Sunday, July 1, 2012

Just A Little Chaos, But There Was Fun Too

I've been pretty busy the last few days with the Bowls With Borders Blog Hop, but I did take some time out to run pick-up a couple quilts that were finished (thanks Quilted Works!) Once things quiet down, I'll be adding some binding and then deciding who's going to get them. There's a new grandbaby on the way, so guess which one will go to him/her?

The minky is so soft and I love the swirly quilting!
The back
I love this face!
This one was fun to put together--kind of mish-mashy
Love the fabric on the back! 


  1. Oh, I love The Cat in the Hat quilt!!!!

  2. These are even more awesome in person!!!!

  3. Cute quilts and I love the black/white stripe in the border....perfect!

  4. And my oh my i must ask why,,,or how and who look what you can do,,,Tell me carol you are super woman right? Lol
    Love your projects..yes i do

  5. Oh have some wonderful projects here! Just think if you had more time...giggle! Enjoy the rest of the weekend!

  6. I love that Cat and the Hat quilt! The fabric is so cute! The second one is really cool, too! Maybe you can show me how you did that design? :)


Comments are always appreciated!

T-Shirt Quilts For Christmas

 It was a busy three months sewing t-shirt/memory shirt quilts, but I made the Christmas deadlines and got them all done...whew! I made six ...