Tuesday, February 9, 2021

This, That, And All That Other Stuff Going On

I can't believe that January is over with already. Didn't we just barely celebrate Christmas! Every day runs into the next with this Covid thing...stay home, wear a mask, eat and eat some more, etc. In between I do some sewing and hanging out with the Monkey Boys and occasionally the rest of the family. 

I ripped out a few seams on a very old project during the Super Bowl. Hopefully I can get rid of some UFO's.

I got this the other day. My friend, Nancy, is getting a fancier one so she offered this at a price I couldn't refuse. Having a long arm always sounded fun, but I never had room for one or the money. The grandkids lost their toy room, but they usually play in the family room anyway.

This was my after Christmas gift to myself. It's an electric bike. There's just a bit of a problem, though. I'm terrified riding it and I'm afraid I'll fall off. It's not true that once you learn to ride a bike you never forget. Actually, I can ride it, but when it comes to stopping it I scream like a baby for my hubby to catch me. LOL...I'm getting better at it. A little bit.

My quilting friends get together once a month or so at the "resort." It has plenty of room to practice social distancing, a view to drool over, our own rooms if we want to spend the night, and of course, there's Lily.

The view during a rainstorm

To help with social distancing and germs, Nancy made us each our own towel. Look at those Halloween colors...she knows me well!

I took this sweet new mini Oliso iron that I won...it's so awesome! There's some stripes there in a project for the "Stripes" blog hop coming up soon.

Lily is the best dog (don't tell my dogs that) for our quilt group. She smiles (really, she does) when we come visit and she's a talker. She's sitting on my lap in this pic while I'm watching TV. I love that dog!

This Monkey Baby spends time at my house as often as I can get him. His brothers are being home schooled during the pandemic, so I'm lucky to hang out with him. He's three but tries to do everything the bigger brothers do. 

A sister-in-law acquired some machine embroidery thread and wondered if I wanted it. Heck yeah! This was quite a nice thread box!

Designing projects for Crafter's Edge is something I do and it is really fun. They are looking for people to be part of the team. Check it out and apply if you're as creative as I know you are! The deadline to apply has been extended so head on over and apply HERE.

My wickedly crazy friend Joan from Moosestash Quilting and I have been busy getting ready for a block of the month on our Facebook Cackling Stitches page. It will be called "Hagatha's House" and will be full of fun applique designs. Details will be released mid February and it will begin March 1st.

I guess that's enough chitter-chatter from me. Have a fabulous day!


  1. OMG...You crack me up with your bike! What a visual I have of you screaming to a stop. Whoa, look at that comfy seat on that bike. It would be nice to have an electric bike for my hilly area, but I’m trying to stick to the old fashioned pedal power bike as long as I can. But I’m definitely beginning to feel it. Ha! The peek at your stripes project looks whimsical and fun. Can’t wait to see it.

  2. Have you ever ridden a motorcycle? I have. In nursing school I was poor and could not afford a car, I had a Honda. It was ridiculous.
    Anyway, This bike looks fun, I would probably find it boring. Can you go really fast? Are the brakes good? I would love to try it. Can I come over.
    Lucky you to have a new toy to play with, the long arm. Well, do have fun with it. My brains are melting and I am not sure if I could avoid all of the massive failures.
    Aren't 3 year olders just so fun. I adore babies so much. I have FIVE now and they make me so happy. I have not seen either of my babies in a while, they all live close by, but I have either been busy with daddy, or exhausted. We do face time allllll the time and kiss the screen and dance. That is almost as good
    Keep having fun. Lily sounds adorable. I love animabibbles so so much.
    Your SIL came upon a gold mine with that thread!

  3. What a wonderful catch up! So much good happening at your house. I love the family picture. LOL

  4. Your Monkey Boys are adorable, Carol!! What an awesome gift from your SIL!! And that bike looks fun. I used to ride motorcycles back when I was young and foolish...now I'm just foolish but I'd try that! LOL Thanks for the heads up on the design team info. I applied. We'll see how it goes!

  5. Love that embroidered towel! And choices for you :)

  6. Lovely post good luck with mastering that bike.

  7. WOW! An electric bike and a longarm....both should keep you busy. I like the idea of an electric bike but would be a little afraid at first. I find I have a harder time than I would like getting up and down hills. You did snag a few goodies to show off here!

  8. Do they have training wheels for bikes like that???? lol You are really going to enjoy the new longarm. It's always nice to hang out with family. The monkey boys are growing too quickly.

  9. Oh my gosh!!! What a great catcher upper post, I loved reading every bit of this post. It doesn't surprise me that you'd be doing some sort of sewing during the Super Bowl, I know how dedicated and good you are to your craft.

    I certainly envy that great looking longarm. I hope it brings you many years of joy and happiness. It's amazing how things change, 6 years ago, I can remember thinking, I don't need one, don't want one, and now I'd absolutely love to have one but alas, I can't afford it now, should have done it when I had the money.

    Now, how exciting about the bike. That looks like so much fun and I would love something like that. I bet you'll get used to stopping on it in no time at all.

    What a beautiful resort, love that pool tho.

    You're making me want an Oliso more and more :p Congrats on the win!!

    That Lily is gorgeous, and she looks like a really sweet dog.

    The monkey baby is looking great, but he loves riding along with grandma on his bike too.

    Are those Madeira threads? Great brand for threads for machine embroidery and a nice selection when you want to use the variegated and metallics. She made a great haul on that thread and how lucky you were to get your hands on it. :)

    Like I said, I loved this post. Thanks for catching me up. I am feeling very behind these days.

  10. I am so jealous of your longarm!! I do not have room for one but I sure wish I did! I do have a sit-down longarm, but that means I still wrestle the quilt while quilting. Much better than just using my domestic machine, however. The bike looks fun--hope you learn to tame it!! Always love seeing pics of the Monkey Boys! I'm thinking about applying for the Crafter's Edge design team. Need a day or 2 to decide if I want to take that on IF they accept me.

  11. Wow!! Congrats on that new-to-you longarm, Carol. You are going to LOVE it!!


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