Wednesday, June 9, 2021

Riley Blake Designs All About Christmas Project Tour

Riley Blake Designs and J. Wecker Frisch never disappoint with their fabrics and designs in both quality and creativity. "All About Christmas" is full of vintage images and beautiful'll love it!

The Stockings Were Hung
50" x 56"

With temperatures in Las Vegas around 108 degrees and the winds staying strong, Santa will probably stay far away until things cool down. Even our pine trees are looking a bit fried!

I used Riley Blake Designs "All About Christmas" Post White, Christmas Stars Charcoal, Christmas Stars Yellow, Christmas Stars Red, Christmas Stars Blue, Christmas Stars White, and Snowflakes Red in "The Stockings Were Hung" quilt.

Look how gorgeous the whole line of fabrics!

There are a few places near Las Vegas that look cooler than it actually is outside.
It was beautiful here!

The applique was applied using my favorite iron-on adhesive...Heat n Bond Lite Iron-on Adhesive.

Such sweet vintage designs in this fabric!

Check out more projects using "All About Christmas" fabric:

You can find "The Stockings Were Hung" pattern HERE.


  1. As always, you found great locations to photograph this newest darling Christmas offering. Thank you for the inspiration!

  2. So cute and whimsical. I love the colors and the really fun prints. The star prints are perfect accents for the busy prints. A little cool feeling Christmas in June works for me.

  3. Another really cute pattern, Carol. Love the fabric!

  4. Thank you. This is such a fun pattern.

  5. Such a lovely quilt, Carol, and you have photographed it beautifully. Love the 5C stamps as the corner blocks.



Comments are always appreciated!

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