Sunday, April 28, 2013

Gotta Love A Birthday Party!

Quilted Works had a birthday party yesterday, so of course 
I had to go because who doesn't love a
(Don't tell them, but I would have gone there anyway--I love their store!)

I picked up some fabric for an upcoming blog hop and when I
was finished paying for that really cool fabric they gave me
this cute little party favor. Do you see the little owl?
How perfect would that be to use in the
It's For The Birds blog hop in May! Too cute!
Pssst....they gave me something else, too, but I can't
show you until tomorrow. Come back for my pom pom day
and see what it is. I loved it and I think you will, too! might have something to do with a giveaway.


  1. Sa-weet gift! Nice to read that you're mobile :) I'll be back to see your pom-poms, okay, you know what I mean!

  2. Hi!!! So glad you had a fun day out!!! Fun goodies!!! See you tomorrow!!!

  3. It's always nice to get a goodie bag! Enjoy your new treasures!

  4. Glad to here your out and about! Can't wait to see just what you have in store for the Pom Pom hop!

  5. You must be feeling a bit better....I sure hope "sew"!


Comments are always appreciated!

Something Wicked Begins

 I love Halloween (in case you didn't already know that)! You know what else I love? Seeing what my friends created for this blog hop. I...