Tuesday, September 27, 2016

The Road Home With Sue

Today I'm sharing my blog with Sue Griffiths who will be sharing her Road Home row.
I love having her here today!

The Road Home...by Sue Griffiths
What a wonderful idea and so evocative. Since we are small children ‘going home’ has meant that special sense of comfort and belonging, and the road home is always good to see after a hard day at work, or a long trip. My road home has changed a lot over the years, but wherever I’ve been, the drive home has always been time to reflect and relax and enjoy the beauty of the world. Now, when I leave work, here’s my first top spot.

Often, we can see whales passing up and down the coast, travelling in small groups, mothers looking after calves, males pushing each other around. Always, the view of a whale is a small miracle. 

Often we see pelicans, perched on lampposts or swimming in the bay, both stately and bizarre with their large beaks and slow flight. The pandanus trees just say beach with their weird roots and shaggy angular bundles of leaves. And of course the surfers just live in the moment of water, movement, power, freedom and skill.

So my road home is a celebration of life and joy and our wonderful planet. I hope you enjoy making my pattern and can think of all the happy times you have been near the sea or enjoyed being part of the natural world.

You can find my pattern at my Craftsy store HERE.

A BIG thank you to Calibre Art and Anita Goodesign!

Calibre Art 18" x 24" mat

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Anita Goodesign Machine Embroidery Design CD

a Rafflecopter giveaway

The Road Home Designers:

September 6
Allie-Oops Sweet Happy Life 
Harrisville, MI Sunrise Coast
Cynthia’s Creating Ark
Adelaide South Australia
Kissed Quilts
Grand Coulee, Washington
Renee's Quilting Addiction
Alberta, Canada

September 8
Just Let Me Quilt
Las Vegas, Nevada

Quilt in Piece
Amanzimtoti, South Africa

September 13
Tweety Loves Quilting
Edinburgh, UK
Heber City/ SLC
Seams To Be Sew
Idaho Falls, Idaho
Pine Valley
New Zealand

September 15
bdieges designs
Road to Tehachapi (CA)
Elizabeth Coughlin Designs
Worcester County in Central Massachusetts
Patti’s Patchwork
Toronto, Ontario Canada

Seacoast Quilter
New Milford, Connecticut

September 20

September 22
Words & Stitches
Beaches of California
Quilt Art
Any Pattern
Port Angeles, Washington

Patchwork Breeze
West Michigan Shoreline

September 27
Creatin’ in the Sticks
Dodge City, Kansas
Sue Griffiths Featured At Just Let Me Quilt
Northern Rivers Region, NSW, Australia

Seams To Be Sew For Batts In The Attic

I Can Quilt 2
Baltimore, MD

September 29
Quilted Fabric Art
Burlington Vermont
Westend Quilter
Manitoulin Island, Canada
Pamela Quilts
Quilt Fabrication
Silicon Valley, CA

October 04

October 06

October 11
Show N Tell Day

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Pretty Garden Girl Quilt With Blend Fabrics

I have a new found love...Blend Fabric and Cori Dantini's designs!
These Garden Girls are gorgeous!

I'm over at the ThermOWeb blog today showing off these amazing fabrics.
Check out all the other projects using HeatnBond iron on adhesive. 
It's amazing and so easy to use!

I loved these fabrics so much I made two quilts!

You can find the pattern at Just Carol's Craftsy store.

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

More Of The Road Home Row Along And Giveaways

There's still more designs to check out in the 
Road Home Row Along...don't miss out on some amazing rows!

This is my row:
The Road Home To Vegas

The pattern for "The Road Home to Vegas" can be found on my Craftsy page:

Email me and I'll send you the PDF pattern.

There's lots of giveaways at each blog, too!

This is my giveaway...
A BIG thank you to Calibre Art and Anita Goodesign!

Calibre Art 18" x 24" mat

Anita Goodesign Machine Embroidery Design CD

The Road Home Designers:

September 6
Allie-Oops Sweet Happy Life 
Harrisville, MI Sunrise Coast
Cynthia’s Creating Ark
Adelaide South Australia
Kissed Quilts
Grand Coulee, Washington
Renee's Quilting Addiction
Alberta, Canada

September 8
Just Let Me Quilt
Las Vegas, Nevada

Quilt in Piece
Amanzimtoti, South Africa

September 13
Tweety Loves Quilting
Edinburgh, UK
Heber City/ SLC
Seams To Be Sew
Idaho Falls, Idaho
Pine Valley
New Zealand

September 15
bdieges designs
Road to Tehachapi (CA)
Elizabeth Coughlin Designs
Worcester County in Central Massachusetts
Patti’s Patchwork
Toronto, Ontario Canada

Seacoast Quilter
New Milford, Connecticut

September 20

September 22
Words & Stitches
Beaches of California
Quilt Art
Any Pattern
Port Angeles, Washington

Patchwork Breeze
West Michigan Shoreline

September 27
Creatin’ in the Sticks
Dodge City, Kansas
Sue Griffiths Featured At Just Let Me Quilt
Northern Rivers Region, NSW, Australia

Seams To Be Sew For Batts In The Attic

I Can Quilt 2
Baltimore, MD

September 29
Quilted Fabric Art
Burlington Vermont
Westend Quilter
Manitoulin Island, Canada
Pamela Quilts
Quilt Fabrication
Silicon Valley, CA

October 04

October 06

October 11
Show N Tell Day

Sunday, September 11, 2016

Do You Remember Where You Were On 9/11?

It is said that our brain may not remember what we did yesterday, but it will remember a traumatic 
event that happened years before and easily recall what we were doing at that moment. 

On September 11, 2001, I was getting ready to take my daughter to school before I left for work. 
I was listening to the news on the television while I was rushing around and heard that a plane 
had crashed into a building in New York. I mentioned it to my daughter as we were walking out 
the door to leave. We both thought it was very sad. We had no idea how sad it would be!

By the time I had dropped her off at school and made it to work,
 I totally knew that this was not just some small plane crashing into a building. 

Because of where I worked, the phones were ringing off the hook with frightened questions. 
All I wanted to do was go home to be with my family! Unfortunately, I couldn't do that and could 
only catch small glimpses from the television about what was happening. It was heartbreaking!

My office was on the 8th floor of the building and it was scary to feel so vulnerable.
My coworkers and I watched out the window as there eventually were no planes in the air.
In a city like Las Vegas, there are always planes in the air.

When I finally got home, I was numb and exhausted with worry.
I wrote in my journal that day and again a couple days later:

September 11, 2001 (Tuesday)

What a horrible day! Four planes were hijacked and all of them were deliberately crashed. Two flew into the
World Trade Center in downtown New York, another crashed into the Pentagon, and the fourth crashed in
Pittsburgh. Thousands have been killed and many more injured. It was horrifying to see the replay of one of
the planes flying straight into the tower. After about an hour of it burning, one tower collapsed and then the
other one did. It was unbelievable. The smoke and dust were totally consuming the downtown area. All planes
were ordered to land at their closest airport. No planes are allowed to fly until tomorrow. [My daughter] called 
from Salt Lake and was a little weepy. I think she was scared and felt so far from us. [My son] called because 
they closed his mall and he was going home. Most of us felt like we just wanted to go home and be with our 
families. Tomorrow may bring more or who knows what! 

September 15, 2001 (Saturday)

It's been a long week of not feeling anything normal. The attack on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon 
have totally consumed the television viewing and the talk among everybody. There are still over 4,700 people 
buried & missing in the 1.5 million tons of debris in New York. It has been unbelievable! There
is such sadness, yet a unity of the American people. Millions of dollars have been donated to help the people
there. Over 200 firemen and about 80 policemen died while trying to save the people in the towers. It still feels
like we're watching a movie when we see the planes crash into the towers and then see the towers fall a few
hours later. So far there have been five other buildings that have falling because of the WTC falling. It looks
like little ants crawling over the debris. Thousands of people are wandering around with pictures of their loved
ones just hoping that they are still alive. Some of the victims called their families from cell phones either from
the planes or from the buildings. One man didn't hear the phone so his wife left a message on the answer
machine. She told him how much she loved him and that there wasn't anyway out of where she was. She is still
missing in the rubble. Terrible!

I can still remember this day and the horror I felt.
Where were you on 9/11?
I will NEVER forget!

Saturday, September 10, 2016

Sometimes A Sale Just Calls My Name

In reality, a sale ALWAYS calls my name.
This one was really calling me...buy me, buy me, buy me!
How could I pass up a sale that was 50% to 75% off, especially when it was at my favorite store,

Well, I couldn't, so I didn't.

Two fabric kits, one of them a laser cut kit, and Deco Foil products. 
I think I was a little over excited at finding all these amazing bargains. 
What's not to love about a sale!

These Deco Foil products were a HUGE savings...thank you, Barbara and Charlotte!
(I might have skipped a little when I left the building holding my purple bag.)
I do love that Deco Foil. Shiny things just make me oooh and aaah.

Check out the Thermoweb blog for ways to use this foil:

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

The Road Home To Vegas

We all have a place we call "home" even if we don't live there now.
Marian of Seams To Be Sew and Amy from Sew Incredibly Crazy
gathered together several designers to create rows of their "homes."
Nice job, Marian and Amy...thank you for your hard work!

Las Vegas will always be my home.

I grew up in Las Vegas with my three sisters.

I was married in Las Vegas...like a gazillion other people.

My children and their children started their lives in Las Vegas.

I love Las Vegas!

Here's my row:
The Road Home to Vegas

Finished Row: 12" x 40"

The pattern for "The Road Home to Vegas" can be found HERE.

The Road Home Designers:

September 6
Allie-Oops Sweet Happy Life 
Harrisville, MI Sunrise Coast
Cynthia’s Creating Ark
Adelaide South Australia
Kissed Quilts
Grand Coulee, Washington
Renee's Quilting Addiction
Alberta, Canada

September 8
Just Let Me Quilt
Las Vegas, Nevada

Quilt in Piece
Amanzimtoti, South Africa

September 13
Tweety Loves Quilting
Edinburgh, UK
Heber City/ SLC
Seams To Be Sew
Idaho Falls, Idaho
Pine Valley
New Zealand

September 15
bdieges designs
Road to Tehachapi (CA)
Elizabeth Coughlin Designs
Worcester County in Central Massachusetts
Patti’s Patchwork
Toronto, Ontario Canada

Seacoast Quilter
New Milford, Connecticut

September 20

September 22
Words & Stitches
Beaches of California
Quilt Art
Any Pattern
Port Angeles, Washington

Patchwork Breeze
West Michigan Shoreline

September 27
Creatin’ in the Sticks
Dodge City, Kansas
Sue Griffiths Featured At Just Let Me Quilt
Northern Rivers Region, NSW, Australia

Seams To Be Sew For Batts In The Attic

I Can Quilt 2
Baltimore, MD

September 29
Quilted Fabric Art
Burlington Vermont
Westend Quilter
Manitoulin Island, Canada
Pamela Quilts
Quilt Fabrication
Silicon Valley, CA

October 04

October 06

October 11
Show N Tell Day

One thing I can never go back to do is to spend a night at our honeymoon hotel in Vegas.
It's been imploded!

T-Shirt Quilts For Christmas

 It was a busy three months sewing t-shirt/memory shirt quilts, but I made the Christmas deadlines and got them all done...whew! I made six ...