Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Quilted Works Row By Row 2015

I don't travel much, usually just between two states, so I've never participated in the 
Row by Row event. Well, when I saw this one at Quilted Works I HAD to join it!

I picked it up late yesterday afternoon and had it sewn and appliques pressed on this morning in less 
than an hour. I still need to sew around the edges, but that shouldn't take long once I get started. 
This kit was ready-to-sew with all pieces cut, including the laser cut applique pieces. 
Love, love, love those laser cuts!

If you're in the Utah area, stop by and get this cute block. The pattern is free,
but the kit will cost you. It was so worth it! 

Call Quilted Works for will love their store!

Sunday, June 21, 2015

Not One But Two Baby Birds

I thought there was just one baby bird two days ago...

But, no! My hubby took this picture today and look...there are two in there!
Mama bird was not happy with us and kept swooping down trying to attack us.
We've made our "photo shoots" quick so we don't upset her too much.

Their nesting in this little box. I'm nervous they'll fall out of the nest to the concrete below.

Look at it peeking over! Don't fall baby bird!

One egg didn't make it and it got pushed out of the nest to make room for those two babies.

Those are definitely only faces a mama could love.
Well, probably a papa bird would love them too!

Happy Father's Day!

Friday, June 19, 2015

The Owls On The Baby Quilt

I just finished binding my Hoots Hollow baby quilt...I'm loving those owls!
This is definitely for a baby girl with that cute flower quilting by Quilted Works.

Minky on the back looks great with those quilted flowers!

Here's the pattern I used from Ribbon Candy Quilt Company.

But, wait! There's more!

Margie is offering 25% off her patterns if you use the code word
"Celebrate Summer!"
Thanks, Margie!
*Sale ends at 6 p.m. PST June 22nd, 2015.

Time to go shopping at Ribbon Candy Quilt Company!

Saturday, June 13, 2015

Worry Less And Play With Friends

I've been so lucky to be hanging out with the Monkey Boys for the last couple of weeks, but things 
got switched up a little when my two friends, Brenda and Paula, came by to play for two whole days.

It was the best ever BIG GIRL slumber party!

They brought me this little sign which is so true! I do need to worry less!

I didn't blog,
I didn't answer emails,
and I smiled and laughed out-of-control most of the time.
We stayed up late and giggled about all those things that only long time friends can laugh about. 

They took me on a road trip on Friday to check out the Quilt Walk in Panguitch, Utah.
(Info on the Quilt Walk can be found HERE.)

Our first stop was the quilt store in Cedar City, Stitching It Up.  Such a cute store!
Not that I needed any more fabric, but since when has that stopped me from shopping.
Picked up this "Wicked" Halloween kit (the purple bow caught my eye)...can't wait to start sewing it!

After shopping, we headed towards Panguitch with Brenda driving the scenic route.
It was a gorgeous drive, but I didn't take any photos...left the camera at home!

We hadn't signed up for any classes, but we wandered around checking out quilts and vendors.
I was so excited to see Deonn from Quiltscapes. She was teaching a class...I wish I'd signed up!

We stopped at a few more quilt stores and ate way too much food on our trip, but it was so worth it!
Plus, I picked up two quilts from Quilted Works that need binding. So excited!

Now that Brenda and Paula are gone, it's back to hanging out with three of the Monkey Boys!
More fun for me ahead!

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Dr Seuss And Ribbon Candy Elephants

I bought Ribbon Candy Quilt Company's pattern, "Abby's Elephant Party," last week
so while hanging out with the Monkey Boys I drew the 48 elephants and 48 ears on fusible web, 
ironed them on to some Dr. Seuss fabric I had in my stash, and then cut, cut, cut!
There was definitely an elephant party going on and a little Horton Hears A Who in my thoughts!  

I've appears that I've become crazy in love with making elephant quilts!
That's not such a bad thing, especially when those elephants are as cute as these!

My first zucchini squash from my garden!
After being gone a week it was almost too big, but I think it will make some excellent
zucchini bread or I'll stuff it with something yummy and bake it.

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

A Row-A-long Adventure Is Coming In September

There's a Row-A-Long coming in September with quilt rows of all seasons.
I've never made a row quilt. Nope, I haven't...never, ever!
Have you?

20 designers are using EQ7 to create their rows, but you don't have to use it to make your rows.
We will do all the work in EQ7 and share our creations and tips with you so you can make them.
You'll get to pick the rows you like and then make a quilt, runner, or whatever you want.
There will be so many rows to choose from in Winter, Spring, Summer, and Fall!

And...this is so exciting...there will be amazing giveaways by very generous sponsors!

The Fat Quarter Shop is VERY GENEROUSLY providing each of the 20 designers a
$25.00 gift certificate to giveaway on their featured day of the Row-A-Long.
That's 20 designers, 20 gift certificates, 20 chances to win. Wow!
Thank you Fat Quarter Shop for your amazing contribution to this Row-A-Long!

KNKUSA is giving away a Zing Air Cutting System for our EQ Seasons Row Along.
Winning this machine will give you free shipping if you are in the 48 contiguous states in the USA. 
Outside of the 48 states, you will have to agree to pay for shipping by entering to win this cutter.

Plus, there will be lots and lots of giveaways by the designers!

I hope you'll be there in September to join us!

Marian at Seams to Be Sew has all the info on her blog, so check it out!

Thursday, June 4, 2015

The Monkey Baby's Quilt

The Monkey Baby is three months old and here I am finally finishing a quilt just for him.
Better late than never, right!

One of my favorite baby quilts to make is the Quilt-As-You-Sew method. This isn't an heirloom 
 quilt...just a rough and tumble kind of quilt that won't cause me to freak out if it's thrown on the 
floor, spilled on, or taken to the park for a picnic. Plus, I love that it is inexpensive, easy, and fast to 
 make. What a great way to use a jelly roll or leftover strips of fabric in your stash! 

Lollipop Monkeys

I just loved this fabric, Lollipop, by Sandy Gervais!

This is the fabric on the back of the quilt...these guys remind me of my five Monkey Boys 
who love to climb, jump, and swing from anything and everything. They are truly monkeys!

I can't wait to wrap up Monkey Baby in this and snuggle him for hours!

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Sometimes That Quilt Vision Just Doesn't Work Out

There are times when I get this vision in my head for a quilt and it turns out fabulous.
Sometimes it is way, way, way off from that masterpiece in my head and just doesn't work out at all.

This was one of those times.

Not so excited about it!

I sewed the blocks together, did a little paper pieced block, and added borders.
More than halfway through I KNEW this wasn't matching what I'd had in my head, but
 I was so far into it that I just kept on sewing while forcing myself not to throw it in the garbage. 

Hopefully, a little quilting will give it look better.
Or, there's still that "throw it in the garbage" option.

*Just an updated note here: I promise I will not be throwing this out!
It's off to be quilted and hopefully it will make me smile once it is done.

I guess I better tweak those visions in my head a little more before actually sewing them.
Maybe some chocolate would help me get over this. Yep, I'm sure it would!

T-Shirt Quilts For Christmas

 It was a busy three months sewing t-shirt/memory shirt quilts, but I made the Christmas deadlines and got them all done...whew! I made six ...