Thursday, August 24, 2023

It's Okay To Call Me Crazy Blog Hop

When Joan at Moosestash Quilting told me her idea for a blog hop, I told her it was perfect for me because I'm already crazy. (It's also perfect for Joan, but don't tell her I said that.) 

Actually, this blog hop isn't about my mental state (or Joan's, or yours, or anybody else for that matter), it's about the challenge Joan came up with for this blog hop.


Have you ever started something that you found yourself asking, 
 am I "Crazy" or what?

Do you have a project or technique, that you are "Crazy" in love with?

Got a "Crazy" story about a project to share?

Over the years I've tried some new sewing techniques that definitely had me saying, "Am I crazy or what?" My plan for this blog hop challenge was to share a technique I'm crazy in love with. If you follow my blog at all, you know that applique is my favorite thing to do. 

All would have been well and good if I had stuck to just a simple applique project. But, no, as I said, I'm crazy and had to pick a pieced pattern that I thought would be fun to add applique to. It drove me crazy!

This is called "Fourteen Squared" by Hunter's Design Studio
You can find it HERE.

This is my version with appliqued stars.

So why did it drive me crazy?

I don't follow pattern directions very well (ask Carla at Creatin' in the Sticks...she KNOWS!)
They have to be easy to read and understand, like for a five year old.
The directions were really good for this, so it was just me.

I went crazy trying to keep same fabrics apart. You know how it is.
Move one and suddenly you have to move five more.

I got confused by the block directions because they were all so different.

The pattern is actually quite nice, but I struggled with all those pieces. 
For those of you who love quilts with a gazillion pieces, more power to you. 
As for me, fewer pieces are better.

I love that fabric, though! I went shopping at Sew Yeah with Carla when she was in town and bought a fat quarter bundle of this unusually colored designs of patriotic fabrics. It is "Stars and Stripes" by Paintbrush Studios.

I'm crazy about any quilt when it's on my machine and ready to quilt.

I am crazy about those appliqued stars in that fabric.

Be sure to check out all the other crazy people/projects happening this week!


  1. Keeping two fabrics alike apart is always a struggle for me. I also prefer fewer quilt pieces. Your quilt is really pretty. Those fabrics are so cute, 'never seen them before.

  2. Your quilt definitely looks/sounds challenging, but you did a crazy-great job with it!

  3. Hoo boy! I can see how keeping colors/patterns away from each other would be a challenge. I thought you were crazy enough to piece those appliqued stars too, but I guess that's the fabric design (what a relief!). :) Very neat quilt!

  4. What a fun pattern, and I love those fabrics, but I can see why it drove you crazy. That is a lot of colors to move from around. LOL!! Being crazy pays off some days! This quilt will always remind you of that. Tee hee hee

  5. I, too, have definitely thought that quilts who have too many pieces are enough to drive me crazy. That quilt doesn't look all that difficult so I'm sure I'd do the same things. Love those stars you added. Have a crazy weekend.

  6. I have a hard time following quilt instructions too. But your quilt is an explosion of color. Love the stars.

  7. Beautiful quilt! I have a hard time sometimes with instructions and have to read them over and over. I am much better with applique any day than pieced! You did crazy good!

  8. I believe there is a magic number for keeping fabrics odd number for sure and more than the pattern calls for! I love this and the colors are so much fun! I can follow instructions, but don't like to.

  9. Crazy fun! Your quilt is awesome.

  10. You did a crazy job with this quilt. But the result is so beautiful in the end. I love all those different and bright colors.

  11. That does look like a challenge keeping those fabrics apart. It turned out beautifully and the appliqué stars are such a nice touch.

  12. I love, love, love this quilt! It may have driven you crazy, but it's not a crazy pattern or project - it's beautiful! Thanks for sharing what you did. I may be trying it out myself sometime.

  13. Well, I am crazy about that quilt! It's amazing! But I know I would have had the same crazy happening with the fabrics, but you did a great job! xx

  14. Beautiful quilt! I love all your applique. The fabrics are amazing.

  15. And I go crazy with large pieces! But is beautiful and good for you in shaking off the crazies and getting done.

  16. Isn't that what is fun about this quilting thing - there is a technique for all of us! I love how you changed up this pattern - even if it did drive you a little crazy in the process!

  17. I don't blame you for being crazy about this quilt! It's fantastic!!


Comments are always appreciated!

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