Monday, October 4, 2021

Monkey Boy #2 Learns To Sew

You'd think I'd be better at teaching my grandchildren to sew, but I'm not. Each of them have sewn their own tooth fairy pillow, but that was while they sat on my lap and sewed. This is Monkey Boy #2 in 2010 making his tooth fairy pillow. 

He is very focused!

And very happy with his accomplishment!

This same cute boy needed a service project so I helped him decide to make a donation quilt. He jumped at the chance to sew. This is the first time he's sewn by himself and with a few instructions and a 1/4" foot, he was off and sewing. His stitches were almost perfect!

Here is Monkey Boy #2 eleven years later and just as focused as he was at four years old.

He had no problem setting those seams.

A couple rows done and he's a happy guy with a proud grandma!
He only has a few more rows to sew on the quilt and it will be ready for quilting.
He was amazing and learned very fast! 

Sunday dinner with the family involved all the Monkey Boys surrounding their
Aunt Andrea. Where's the Monkey Girl going to sit when she arrives?

My son-in-law just started a career in the service and this was his first Facetime call home. So many happy faces! 

Life is definitely crazy around here, but I think that's how it's going to be for a while...and I love it!


  1. Congrats to Monkey Boy #2 and Grandma on his first quilt-making! That's a great service project. Loved the pictures! (I bet that little girl would sit right on top of the pile of boys! Hee, hee!)

  2. How special!! I love it when my granddaughter wants to sew. The boys - not so much, but hopefully one day they will want to learn! Oh my, I think that sweet Monkey Girl will be able to sit ANYWHERE and on anyone's lap she wants! LOL Please give your son-in-law my heartfelt thanks for his service to our country! That is awesome.

  3. I can hardly wait for those days here. What a great looking gang of guys! There is a little girl who is going to have a LOT of big brothers looking out for her through life, lucky girl!

  4. What a great idea that donation quilt is, and a fine job in the making, too. A very attractive bunch of monkeys.

  5. that is just wonderful that he took right to sewing and made the tooth fairy pillow and a small that is just wonderful...looks like all of the family is dealing with him being gone the pictures and the love of all of your family...thank you for posting such a great part of your life ...

  6. He is off to a great start with that quilt. I look forward to seeing the finish.

  7. It's too bad they don't like their aunt Andrea. LOL I think you all will have to fight those boys to hold the monkey girl. Great service project and he did an awesome job.

  8. Well done Monkey boy #2 and Grandma! His progress so far looks wonderful. Such happy smiling photos! Lovely to see.

  9. I love seeing your grandson's pictures! They are so grown up now! Watching them sew or stuff a pillow, I LOVE it! Life is so good!


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