Thursday, January 13, 2022

Cackling Stitches Creepy Critters BOM

Cackling Stitches is doing it again...another block of the month! This one is called "Creepy Critters" and will officially start on February 1st. We just released info about it on our Cackling Stitches Facebook page, so if you want to join in check it out HERE.

This is my version of "Creepy Critters" 

Joan from Moosestash Quilting and Carla from Creatin' in the Sticks are my wickedly creative friends who helped create this quilt for the BOM. Check out our Facebook page to see their quilts.


  1. That's just too cute, er um I mean spooky. :)

  2. That is really cute. Great colors too.

  3. I’m so excited to start this one. Last years was so fun to make! Can’t wait til the 1st! Thank you to all of you and your creative minds! You make the quilts fun to make!


Comments are always appreciated!

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