Tuesday, March 29, 2022

Thank Goodness For Color, Chocolate, And Boys

I watched a movie last night where the leading character only wanted to take black and white photos. Though I love the look of b&w photos, I can't imagine the quilting world embracing this idea. Thank goodness for color!

Just not the same without color

Much better!

One thing I'll really miss when the Monkey's family moves away, is Sunday dinners. We had tamale pie and a chocolate cake last Sunday. This may not look very good, but it was delicious! The frosting goes on while the cake is hot and melts down into the all the corners. 

The Monkey's family took pics this week and then we went for shaved ice. Yes, dessert is the focus of most of our get togethers!

If it is there, they will climb it.

Peace Baby!
Hanging out in my front yard with my favorite four year old.

If you haven't checked out the videos/shopping with the Sew Yeah brothers, you need to.
Sign-up for their alerts and join in the fun. I must warn you, though, it can be addictive.
They are regularly on YouTube Tuesday and Saturday at 5 p.m. PST.

Even when I'm not in a buying mood, it's fun to watch the guys and see the fabrics they show.
Their website is HERE. They also have Facebook sales. Register HERE.

This was my latest purchase from one of their flash sales. How fun is that SPAM fabric!

I'll be sewing this pattern with my quilty friends soon.
One Way from Purple Pineapple Studios.

Of course, besides shopping and hanging out with the boys, I'm sewing.
Benartex Warp and Welp gingham is really nice fabric.

Don't forget to sign-up for the June blog hop...you know you want to.

Here Comes The Sun Blog Hop
June 20 - 24

What is the challenge for "Here Comes The Sun"?

Sew something that has a summer theme like:
sunglasses, beach items, sunny skies, and/or yellow colors.
It can be a quilt, a bag, a toy, or whatever you want it to be.

What is a blog hop?

It's like a "show and tell" online.
Our blog hops feature sewing and quilting and are like joining a quilt guild without leaving home.  Once the theme (challenge) is presented we set to work sewing.
We inspire each other with projects, tutorials, or patterns.
Anyone can follow along.
You have about two or three months to sew something and join in on the fun. 

The Simple Rules:  

Post on your assigned day at 12:00 am Eastern time.
Have a giveaway or don't have a giveaway. It's totally optional!
Visit everyone's blog on the list and leave a sweet comment. Make friends!!!!

Are you in?

Send me an email with the following information:
Your first name
Your email address
Your blog name
Your blog URL

Thanks for stopping by for a visit...I love it when you do!


  1. You’re right, Carol, it’s got to be color for quilts. Color brings them to life. Chocolate cake is awesome no matter how it looks, you just can’t go wrong. Your family is always fun to see. They always look so happy. Your upcoming projects all look like fun. The spam cracks me up. Can’t wait to see how you work with that fabric.

  2. Interesting premise black and white light and shadow, but color makes adds the depth. Great pic of the kiddos climbing and the whole family. Looks like you had some fun fabric and kit acquisitions.

  3. Yes, I agree, Color photography looks so much better in most cases. Great photos of the family, and the cake looks like it was really tasty. Your quilts are beautiful, as always.

  4. I'm with you on the color thing, especially in quilting. Can you imagine what it's like for color blind people? Love seeing the monkey family all together. Sunday dinners are not going to be the same without them there. Hey...do I spy the Autumn Acres kit in your photo of goodies...the one you stopped me from buying??? HAHAHAHAHA

  5. Love seeing the Monkey family! Yes, you will most certainly miss them. Color for quilts is where it's at, although I do love a black & white quilt on occasion. I just bought 3 patterns from Purple Pineapple Studio, including the One Way pattern (it's all your fault, you know) and subscribed to Sew Yeah's emails. Maybe I'll catch one of their YouTubes. I know I won't be good about that...

  6. P.S. Still trying to decide about the Sun hop. That's county fair time when I am married to the thing, so may have to pass on the hop...

  7. Love the difference between the color and b& w photos..... Color is what we are all about, so it would be hard to do B&W! Now, the monkey boys and girl are moving??? Did you move there to be near them? Life is full of changes and surprises and you were fortunate to spend the time you got near them.

  8. I do love B&W photography if the photograph captures the right light and shadows. I took photography in college for one semester and developed my own photos in the darkroom and that was so fun. Taking B&W photos makes you think more about the contrast, light, shadows and texture that you are trying to capture. Color is wonderful too as I love bright colors, but I still love B&W. Think Ansel Adams gorgeous B&W scenes. B&W makes you use your imagination more and has a misty, mysterious quality about it. Think about Halloween scenes in B&W, they feel more haunting than they would in color. Like some of those old movies in B&W.

  9. Color is so much better. I often wish some of the really old photos were in color. You WILL miss that family. I think you will need to get a frequent flyer card to visit them. I love seeing how tiny that little girl looks in the arms of her big brother.


Comments are always appreciated!

Something Smells Fishy Day Four

     It's the last day to sail the seas for "Something Smells Fishy"! The challenge was:  Fish or creatures from the ocean in ...