Sunday, July 31, 2016

Way Too Many Worn Out Things

According to the repair guy, my laptop's hard drive is worn out.
I miss it so much! Has it only been four days without it?

My phone was worn out and needed replacing this week, too.
The only good thing is that the camera on the new one is better than the worn out one.

The air conditioner was worn out last week during 108 degree temps.
That was a very long day! It feels better now, thank goodness.

Last month it was the washing machine that was worn out.
Of course, the dryer looked a little tired too, so both of them were replaced.

What the heck is going on?
I'm worn out, too, but I'm still working! 
(Just so you know, I find blogging and answering emails from an iPad not so fun.)

Hopefully, my laptop will feel better in a few days and that worn out hard drive will be
gone and the new one will be energetic, creative, and ready to blog again.
Me, on the other hand, will probably still be worn out.

Until another day, this is Carol, the worn out one.
No new model of me is expected anytime soon. 

Friday, July 29, 2016

A Little Fabric Photo Book Using Deco Foil

I had such a great time with my Monkey Boys this summer, but the Monkey Baby 
didn't get to come so I made a little fabric photo book just for him. 
He was able to see all the things his big brother's had been up to.
Deco Foil added just the right touch to the cover!

Little Fabric Photo Book, 4" x 4"

I'm over at Therm-o-web today showing how I made it using:

Check it out HERE!

Next time this little guy will have to join us.

A few graphics on the pages added some fun to the photos!

Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Star Wars Quilt...Finished!

A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away I started this Star Wars quilt.
Okay, so it was only three years ago and not that far away, but now it is finished...yay!
I even practiced free motion quilting on it (don't look too close) with King Tut thread.

The "crew" was out to help me and tried to hang it on this bridge piece, but it wouldn't stay there.
It's a piece of a bridge that came down during a flood in 2005.

The quilt is a birthday gift for a Star Wars/Sci Fi kind of guy.

“Remember…the Force will be with you, always.”

Thursday, July 14, 2016

Star Wars Quilt And King Tut Thread

King Tut meets Star Wars!
Quilting thread and quilt, I mean.

I love the huge glass canning jar my sister gave me and Superior Threads gorgeous 
variegated King Tut thread colors look amazing showing through the glass.

None of the threads in the jar were "perfect" so the three-year-old Monkey Boy and
I headed off to Superior Threads to look around. I love that store and of course, found what I needed!
I think the guy with the tape gun closing up boxes for shipping got Monkey Boy's attention more 
than all those humongous rows of threads. Wowzers! There is so much thread in that store!

The Star Wars quilt is sandwiched and ready to quilt thanks to Monkey Boy #2.
He's such a big help with my projects...I don't want him to go home tomorrow!
I'm sure his mom and dad want him back, so I guess he'll have to go. Darn!

Thursday, July 7, 2016

Organizing And Shopping For Fabric

Shopping for fabric is fun.
Organizing fabric is just a necessity...not so fun.

Finally! My fabrics are sorta-kinda organized into an easy way to see what I have.
I need to sew everyday for the next 10 years to use all this fabric!

Then there's the shopping...yummy fabrics arrived in the mail.

Blend Fabrics, oh how I love thee!

Creepy Bunny felt a little left out from appearing on my blog,
so he gets to show this adorable Crayon box of fabrics by Riley Blake.
I don't even want to open it!

I've been sewing for The Road Home Row Along...busy, busy, busy. 

Playing with Deco Foil, too. Nothing like a little bling to brighten my day!

Monkey Boys are coming to visit soon. Sewing may have to wait.
Or, maybe they'll jump in to help me sew something!

Sunday, July 3, 2016

In Our Garden Block Of The Month #11 And #12

We're halfway through the In Our Garden Blog Hop...yay!
Joan at Moosestash Quilting has shared her July blocks #11 and #12.
Check them out HERE.

My applique block #11

My pieced block #12 

Here's the schedule for all the blocks:

Amy – Sew Incredibly Crazy
You can find Amy's Block #1 and Block #2 HERE
Carol – Just Let Me Quilt 
You can find my Block #3 and Block #4 HERE.
You can find Doris' Block #5 and Block #6 HERE.

You can find Carla's Block #7 and Block #8 HERE.

Susan – Super Mom No Cape
You can find Susan's Block #9 and Block #10 HERE.


Pat – Life in the Scrapatch
Vicki – More Stars in Comanche
Lana – It Seams to be Sew
Jan - Sew and Sow Farm
Amy – Sew Incredibly Crazy– Final Blocks and wrap up

There's a Facebook page, too! 
Share your blocks and/or see what everyone else is making.

T-Shirt Quilts For Christmas

 It was a busy three months sewing t-shirt/memory shirt quilts, but I made the Christmas deadlines and got them all done...whew! I made six ...