Saturday, November 7, 2020

Just An Adventure In Nelson's Ghost Town

My oldest daughter loves adventures and doesn't miss out on any opportunity to go exploring. She managed to drag my husband, daughter #2, and me out to a place I'd never been to, Nelson's Ghost Town, to take pictures of her shoes. Yes, her shoes...and mine, too.

She does some promo pics for a shoe company and wanted me to take some photos. I had a blast hanging out with her and the others, taking photos, and seeing all the really cool stuff at the ghost town.

The bathroom

Apparently the tap water wasn't safe, so bottles were needed to wash our hands.

This barn could only be entered if you pay a fee to take pictures in there. 
We paid the fee and it was so worth it!

I wish it was Disneyland! I miss that place.

Daughter number one and daughter number two never were very good about following the rules, so it was a good thing we had paid the access fee for the barn.

A frame that was just waiting for shoes to sit in it

What everyone needs...old boat motors

Junk to some, treasures to another

I think I'd love this stove in my kitchen, minus the rusty pans!

Very cool cash register...and boots

I love that this sweetie came with us!

A nice place to take off the shoes and rest awhile

I remember going with my mom to the Blue Chip Stamp store...loved it! Interesting how the owners have set up this living room that reminds me of so many things. 

Yes, we took silly pictures

So much stuff everywhere! 

Yes, those are my new shoes. Had to photograph them, too!

Outdoor bathing was available

Our ride was ready to take us home even though there was so much more to see

We did a quick stop to check out Lake Mojave and Nelson's Landing before heading home. 

(From Wikipedia): Nelson's Landing, about 5 miles east of Nelson at the downstream end of Eldorado Canyon, was the village and landing established on Colorado River reservoir, Lake Mohave where the canyon had its confluence with the lake. The wharf area of Nelson's Landing was destroyed during a flash flood on September 14, 1974. 

Nelson's Landing, washed into Lake Mohave after a strong downpour in the regional mountains sent the runoff down the channels and produced a flash flood. There are five wide channels that run from the local mountains toward the river, all of which converge into a small outlet where Nelson's Landing was. The entire landing and village was destroyed and nine people died when the flood came through the wash. The wall of water and debris was reported as about 40 feet high as it reached the river.

Very photo heavy (sorry, not sorry), but it was such a great day to get outside and forget about politics, Covid, protests, riots, sewing, and my house that still needs work to be done on it. Yep, it was an awesome day and one I want to remember!


  1. Looks like a great time! Beautiful way to enjoy a day with family and shoes!!!

  2. Thanks for taking us along - looks like a fun day!

  3. Wonderful photo shoot and those shoes look comfy!

  4. Looks like a very enjoyable day, would like doing that with my girls! Love your shoes!

  5. It sounds, and looks, like a wonderful day. What a fun way to combine your daughter's work and play. :)

  6. Wow that looks fantastic. What a fun way to spend a day.

  7. What a great place to spend a day! I love places like that! Those rusty old pans could be brought back to like-new, if they are cast iron. And I think they are. Lots of elbow grease and oil, though. =) Love the bus!

  8. That place looks like fun to explore. But what no quilts of yours to photograph there Carol? That would be a great backdrop for all your quilts.

  9. Looks like a fabulously fun outing with the girls and hubby. The pictures are awesome and the pics on Instagram and video are great too.


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