Monday, May 1, 2017

Sun, Sand, And Sea BOM...Block #4

It's time for the Sun, Sand, and Sea Block #4 by 
Joan from Moosestash Quilting...a little digging in the sand!
I pushed that shovel into the sand, but doing it Joan's way is so cute.

I love, love, love to sew with Riley Blake Design's fabrics.
For this BOM I'm using the Crayola fabrics that are beautiful!

Amy at Sew Incredibly Crazy is in charge of this BOM
and she has monthly giveaways. Don't miss out on any of them!

Amy's Block #1 - February
You can find the blog post HERE and the pattern HERE.

Carol's Block #2 - March
You can find the info on it HERE and the pattern HERE.

Carla's Block #3 - April
You can find the info on it HERE and the pattern HERE.

Joan's Block #4 - May
You can find the info on it HERE.

There's a Facebook page for Sew Incredibly Crazy and Friends, too!

 I use Heat n Bond EZ Print Lite sheets to create my applique pieces
I love that all I need to do is run the design through my printer, 
iron it to the wrong side of my fabric, cut out the pieces, 
and then press them in place. It is so fast and easy...I love easy! 
HeatnBond EZ Print Sheets


  1. Carol your block is sew cute. Happy to see you were able to sew. Prayers and Continued Healing Energy for your MIL. <3

  2. Me gustan mucho los bloques super veraniegos

  3. Wow I am so far behind on my blog reading.......spring chores,babysitting my grandson 5 days a week, and renovating a house for my daughter. So not much time for browsinf some days or sewing :( Glad to see you have done a little sewing, the apron is too cute. I can see that being handy. OMG the pands, wish I had some little ones to give one of those to. Adorable. And I love how your blocks are turning out with the Crayaloa colors. I was worried at the beginning that there wasn't enough colors but I was wrong. I love the looks of all the blocks. I think the whole quilt will have a very warm summery feel to it. Thanks so much for sharing with us.
    I hope your MIL gets better soon. Hugs

  4. Your block turned out so cute! These fabrics are wonderful.


Comments are always appreciated!

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