Tuesday, July 18, 2023

Picnic Party Day Two

We're rolling along with the Picnic Party blog hop and I'm loving all the creative ideas popping up. Quilts that glow in the dark, patriotic quilts, table toppers, placemats, and one huge picnic basket have happened so far! 

We've got an amazing group of ladies participating in this hop and you will be so inspired by what they created. Please take the time to visit and leave a comment...we all appreciate them!

July 17

Just Let Me Quilt

July 18

July 19
July 20

There's a Picnic Party Pinterest page HERE.

There are a few more blog hops happening this year...let us know if you want to play along!

Hosted by Joan - Email Joan to play along

"Call Me Crazy"

Sew something that you wouldn't normally sew or share something you can't believe you sewed.
We all know that crazy and scary feeling of wondering what we were thinking when 
we started or were in the middle of sewing something out of our comfort zone.


Hosted by Carol

"It's A Dog's Life"

Sew your project with dog themed fabric or applique/embroidery of dogs.
As an added challenge if dogs don't ring your bell, think vintage.
Vintage blocks, quilts, fabrics, or whatever old designs makes you happy.


Hosted by Joan - Email Joan to play along

"Monster Mash"

What else would Joan be hosting in October, but Halloween madness.
She drew the long straw and gets to host this one. Lucky her!
Sew and share something scary, not scary, or something in between.
If it's Halloween related, you know we'll both love it!


Hosted by Joan - Email Joan to play along

"Turkey Trot"

Being that this one is in November, think turkeys, thankfulness, or Thanksgiving fabric.
November also means the beautiful colors of fall, so sew something with oranges,
golds, browns, greens, or cranberry reds.


Hosted by Carol

Virtual Christmas Cookie Exchange

Challenge: (recipes are optional)
You can share a recipe or not.
Share Christmas quilts or projects.
Tell us about your Christmas traditions.
Show off your Christmas decorations/tree.
Spill your funny Christmas stories.
If it's about Christmas, we want to hear about it!

That's it for 2023 blog hops!

I haven't done a giveaway in a while, so we're having one this week! 
One person will win a $25 gift certificate to shop at Quilt Taffy's online shop.

Quilt Taffy is just the cutest online shop and the shop owner, Corrie, is one of my favorite people. We took a craft class together in 2017 at Queen Bee Market when it was in Las Vegas. It was so much fun, but Corrie is definitely more crafty than me!

There are always rules:

You must be 18 or over to enter.
Leave a comment for 1 entry.
Follow/Subscribe to my blog for 2 entries.
(By following me, you get the notices in your email about new blog hops, etc.)

Visit my Facebook page for 3 entries.
Giveaway ends on 7/24/2003

1 comment:

  1. My favorite picnic food has to be deviled eggs (I think they'd disappear fast enough to not worry much about refrigeration. :)


Comments are always appreciated!

Something Wicked Begins

 I love Halloween (in case you didn't already know that)! You know what else I love? Seeing what my friends created for this blog hop. I...