Monday, April 22, 2019

Be A Diamond Blog Hop Day One

It's the first day of the Be A Diamond Blog Hop...yay!
I love all the inspiration and new ideas the blog hops give me.
It's so fun to see all the incredible projects and I know you won't be disappointed!

The rules were:
Make a project with a diamond block on it.
It can be a mug rug, pot holder, mini quilt, baby quilt, bag, etc.

Here's the list of diamond makers:

Today - April 22
Seams To Be Sew (moved to April 25th)

April 23

April 24

April 25

April 26

You can find all the projects on the Be A Diamond Pinterest page HERE.


  1. Looking forward to lots of inspiration! Thanks so much for hosting! xx

  2. Wow They are doing a great job tyty for this blog

  3. Some fun projects today. Thank you to the hostess with the mostest.


Comments are always appreciated!

Something Smells Fishy Day Four

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