Sunday, July 24, 2022

Watch Out For "UFOs" This Week!

Joan at Moosestash Quilting knows we all have a few/lot of UFO's in our closet, so she had the brilliant idea to create a blog hop to get us motivated to finish them. Way to go, Joan! It's the first day (and my day) for the "UFO Blog Hop"!

Entering my closet in search of UFOs was just the beginning. I was shocked to actually count the many unfinished projects I had hanging up. 

There were more in my sewing room and in containers! I couldn't even face the kits that were screaming at me to work on them. Way too many! The only way I was going to meet this challenge was to focus on the easiest ones to finish first.

This one was totally quilted and only need binding. It's embarrassing to admit that I made this in January 2016 when I took a class during a retreat from the amazing Deonn from Quiltscapes. To think it only needed binding to be finished is crazy!


I was part of a BOM design team in 2016 for the "In Our Garden" quilt. I finished it on time, had it quilted in February 2017, and then set it aside to add binding. That never happened! Luckily, I still had some matching fabric in my stash so I could finish it. Nowadays I make the binding before quilting, but in the olden days I didn't. 


In June of 2016 I went on a retreat to Utah with some friends. I finished a quilt top along with a lot of laughing, eating, and sleeping. It was so fun! I had it quilted and then, again, set it aside for binding that never happened. I don't hate binding a quilt, really I don't, but for some reason all these pretties didn't get binding.


My quilting friends got together in April of this year to sew a jelly roll quilt. I finished the top, but other things got in the way of quilting it. I had the binding ready for this one, so I quilted it and put the binding on. I love having all these quilts finished!


I still have lots of UFOs to work on, but this is still a good feeling! Check out all the other blogs this week to see what was pulled out of hidden corners, closets, and boxes for finishes.


  1. I love your jelly roll quilts well done on getting your projects finished you did better than me

  2. Cheers all way round Carol. I can hear the clapping way over here, mine included. amazing finishes, and your cupboards will have room for new projects. Yeah!

  3. I am sorry, Carol, but I had to laugh when I saw your closet! It certainly resembles mine. All the quilts you finished are fabulous. I am glad to see you motivated yourself to finish. How can we get so close without finishing? Who knows? It does seem to be a quilters' problem for most of us. I really love all of your finishes but I think the zigzag is most impressive to me. Congratulations.

  4. Way to go! It's such a good feeling to finish up a quilt--I'm not sure why most of us leave so many undone...Yours are beautiful (P.S. I have that Quiltmaker magazine somewhere and remember that cute sheep on the cover!).

  5. Four quilts now with a giant green check and done on them! Is this to say that maybe a UFO challenge needs to happen more often? It’s one challenge I will never be able to participate in. No UFOs here. That would make me crazy. Your quilts are all terrific! Wonderfully Spring and Summer looking. So, finished just in time! If your post doesn’t get people motivated to finish their UFOs, nothing will! Ha!

  6. So many fabulous UFOs finished! Congrats!

  7. This hop was really good for you, congrats on all the finishes! I always feel good when one UFO gets finished, I can just imagine your happiness to have all of these finished!

  8. I am so glad to see I'm not the only one with UFOs that when you finally sit to finish them you're questioning why they waited. I know I have a few waiting for binding.

  9. Beautiful finishes! I like your closet idea. Keeping mine stored in totes, really keeps them out of sight and out of mind! LOL!! I remember seeing that magazine with the sweet little lamb quilt on it. Little Ms Dottie would love your beautiful version I'm sure! Congrats on all your fabulous finishes! I'm afraid to even begin to look in my totes of not started projects. Ugggh....

  10. Wow so many great finishes! I LOVE that zigzag quilt the best!

  11. Congratulations on finishing all those UFO's. I don't have any UFO's that just need binding. Most of them are almost done pieced or appliqued, or need quilting and binding.

  12. These are beautiful! I know it's great to have them finished. Love the cute sheep quilt!

  13. Nice job finishing up so many UFOs. I did that a couple years ago and it felt really good.

  14. Hi Carol! Wowee! What a great start to the UFO blog hop with so many finishes. I was surprised at how many I had hanging around. Too many to count or I really didn't want to know the number. Great job. {{Hugs}} ~smile~ Roseanne

  15. How great that you got binding on some beautiful quilts! For a Done, done DONE feeling! Congratulations! - quilting gail

  16. Yay, YOU! Congrats on all those finishes.

  17. So many beautiful quilts all finished. They all look fabulous.

  18. I used to procrastinate putting binding on too. That was before I discovered a successful way to machine bind. I don't get the same therapy some get when they hand bind. I love the hexagon sheep quilt!

  19. Wonderful binding finishes. Four of them, YEAH for you. I especially love the cute hexie sheep, so adorable. But the others are amazing as well. Hope you can keep on quilting, although it is fun to be inspired by new projects, too. Thanks for your comment on my blog.

  20. awesome finishes! I remember that sheep quilt by Deonn, SEW cute!

  21. What a great collection of "Finishes". This hop was just what we needed to kick into gear on finishing up a few of the many.

  22. I LOVE your zig zag quilt with the shaded background fabric, such a clever idea!

  23. Wow! So many finishes, Carol. Pat yourself on the back or maybe ask the hubster to do it for you. Excellent!

  24. So many bright happy finishes! Well done!

  25. Well done on your lovely finishes - how satisfying to finally get these quilts bound! Good idea to start with the easiest UFOs first- just like that there are four completed quilts :-)


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