Wednesday, April 13, 2022

Happenings In My World

It was a great weekend in St. George, Utah, with two of my friends, Susan and Vickie, which involved quilt stores, cookies, laughter, and a quilt show. Loved it all! I wish I'd taken some photos of us.

Deonn from Quiltscapes was teaching a class at the quilt show and thankfully we managed a quick meet with a hug and chat in a quilt store before she headed out of town. I love that talented and sweet!

This quilt on display reminded me of my wicked cohorts, Joan and Carla, who 
share the fun with me on Cackling Stitches. So much detail in the!

There were so many gorgeous quilts to look at, but the Halloween ones caught 
my attention just a little bit more. This guy was fun!

I made a few purchases while I was there, including a collage pattern.
I loved the quilting on the sample, simple but it was perfect for it.

This quilt had some cool binding on it that was for sale. They have plain binding,
but also some with crocheted binding. It's great for burp clothes!
They have an Etsy store called Vintage Door with lots of pretty binding.

Creepy Bunny agreed to model for this seam ripper I bought. He's so nice!
Summit Wood Products, has the most gorgeous seam rippers, stilettos, and crochet tools
I've ever seen. The tips on the seam rippers are replaceable when they get dull. 

Is there anything sweeter than holding a sleeping baby...nope!

The princess is getting so big!

I hope you have some beautiful happenings in your world this week!


  1. What a fun weekend, but really what could top it off any better than seeing little MS Dottie!

  2. It sounds like a great weekend. The Halloween quilts are great. Yes, a lot of terrific detail in the one and Frankie is super cute. I love your new seam ripper. I’ve been watching for one I like at shows as well. Have not bought yet though. Sweet, sweet Dottie

  3. Sounds like a great time, but I have to agree...there is nothing sweeter than holding a sleeping baby! She is growing so quickly!

  4. Hi Carol! Oh, holding a sleeping baby is just THE best. And it's only such a short time that they allow it before they are busy, busy, busy. Enjoy every moment!! She'll have those Monkey Boys whipped into shape in no time at all. They'll be falling over each other to take care of her and make her happy, don't you think?!! {{Hugs}} a bunch! ~smile~ Roseanne

  5. That quilt is so YOU! The detail is amazing. That binding is interesting too. Why do the little ones have to grow up so quickly? A baby cuddled against you is the most heavenly feeling.

  6. Such a sweet baby! Love holding them when they're sleeping! Wow, that appliqued Halloween quilt was amazing! I enjoyed seeing your other quilt pics too. I would like to get to a big quilt show sometime again soon. Paducah isn't horribly far from me but won't work this year... The quilts at these shows are always awesome.

  7. Sounds like a super fun weekend. I'm so jealous... and what fun ideas and gadgets. Love those sweet baby pictures.


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Something Wicked Begins

 I love Halloween (in case you didn't already know that)! You know what else I love? Seeing what my friends created for this blog hop. I...