Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Riley Blake Designs Hocus Pocus Fabric Blog Tour

If it's Halloween related, I'm totally in!
Especially if it's Riley Blake Designs Halloween fabric that is as spooky and cute
as "Hocus Pocus" by Echo Park Paper Company.

It was perfect for "Bellagosa's Boutique" quilt that measures 50" x 55" and
is full of a lot of applique hocus pocus and magic.

Bellagosa's Boutique

Riley Blake Designs "Hocus Pocus is great for quilting, apparel, and home decor.
The fabric has witch shoes and stockings, candy, ghosts, and creepy spider webs...I love it!
Oooooo, and skeletons!

There's awesome "Hocus Pocus" panels, too!

"Bellagosa's Boutique" sells hats, bats, shoes, and potions.

There's dresses and capes for witches of all sizes in black and green skeleton fabrics.
I love that turquoise fabric full of yummy Halloween goodies!

The local hearse is "dying" for you to shop at this boutique.

A gnarly and spooky tree to hang the quilt on...

With the virus affecting the Las Vegas Strip by closing all the hotels, it was our chance to
head out there for photos. Usually there are lots of people and cars at this sign, but we were
 all alone. That was pretty perfect for "Bellagosa's Boutique" quilt!

You can find Bellagosa's Boutique pattern in my Etsy store HERE.

Check out the other creations using Riley Blake Designs "Hocus Pocus"!

4/15 - Just Let Me Quilt (it's me!)
4/22 - Boo + Lu
4/29 - Jessica Dayon

Thanks for stopping by!


  1. Another amazing quilt, Carol! That is cool fabric and you've done well with it. I like all the items in the boutique! You do a wonderful job designing your quilts.

  2. This is soooo fun! Love all the fabrics and what you've done with them!

  3. Well you have certainly done it again! And you know I'm loving it.
    Just so creepy and Halloween joyful. That perfect mix!

  4. Wonderfully spooky, indeed! I think you've got another winner on your hands, and that is so strange to think of Vegas being quiet!

  5. I'm loving this! The hearse is awesome! You need to feature it in a pillow or something. Different to what we usually see. No time to sew, homeschooling my grandson, but I need to add this to my collection of "I wanna's".
    Stay safe!


Comments are always appreciated!

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