Sunday, January 2, 2011

The Brown Quilt, Part 2

I'm just a little bit of a, two years worth. In December 2008 I posted pictures of this quilt just after it had been quilted. Today I finished binding it....on the sewing machine. It is a huge (king-sized) quilt and there was no way I could hand-sew the binding way...even though I thought that's what I would do. I gave up, gave in, whatever, and machine bound it. I'm good with that.

Mary Englebret Quilt-Completed!

Finally! I've been working on this quilt FOREVER (or so it seems.) I tried to quilt it myself--hated it! I never liked one portion of it that didn't quite meet right, so I took all the self-quilting stitches out and picked out the part I never liked. After resewing it together so I liked it and felt satisfied with how it looked, I took it in to Quilted Works to be quilted. Loved the final product! It took me another month or so to add the binding and now it is done. Yay!
Then....I hung it on my new quilt rack and loved it even more.

Something Wicked Begins

 I love Halloween (in case you didn't already know that)! You know what else I love? Seeing what my friends created for this blog hop. I...