Friday, January 15, 2021

Where's The Snow Table Runner

There is no snow happening where I live, but with the help of ThermOWeb's HeatnBond Lite iron-on adhesive and Crafter's Edge Dog Eared Triangles and Snowflake, I have SNOW! 

Well, sort of snow. A 16" x 46" table runner that says "SNOW" is as close as I can get to the cold stuff right now.

Where's The Snow! 

I have shared the how-to-make-this information using the HeatnBond and Crafter's Edge dies on ThermOWeb's blog. Check it out and look around at all the amazing projects you can make.

I love the ease of making triangles with the Crafter's Edge Dog Eared Triangles. They come in lots of sizes! Sewing with a scant 1/4" seam is recommended to get the correct size or use a larger triangle and trim them down. Either way they are awesome to use!

Crafter's Edge also has alphabet dies that are about 3" and make cutting out letters a breeze.

I love my Oliso Mini Project Iron and how easy it is to use. The Crafter's Edge Snowflake die made cutting around all those edges easy, too!

My regular crew was busy, so this Monkey Baby jumped in to help. He tends to get distracted by toys, but he's still fun to have around! 

I hope you have a wonderful snow or no-snow day!


  1. Such a fun project! I really love the snow flakes and that font. Enjoy those happy times with your little one.

  2. That's a pretty runner. And your helper is as cute as can be!

  3. That’s really pretty. No snow here either since it’s been in the 90s the last two days. Maybe the runner would cool us off!

  4. Wow! So pretty! I have never thought about a quilt table runner :o
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