Sunday, September 17, 2023

It's A Dogs Life Begins Today

I love a good challenge, including the ones I dish out, but this one threw me for a bit because I kept changing my mind. I'm sure that NEVER happens to anyone else! Luckily, I focused long enough to create my own "It's A Dogs Life" project to kick off this blog hop.

The Challenge:

Sew your project with dog themed fabric or applique/embroidery of dogs.
As an added challenge, if dogs don't ring your bell, think vintage.
Vintage blocks, quilts, fabrics, or whatever old designs makes you happy.

My Project:

It's A Show Dogs Life

I combined a dog theme with vintage, creating my quilt from a 1936-1943 poster. Thanks to EQ8, I was able to enlarge it and create my own pattern. 

I used this challenge to play around with  my free motion quilting. I'm still a work in progress, but I'm getting a little more confident. Some of you have such a gift for quilting and I love seeing your work!

My Charlie loves to supervise all my sewing projects.

Check out the bloggers who have answered this month's challenge:



  1. You absolutely amaze me with your ability to see the big picture in applique. This is just the cutest!

  2. What a fun quilt - love the design! Great idea to combine the two themes. Practice quilting is always a good thing!

  3. It looks wonderful! Way to combine 2 elements of the hop together. Thanks for sharing and hosting this hop!

  4. Adorable quilt. I love that you used the vintage dog poster to make your own pattern.

  5. Oh my, definitely a winner and show stopper.

  6. Love your "poster" quilt! Your helper is pretty cute too. :)

  7. Adorable wall hanging! I love the art deco era with its clean lines and bold colors. Charlie looks like a good supervisor.

  8. I love the wall hanging and Charlie is a darling.

  9. Oh Charlie! What a handsome guy. 😊. Your dog show quilt is really cute too!

  10. Just love your project Carol! And Charlie is so gorgeous :) Thanks for hosting this for us! xx


Comments are always appreciated!

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