Wednesday, July 4, 2012

I Have Bowls In My Head

It's all Madame Samm's fault, you know. I was never that interested in paper piecing--too hard, too much work, too confusing, too just about everything. And then I saw those dang bowls on her blog. What's that you say? A blog hop making those cute little bowls? Why, YES, of course I want in. Oh, yeah, I was in. I love them and I love sewing them! Regina Grewe shared her pattern for those who joined in the hop (thank you, thank you) and now all I think about are bowls (mixed in with Christmas hopping ideas, too.)

The bowls are starting to stack up and the
good thing is....I don't have to wash them! LOL!
Just a little peek

Happy 4th of July America!


  1. They are great. I am thinking gumbo bowls that I don't have to clean. I'm in too!

  2. I am already loving your sneak peak...purple you say lol now tjis i am looking forward to more than you know lol

  3. Looking forward to seeing more during the Bowl Hop!
    The bowls are sew darn cute I had to join too!

  4. I didn't do this hop and I'll probably be sorry but I will come visit you all ;)


Comments are always appreciated!

Something Smells Fishy Day Four

     It's the last day to sail the seas for "Something Smells Fishy"! The challenge was:  Fish or creatures from the ocean in ...