Saturday, October 31, 2020

Virtual Cookie Exchange And Christmas Blog Hop Sign-Ups

It's that time again! I've been doing the Virtual Cookie Exchange for several years and it just keeps getting better and better. There are always so many great recipes and inspiring projects! I'd love to have you join me this's easy, it's fun, and you'll get great ideas for gifts, decorations, and yummy food.

If you don't want to bake anything, that's don't have to. THE RULES for the Virtual Cookie Exchange are simple and should be stress free:

Share a Christmas cookie recipe, tradition, and/or quilt.
Recipes can be a favorite from your childhood or a current one.
Traditions and quilts can be old or new.
Post your project on your assigned day.
Have a giveaway or don't have a giveaway. It's totally up to you!

Add a tutorial or just post photos...again, it's up to you.
Visit everyone's blog on the list and leave a sweet comment.
That's it!

Email me with the following information if you want to play along:

Blog Name:
Blog URL:

My email address is:

You don't have a blog? 
I can host a few people, so email if you're interested.

Let the Christmas planning, baking, and sewing begin!


Comments are always appreciated!

Something Smells Fishy Day Four

     It's the last day to sail the seas for "Something Smells Fishy"! The challenge was:  Fish or creatures from the ocean in ...