Quilt too!) is my favorite!!! Your lil' tin is soooo clever! Way cool idea!! Thanks for sharing!!

  86. I LOVE the monkeys! They are the best! Thanks for the chance to win. I love seeing all the bags :)

  87. Those bags are so darn cute! I'm thinking Christmas gifts.

  88. Absolutely darling. You rocked it! Love them both.

  89. Your Tammy's are awesome! I love all of the matching accessories you made for the red bag.

  90. So glad my internet came back up and I can finish seeing what everyone has done for the hop!! Love your bags.

  91. Your bags are darling and the idea of putting a magnetic sheet inside the lid of your tin is brilliant. Where did you buy the sheet?


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