Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Another Day Of The Virtual Cookie Exchange...Yum!

I get so excited every year of the Virtual Cookie Exchange...I love everything about it!
Yesterday was amazing with so many new ideas for cookies, traditions, and quilts.
I think I gained five pounds just looking at the photos, but it was worth it!

There's a Pinterest page for all the cookies and projects, too!

Cookies from the past Virtual Cookie Exchanges...



Thanks for stopping by!


  1. I thought I'd let you know that Moosestash Quilting is coming up as a malicious site. It works if take out the s in https. I remember having this problem with her site before.

  2. The cookies look delicious. Do you think they would turn out if I used a dairy free butter and an all-purpose gluten-free flour?


Comments are always appreciated!

Something Smells Fishy Day Four

     It's the last day to sail the seas for "Something Smells Fishy"! The challenge was:  Fish or creatures from the ocean in ...