Sunday, September 25, 2011

Finished...Finally! But, Just Beginning...

I've had two baby quilts sitting in a heap of other unfinished quilts and all they needed were the bindings sewn on. They were quilt-as-you-sew, so I couldn't use the excuse that I was waiting for them to be quilted. I like to think I was just unmotivated, not lazy. I decided to finish them today so that I could start working on my next Ghastlie quilt. I totally love that fabric!

With the arthritis in my hands I don't hand sew the binding on them (I know, it is a sin in the quilter's world to machine bind them, but I either machine bind them or I don't make them at all--I choose to sin!) If I ever make an amazingly heirloom-type quilt, I promise to hand sew the binding (while taking lots of Advil for the pain) or hire someone to do it for me.

This little quilt is for my nephew's baby, Luke, who was born in July. I kept meaning to finish it and ship it off to Japan where they are living at the moment, but I just couldn't get it together to finish it. Lucky for me, they'll be in town next month so now I don't have to mail it.
This "Objects of Desire" baby quilt made with leftover fabric strips will be sent off to my cousin's twins. Of course, I'll need to make a second one before I can send this one off. Sigh....I'll have to be motivated for that one another day.
Once the baby quilts were finished, I started on my Ghastlie quilt. I went looking for ideas and found Sew I Quilt Now, but unfortunately her fun Ghastlie project doesn't get started until October and I couldn't wait that long to get an idea of what to do. I WILL be checking back there, though, as I still have some Ghastlie fabric left.

I didn't use a pattern, though my creation is far from unique. I'm terrible at following directions, but occasionally do use a pattern. This time I winged it by starting with the dinner scene as my focal point and worked outward. Doing it this way is crazy, I know, and I did have to pick out a few seams to make it all line up. I still want to make it a little larger, so this isn't done. I'm just so excited to have started it!

Monday, September 19, 2011

The "Bye" tag for Ms. Y

Ms. Y is moving to Puerto Rico in about a month.
I will miss her!
I made her a quilt "to remember me by"
and this tag to go with it. I'll add a ribbon when
I'm sure what type of bag I'll be putting the quilt in.

Friday, September 16, 2011

I'm such an amateur with my stamping, but it is so fun to play around with.

A little embossing and distressing.

This was my first attempt with alcohol inks.  

Friday, September 9, 2011

Such A Slug!

I really have been playing with paper AND quilting, but haven't taken the time to post anything. What a slug I am!

T-Shirt Quilts For Christmas

 It was a busy three months sewing t-shirt/memory shirt quilts, but I made the Christmas deadlines and got them all done...whew! I made six ...