Monday, February 22, 2021

My Day And Their Day Of The "Stripes Blog Hop"

My friend Carla from Creatin' in the Sticks always has such fun ideas for blog hops...she keeps me on my toes! Her challenge for this hop was to create something with stripes. Since I love stripes, I had plenty of stripes in my stash to choose from. It's my day and their day to share what we made!

My Crafter's Edge Dresden Flower came in handy for this girl's pillow. It will make a great gift! Cutting out all the Dresden's was easy with the die cutter. I love easy!

I met the's the stripes!

I have a great group of ladies to quilt with (besides all of you) and our get togethers are full of laughing, seam rippers, a great city view, inspiration and social distancing, of course. Sometimes I take a project that involves concentration and I feel like I miss out on some of the fun. 

With the "Stripes" blog hop coming up, I grabbed a jelly roll, some matching fabrics, lace, and batting to sew a mindless batch of quilt-as-you-go blocks. It was a nice change and it let me listen to my favorite ladies while I sewed. 

I probably could have used a little more purposeful positioning of the fabrics, but this was just what I needed.

And it did have stripes in it!

Look at all these creative "Stripes" bloggers...check them out!
Leaving them a comment would definitely make them smile.

Monday, February 22nd

Tuesday, February 23rd

Wednesday, February 24th

Thursday, February 25th

Thank you for stopping by!

Tuesday, February 16, 2021

Riley Blake Designs Confetti Cotton Project Tour

Solid color fabrics from Riley Blake Designs Confetti Cottons are one of my favorite things to sew with. The fabrics in this RBD Basics collection come in so many colors, making it easy to find just the right shade to blend with any project. I like the distinction between the colors, especially in my applique designs. They are 100 per cent cotton, too! This time I went for a pieced block quilt with no applique...shocking, isn't it! 

Rippling Effects
42" x 60" lap quilt

"Rippling Effects" used six different Confetti Cotton fabrics: Storm, Oxford Blue, Chive, Curry, Licorice, and Le Creme.  I love the way these colors worked together! 

Look at some of the incredible colors of Riley Blake Designs Confetti!

You can make your own "Rippling Effects" blocks with these directions:

SEWING INSTRUCTIONS: All seams are sewn 1/4” unless otherwise noted.


Center Blocks – Make 40 of the same block following the directions below:

On the wrong side of fabric, draw a line diagonally across 3 ½” x 3 ½” Storm squares, 3 ½” x 3 ½” Chive squares, 2 ½” x 2 ½” Oxford Blue squares, and 2 ½” x 2 ½” Black squares.


With right sides together, place 3½” x 3½” Storm square in top left corner of 3 ½” x 6 ½” cream rectangle. Sew along line. Trim 1/4” from sewn diagonal seam and press towards the corner. With right sides together, place a 2 ½” x 2 ½” Oxford Blue Square in the lower right corner. Sew along line. Trim 1/4” from sewn diagonal seam and press towards the corner. Repeat to make 40 rectangles.

With right sides together, place 3½” x 3½” Chive square in top right corner of 3 ½” x 6 ½” Curry rectangle. Sew along line. Trim 1/4” from sewn diagonal seam and press towards the corner. With right sides together, place a 2 ½” x 2 ½” black square in the lower left corner. Sew along line. Trim 1/4” from sewn diagonal seam and press towards the corner. Repeat to make 40 rectangles.

With right sides together, sew sections together as shown below. Repeat to make 40 blocks. Press seams down on 20 blocks and press seams up on the other 20 blocks. This will help when matching and nesting seams.

With right sides together, sew blocks into eight rows of five blocks. Press seams of four rows to the left and seams of four rows to the right. This will help when matching and nesting seams.

With right sides together, sew rows together as shown below; match and nest seams. Press seams down.

You can find the entire "Rippling Effects" PDF instructions HERE.

The blocks can be rotated to make different quilt designs:

The quilting was done by Ginger at Sew Sassy Longarm.

Check out more projects using RBD Confetti Cottons on their blog HERE.

Thanks for stopping by!

Monday, February 15, 2021

Cackling Stitches "Hagatha's House" Block Of The Month Info

There is a lot of prepping going on behind the scenes for the "Hagatha's House" BOM. My friend Joan from Moosestash Quilting and I have a fun group on Facebook called "Cackling Stitches" where it is all about Halloween. It is so inspiring when people share their Halloween projects!

We have occasional "Wicked Wednesday's" where we share a thing or two, but our biggest event is our block of the month, "Hagatha's House", that will start March 1st and end September 30th. It's not a mystery quilt because we found that most people wanted to see a finished project upfront.

Joan used batiks in her quilt and it looks awesome. Check it out on her blog, Moosestash Quilting. I used Moda Grunge fabrics, which I totally love!

Hagatha's House
60" x 70"

Whoops, I left my broom on the ground! I bought it from my friend, Brenda, who's husband handmade it. It's so amazing to ride!

You can find the supply list HERE if you want to join along with the rest of us wickedly crazy Halloween lovers.

Here's how it works:

The BOM will run from March 1st to September 1st.

On the 1st day of each month we will release block patterns that will be free until the next block(s) is released.

Once new blocks are released, the previous month's blocks will no longer be free. They will be available in our Etsy stores at a cost of $2 for each month's worth of blocks.

On October 1st the entire pattern will be combined and sold in our Etsy stores for $10.

We hope you appreciate the time we put into creating the BOM quilt and understand that we are keeping the costs to a minimum. If you're quick to get the patterns during the month they are free, there will be no cost to you.

Check out our Cackling Stitches Facebook group for some very witchy stitchy kind of projects!

Friday, February 12, 2021

Riley Blake Designs Mod Meow Project Tour

The newest fabric line by Amanda Niederhauser for Riley Blake Designs is just the cutest! "Mod Meow" has designs with a bit of vintage and a bit of modern in them. I think you'll love the fabric line as much as I do! "Here Kitty Kitty" is my design using this sweet fabric.

Here Kitty Kitty
42" x 60"

I used one of the panels on the's so cute!

The quilting was done by Ginger at Sew Sassy Longarm.

The prints in "Mod Meow" come in such a pretty combination. 

This one is so adorable and the colors are yummy!

It was so fun to create a pattern for a few of them! I used Toss Barn Red, Main Coral, Stars Butterscotch, Stars Coral, Stripes Cottage, and RBD Licorice. The panel was used on the back of the quilt.

You can download the PDF pattern for "Here Kitty Kitty" HERE.

Be sure to check out the Riley Blake Designs blog for more incredible projects. 
Thank you for stopping by!

Tuesday, February 9, 2021

This, That, And All That Other Stuff Going On

I can't believe that January is over with already. Didn't we just barely celebrate Christmas! Every day runs into the next with this Covid thing...stay home, wear a mask, eat and eat some more, etc. In between I do some sewing and hanging out with the Monkey Boys and occasionally the rest of the family. 

I ripped out a few seams on a very old project during the Super Bowl. Hopefully I can get rid of some UFO's.

I got this the other day. My friend, Nancy, is getting a fancier one so she offered this at a price I couldn't refuse. Having a long arm always sounded fun, but I never had room for one or the money. The grandkids lost their toy room, but they usually play in the family room anyway.

This was my after Christmas gift to myself. It's an electric bike. There's just a bit of a problem, though. I'm terrified riding it and I'm afraid I'll fall off. It's not true that once you learn to ride a bike you never forget. Actually, I can ride it, but when it comes to stopping it I scream like a baby for my hubby to catch me. LOL...I'm getting better at it. A little bit.

My quilting friends get together once a month or so at the "resort." It has plenty of room to practice social distancing, a view to drool over, our own rooms if we want to spend the night, and of course, there's Lily.

The view during a rainstorm

To help with social distancing and germs, Nancy made us each our own towel. Look at those Halloween colors...she knows me well!

I took this sweet new mini Oliso iron that I's so awesome! There's some stripes there in a project for the "Stripes" blog hop coming up soon.

Lily is the best dog (don't tell my dogs that) for our quilt group. She smiles (really, she does) when we come visit and she's a talker. She's sitting on my lap in this pic while I'm watching TV. I love that dog!

This Monkey Baby spends time at my house as often as I can get him. His brothers are being home schooled during the pandemic, so I'm lucky to hang out with him. He's three but tries to do everything the bigger brothers do. 

A sister-in-law acquired some machine embroidery thread and wondered if I wanted it. Heck yeah! This was quite a nice thread box!

Designing projects for Crafter's Edge is something I do and it is really fun. They are looking for people to be part of the team. Check it out and apply if you're as creative as I know you are! The deadline to apply has been extended so head on over and apply HERE.

My wickedly crazy friend Joan from Moosestash Quilting and I have been busy getting ready for a block of the month on our Facebook Cackling Stitches page. It will be called "Hagatha's House" and will be full of fun applique designs. Details will be released mid February and it will begin March 1st.

I guess that's enough chitter-chatter from me. Have a fabulous day!

Something Wicked Begins

 I love Halloween (in case you didn't already know that)! You know what else I love? Seeing what my friends created for this blog hop. I...