Friday, December 7, 2018

The Best Ooey Gooey Homemade Brownie Recipe

I was asked a couple days ago to make brownies for a funeral. No problem!
Package brownies are usually my favorite because I had never found a homemade
recipe I liked. Unfortunately, I failed to buy a box of brownie mix...whoops...
and there wasn't time to go to the store. Thank goodness for the internet!

Do you know there are A LOT of "Best Brownies" recipes?
I found several that sounded so-so, but some were way too much work.
Then I saw one that said, "Katherine Hepburn's Brownies."
I liked Katherine Hepburn and the recipe looked easy.
The problem I found was that several people claimed their recipe was
Katherine Hepburn's, but some of the ingredients were not the same.

Since I have no idea what the original recipe actually was, I used one of them that looked pretty 
easy and made it with a couple changes. You can Google "Katherine Hepburn's Brownies" 
to see some of the versions. They are all pretty close to the same so you can't go wrong.
They are ooey and gooey, and be prepared because they have lots of butter and sugar.
There also isn't very much flour in them.
I doubled the recipe and added frosting, and chocolate chips instead of nuts. 
Be prepared for a sugar high...they are rich, but delicious!

There's no pictures because all that was left were the brownies on the outside edges 
of the pan. The center ones went to the funeral...I hope they liked them.
I definitely did!


  1. I'll have to give them a try. I made brownies yesterday for a trifle that I need to make today. Wish I would have read this before I made MY so-so brownies! P.S. Katherine Hepburn was fabulous.

  2. Oooh these sound yummy...thanks so much hugs, Julierose

  3. Hi Carol! I thought we were through with the virtual recipes. HAHA! These sound delicious and the outside edges of the pan are the best part to me! YUM - I love it when I get the crunchy parts. Wow, that really isn't much flour! Happy Happy Saturday to you. ~smile~ Roseanne

  4. The outsides of brownies are the best parts! In fact, this pan has been on my wish list at Amazon forever. Sadly, I think anyone in the family who views it don't really think that I *need* that pan given the fact I am the only one who likes the chewier edges. LOL

    Also, I just looked all over your blog for an email address, or some way to reach you and can't find anything. If you email me, I can give you what you wanted.


Comments are always appreciated!

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