Sunday, September 14, 2014

Around The World Blog Hop

Kathy at Kwilty Pleasures invited me to be a part of an 
Around The World Blog Hop...sweet! 
Thanks for thinking of me, Kathy! Check out her post here.

What a great opportunity to check out different blogs from all over the world...I love it!

Who am I?

Sewing has been a part of my life since I was just a kid. I've sewn wedding dresses, prom dresses, curtains, quilts, dolls, and anything else that used fabric. I'm definitely not a perfect sewer or quilter, but I have fun with the process of creating and putting it all together.

About twice a month I'm involved in blog hops with Madame Samm at Sew We Quilt. Being a part of these blog hops means there are times when I can't show the progress of what I'm working on because with my own special day to show off what I'm sewing, I don't want to spoil the surprise by posting about it before my big day. I must say that because of the blog hops, I have been challenged into making and learning things I never thought I could, such as...

Making a few of those dreaded Dresdens.

Hand embroidering on a quilt when I hadn't embroidered anything for years.

Designing a mug rug when I didn't know what a mug rug was.

Creating a pincushion or two.

What am I working on now?

I finished this for the last blog hop, See You in September.

and this

Just finished this...I love Halloween stuff!

I have a few projects for the Rush Hour Blog Hop which I can't show, yet.

I'm hosting this blog hop which starts on September 23rd...I can't wait!
All creations have to include only red, white, black, gray fabric.
This will carry something very, very important to me.

This was just plain fun to make and will be perfect for a little girl.

I'm working on a quilt for the oldest Monkey Boy. He picked out the fabric and drew his own label
for me to embroider. It should be ready in time for the Rush Hour blog hop....I hope.

There's a project in the works for the Riley Blake Flannel Exhibition Blog Tour
that involves flannel, of course. It's wonderful flannel!

My day is October 3rd and the rest of this will be on my blog.

Then, after all that, I'm off and running with Black Cat Crossing!

I'm not sure what I'll be making, but just look at this beautiful Maywood fabric!

Are you finally bored hearing about me? Sorry, but there's more!

Why do I create what I do?

Because it makes me feel good when I create something from fabric!
Plus, it is better than sitting around doing nothing.
Simple as that!

How does my creating process work?

This question made me laugh...really it did! You'd think I was a bit nuts if you saw how I sew.
I sometimes have a problem focusing on just one thing at a time. 
I'm kind of like Tigger...I bounce from this to that and then off I go in a totally different direction. 
I even bounce ideas off That Other Lady and she's so nice not to point out how crazy I am. 
(Thank you!) 
There's almost always something on my design wall and two or three (sometimes four) plastic
 containers are on the floor full of the fabric  I need for the next blog hop or project. 
It's a very organized me!

Then there's the dining room table that doubles as my cutting table with whatever 
I'm working on, and the ironing board is usually hanging out in the kitchen. 
I'm lucky my hubby tolerates all of it! 

Most of what I make is all in my head and I rarely draw things out, though sometimes 
I put a general idea in EQ to work from. Not all those ideas in my head work out perfectly,
but let's not talk about them...really, I'd rather not! 

Quite often I see something one of YOU made and it spurs me on to make it, too. 

Speaking of using something one of YOU made, the person I tagged for the Around The World Blog
Hop, Kris from Kris Loves Fabricusually gets me all fired up to make whatever it is she's making
because she is just super duper amazing with all her creations! 

Like the time she made this for a blog hop:

So I HAD to make a similar one using the same fabric line and black did Madame Samm!

This is just one of her gazillion gorgeous projects: 

Then there's this beautiful yellow quilt...oh, and she has a huge garden, too!
I'm so jealous...of her quilts and garden!

Kris agreed to answer the above questions on September 22nd (next Monday) on her blog.
You'll want to see what she's working on! I've already bought the fabric to start making it, of course.

There's still hopping going on, too!

Wednesday, September 3
Sew Incredibly Crazy
Bumbleberry Cottage
Thimblemouse and Spouse
Mad Quilter's Disease
In The Boon Docks

Thursday, September 4

Jane's Quilting
Life in the Scrapatch
Sew Many Yarns
Gracie Oliver Arts
Everyone Deserves a Quilt

Friday, September 5

Stitchin' By The Lake
Coeur d'Alene
Words & Stitches
Pig Tales and Quilts
All Thingz Sewn

Monday, September 8

Quilting Quietly
Creatin' in the Sticks
Procrastination Queen
Lovelli Quilts
Cherry Blossoms

Tuesday, September 9

Just Let Me Quilt
Marjorie's Busy Corner
The Quilting Queen Online Blog
Marla's Crafts
K and S Sweets and Stitching

Wednesday, September 10

Secretly Stitching
Buzzing and Bumbling
Quilt n Queen
Quilted Delights

Grandmama's Stories

Thursday, September 11

Susie's World
Needled Mom
Cate's Linens
How ART you?
I Like To QuiltBlog


Friday, September 12

Sew Peace to Peace
More Stars in Comanche
Living With Purpose

Monday, September 15

I Piece 2-Mary
Till We Quilt Again
Vroomans Quilts
Nini and the Sea
Seams To Be Sew


  1. Love hearing about your "process" and looking forward to the reveal of those future projects!

  2. I love watching you bounce from project to project...but, then Tigger is my fave of the WtP characters...Can't wait to see more of those peeks, wow!! thing you forgot to include is how often you get things Finished!! You inspire us to not just start but get them done, my friend! Thanks for the kind words, the inspiration goes both where's your Tardis, lol!!

  3. My dining room table is a cutting table too. Looking forward to seeing what you have come up with for the 2 hops ahead ! I'll miss you guys, but be watching from the sidelines cheering for ya ! One other thing you forgot to mention is your love for creepy fabrics and other things ! hehe

  4. Your House sounds like mine and I actually have a studio to work in but its filled with all my mixed media crafting supplies, and my sewing Table! So I am all over the Dining Room now. Your work is always so unique and beautiful Carol I love it when you share. By the way what is EQ? I know I haven't been around long enough to know, but when I grow up....
    Huggs, Nancy

  5. Carol, it's amazing that anyoneu can keep all that straight! It must really help that you have a Tigger personality!

  6. So nice to read about you and see the wonderful projects you have made. Go girl!

  7. You are full of fun and inspiration. Can't wait to see what you have been cooking up.

  8. Looking forward to that red, white, black and gray blog hop!!! I'm making a quilt that would fit right in!! You always have such wonderful projects - thank you for sharing it all with us!

  9. Your sewing projects put me to shame. I have more projects (and am still collecting) than I ever expect to finish. LOVE the bird pincushion. Is this something you created or is it a pattern?


Comments are always appreciated!

Something Wicked Begins

 I love Halloween (in case you didn't already know that)! You know what else I love? Seeing what my friends created for this blog hop. I...