Sunday, August 8, 2021

Updated Bellagosa's Favorite Hats For A Class

Lucky me! I get to teach again at Sew Yeah Quilting on August 20th. I had so much fun at the last class with the Christmas project and was ready to do it again. This time it will be a Halloween project, an updated version of Bellagosa's Favorite Hats. You know I love Halloween!

Bellagosa's Favorite Hats

The fabrics are by Art Gallery Fabrics (AGF), their Spooky n’ Sweeter line. People can use their own fabrics, but these were definitely fun to sew with!

This is the original Bellagosa's Favorite Hats...I love the traditional Halloween colors in it, too.

It probably won't be the same crazy-fun class it was with Joan there, but I'm sure the ladies in the class will still be amazing like the last group.


  1. Even though a person thinks 'weird' and 'spooky' when thinking about Halloween. These hats are the best! What a brilliant way to set off a witch's ensemble with one of Bellagosa's Favorites!

  2. Love those hats--in both wall hangings! I know you'll have fun with the class!

  3. Those fabrics are great for the hats! And the hats are such fun too. Have a great class.

  4. I love these hats! Great fabrics. This will be another fun class!

  5. I love this one...but then I love all the ones you do. I sure wish I could be there this month too. I wish we lived closer together.

  6. Such fun and cute hats, I like the bright orange in the newest version! Have fun!

  7. So cute! Love the color combo!

  8. Your hats are adorable!! They look so fun. Hugs,

  9. I love them. They are just my style of ghoulish! LOL


Comments are always appreciated!

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