Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Wickedly Wicked and Creepy Me

Today's my day to show you my
  WICKED and Creepy Carol side...

Thanks to Madame Samm and Wicked Wendy for this wicked week of hopping. I do think Wendy showed her really, really wicked side by putting me on the last day of this hop with her. Have you seen all those other amazing ladies showing their Wicked projects today? Wow! Plus, there's That Other Lady posting today who is SO, SO, SO competitive...but of course, I'm not the least bit competitive!

Thursday, October 31st

I saw this online while searching for some ideas and managed to get it made before my sewing machine was packed away. I can't find the pattern to tell you who made it, but I can tell you it is in a box somewhere and I'm sure I'll find it by next Halloween.

Linda from Buzzing and Bumbling made a really amazing quilt during last year's Wicked. I got a quilt kit from her and decided that was going to be my project for this hop. I totally screwed it up! I cut the fabric the wrong sizes and no matter how I tried to fix it, the damage was done. I really loved her pattern so I substituted some other fabric I had in my stash. You can get her wonderful quilt pattern HERE.

Once we were moved, my sewing machine and fabric were the first things to be unpacked...and my toothbrush, of I started in on a few more projects.

My Monkey Boys had their own ideas for my Just Call Me "Frankie" quilt and how I should make it unique for them. Using a combination of The Lion Quilt and Just Call Me Frankie, these are what they designed:

(Really, I ironed him, but the trip to the park got him all puckered up.
Maybe he was just a little short on blood or something.)

"Sand Wolf"
(My werewolf HAS TO be gray, Grandma!...said Monkey Boy #2)

The Mummy is not quite finished (sorry) but it will be soon. I started to make this in all white,
but then I realized it would be used by a four-year-old so it wouldn't stay white for long.

Sunday, October 27, 2013

I Landed Somewhere!

I had to endure over a week without my sewing was awful! 
I had to go THREE WHOLE DAYS without the was so painful!
I had to eat out a lot...okay, so that wasn't so bad.

Now I can't find anything, but my sewing machine is set up
and I managed to sew a few things today. Whoohoo!

I fixed a homemade dinner for the first time in a while using a recipe I'd seen circulating around on Facebook and places around the internet. They call it Mississippi Roast for reasons unknown to me. Maybe it's something commonly made in Mississippi? It has lots of butter, but you can use less or none at all.

3 to 5 pound chuck roast
1 package Hidden Valley Ranch Dressing mix
1 package dry Au Jus mix
1 stick of butter (you can use less or none at all)
5 whole pepperoncini peppers
Place roast in Crock Pot and sprinkle with dry packages of Ranch dressing and Au Jus Mix. Top with one stick butter (it can be made with no butter or a little less than one stick) and 5 whole pepperoncini peppers. DO NOT ADD WATER! Cook for 8 hours on low. Shred or slice roast and serve with gravy and potatoes or rice, if desired. It is very, very tender with just a little kick to it...yummy!

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Back When I Was Wonder Woman...

There was a time when I could make bread and homemade jam, 

have dinner in the oven and take a meal to a sick friend,
(these are zucchini boats--love them!)

sew a prom dress,

run kids to school and dance classes,
and mop the kitchen floor...


I thought those energetic days were long gone...until I sold my house.

My body and brain are on automatic pilot. Just when I think I cannot pack, lift, move, or shove one more thing, I get up and do more. Everyday I feel like Indiana Jones when he was so beat up he could only point to a few spots on his body that didn't hurt. Advil and ice are my best friends.

Sewing? Not much of that going on here. I have a little spot in the corner with my need-to-have stuff, but between lack of energy, time, and creative thoughts it doesn't get used much. Luckily, I had my Wicked projects almost finished before my packing began.

Enough of my whining!

Wicked is coming! Aren't you excited!

Friday, October 11, 2013

A Quilted Ladies Diary

My sweet hubby swung by and picked up my Ladies Diary quilt from Quilted Works yesterday. 
It is absolutely gorgeous! 
Julie did the quilting on it (I love her work!) Thanks Julie, you are amazing!
It will be even more beautiful once I can find the box with the binding fabric in it...moving is no fun.) 

I can't wait to finish it so I can take some better photos.

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Some Wicked Scissors And A New Hop

I've been a little AWOL from blog writing and reading because I'm still packing (does it ever end?), cleaning (that never ends), and touching up paint as we get down to the big MOVING DAY. I have stopped a few times to sew a little in preparation for that WICKED blog hop that's coming soon.

Some of my wickedly sharp tools for sewing

I just realized I'm totally hooked on little fancy scissors after I did a some shopping online at Anita's Little Stitches.  I've always bought regular sewing scissors, nothing fancy, but then someone very sweet gave me a pair of Dovo scissors and some batting shears. Now I'm hooked on quite a variety of sharp things (this is where you should hear my seriously creepy cackle if you were standing next to me.)

I'm not sure why I suddenly like scissors so much, but it is possible that Wicked Wendy put a spell on me. I hear she can be ALMOST as competitive as That Other Lady, Maybe she's hoping I cut my finger on one of those sharp scissors so I can't sew anything for the Wicked Blog Hop. She does have a little mean streak in her...she put me on the same day as That Other Lady for the Wicked hop...mean, mean Wendy! LOL! COL! (cackle out loud.)

There's a new blog hop in the works. Check it out over at Sew We Quilt!

This one is coming after for it!

Saturday, October 5, 2013

Thursday, October 3, 2013

In The Middle Of Chaos...

...thank goodness for my sweet Monkey Boys.

He's not only the best big brother, but he's also
an amazing helper. His younger brother is so awesome, too!.
They carried oodles of boxes down the stairs tonight
with no complaints. I just love those boys!

There are just 20 days until we move!
There are lots and lots of boxes marked "sewing room."
Where did all this fabric come from?

Today's the last day of the batiks many amazing projects!

Here's who's hopping today...

October 4

Don't forget to enter my giveaway

Something Wicked Begins

 I love Halloween (in case you didn't already know that)! You know what else I love? Seeing what my friends created for this blog hop. I...