Tuesday, November 8, 2016

It All Started With New Floors

I'm still here, somewhere under a big mess that's slowly getting cleaned up.
I'm not sure what happened, but it all started with new floors...

...and that's when things got out of hand and it started to snowball:

A new shower...the old one had leaked and everything needed to be ripped out and replaced.

Paint on ALL the walls...yes, I was crazy when I took that on. 
Two bathrooms left to paint and then I'm done! Thankfully, the hubby has been helping paint.
He told me not to climb on the ladder when he wasn't there.
Like that was going to happen! It was a short ladder so I did it anyway
and sent him a picture of me doing what he told me not to do. Hahahaha!

New rugs...the old ones didn't match the new tile and looked like they needed to be replaced.

A bedspread for my room because the old one looked worn out against the new floors and paint.

A back splash for the kitchen...I saw this when I was buying paint.
Had to have it and installed it all by myself...love it!

Lamps and table for the guest room...the Monkey Boys got the old furniture for their house.
Now that room needs a new bedspread!

Paint for my cutting table. It is such a pretty color, but no time to paint it yet.

Cleaning, lots of deep down cleaning. New flooring made such a dusty mess!

Oh, and I had the three-going-on-four year old Monkey Boy staying with me for a week.
Loved it, but he was such a busy boy! 
He's a grandma's boy right now, so when I went to a ladies dinner for a few hours he 
kept asking his grandpa (Doodah) when I was coming home and if he could Facetime me.
Too cute!
The two of us went on a hike while Doodah rested his bad back. 
Yes, that occurred in the middle of all this, too! He's feeling better, thank goodness!

Somewhere in this chaos I managed to sew a few things, but most of my
sewing stuff is still boxed up in the garage waiting for me to unpack it. 
I can't wait to get that room back to its usual orderly/messy condition!

I'm behind on the In Your Garden BOM.
I should have last months blocks done today...hopefully.
Then on to this month's blocks.

Then there's cookie baking that needs to be done. 
Won't you join me in a virtual cookie exchange? 


  1. Your new flooring is beautiful! Funny how something new always snowballs into more...and more...and more. Just throw one of your many quilts on the guest room bed. It will be beautiful and everyone will love it! Now the holidays are coming up...no rest for the weary! You will need to crash in January!! Take a day off and relax!!!

  2. Looks like you are making great progress :) Such pretty flooring and back splash! Sweet pics of your little man too! Sewing can wait when you are hiking with your pal! Looks like great fun.

  3. You have been busy. Isn't that the way it always starts???? You will love it when it is finished and you can enjoy it.

  4. I had to laugh when I read that Doodah was having some back problems. Could it be that doing all sorts of maneuvers to help in getting the 'right' pictures of quilts for his darling wife might have contributed to them???? lol

  5. Bedspreads? A quilter and bedspreads?

  6. What a week or two, lol. Grandkids sure do have a lot of energy, or maybe we have less;)
    Love the backsplash, is that easy to put in? I really need to do mine and that might be perfect with the cherry and black.


  7. LOL Oh I know that so very much. I spent so much time on ladders a few weeks ago, my feet and Achilles are still killing me. But it is nice to have it mostly done. How fun to go hiking with the monkey boy.

  8. Haha! Your post made me laugh out loud. Everything looks fabulous! The hiking trip looks like great fun. Such big smiles on both of your faces :)


  9. Love the floors and the back splash but nothing can compete with that little smiling face.

  10. Yes! I can totally agree with this cascading project effect since we did this last year. Your floor looks amazing. I love your backsplash and you are quite the handy lady with your home projects. Monkey Boy is uber cute and so precious. You and Doodah are very fortunate to be able to spend quality time together with your Monkey Boys.


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