Tuesday, November 8, 2011

The Block Party

I'm no social butterfly, but I'm having a good time partying over at Madame Samm's Block Party. She's having guest quilters show off their quilt blocks and techniques, so it's giving me a chance to learn new stuff. I'm no pro at quilting, but I'm having fun with it and love to sew.

Madame Samm posted a block on her sewing blog "Sew I Quilt" and I (so stupidly) commented, Oooooo...my kind of block! It's easy to make, but looks like you really worked at it. :O)"  She kindly responded to my comment and said, "it is a bit tricky to get those seams straights."

Well.......she was right. I had to unpick a few seams to get them lined up as perfectly as I was going to get them, which wasn't all that perfect but not bad. I apologized to Madame Samm through an email for being so flippant about the ease of that block and she made me laugh when she replied, "told you sew."


  1. well my sweet...kudos to you ..yours looks absolutely perfect next to mine..way to go...and choice of fabrics..pretty good too ...I LIKE!

  2. Your block is beautiful! I think I have those prints in my stash. Hmmm, I wonder what a whole quilt would look like...

  3. I looked at the photo first and thought how pretty the fabric combination is then how nicely you lined up all thoses seams and points....hahaha then went back to read. You did great, it does look awesome!


Comments are always appreciated!

T-Shirt Quilts For Christmas

 It was a busy three months sewing t-shirt/memory shirt quilts, but I made the Christmas deadlines and got them all done...whew! I made six ...