Friday, April 20, 2018

Spot's Day For The 30 Quilt Blocks In 30 Days Blog Hop

Carla from Creatin' in the Sticks came up with a very cool idea for sewing simple blocks
to make quick quilts. Then she asked a bunch of us to get creative with those simple blocks and
organized us into the 30 Quilt Blocks in 30 Days blog hop. Great idea...thanks, Carla!

I chose block number 21, SPOT, for today's project.
I immediately thought of the books from my days as a kid in school.
I always liked Spot!

Making the Spot block was so easy!
Carla's instructions for Spot can be found HERE.

These are the measurements for the Spot 10" finished block:

I added a circle in the center, borders, and some dogs using an Accuquilt die that I've had
forever. Of course, I named the quilt, "Spot." The fabrics are by Riley Blake Designs.

The photos were taken in a St. George, Utah, park. I love the dragon!

This little girl and her dogs seemed like an appropriate photo prop!

I love my "crew" who is always there to lend a hand.
It was too cold for him to run through the water at the splash pad.

Quilted Works used a dog design for the quilting...see the little paws!

Thanks for stopping by to see "Spot!"

Here's all the other amazing blocks made into projects:

Project Designer

April 1st
Block 1- 4 Patch
April 2nd
Block 2 - Double Stuffed
April 3rd
April 4th
Block 4 - Dutch Door
April 5th
April 6th
Block 6 - Tacked Up
April 7th
Block 7 - Stripper
April 8th
Block 8 - Staggered
April 9th
Block 9 - Topsy Turvy
April 10th
Block 10 - Chunky Pinwheel
April 11th
Block 11 - Painted WIndow
April 12th
Block 12 - Broken Cinder Block
April 13th
Block 13 - Reaction
April 14th
Block 14 - Median Strip
April 15th
Block 15 - Center of Attention
April 16th
Block 16 - Bounce
April 17th
Block 17 - Sweet Sixteen
April 18th
Block 18 - Yeah Eights
April 19th
Block 19 - Weave
April 20th
Block 20 - Classic
April 21st
Block 21 - Spot
April 22nd
Block 22 - Cross Walk
April 23rd
Block 23 - Opposites Attract
April 24th
Block 24 - Possibility
April 25th
Block 25 - Camper Window
April 26th
Block 26 - Catching Z's
April 27th
Block 27 - Broken Stripes
April 28th
Block 28 - Stockade
April 29th
Block 29 - Dovetail
April 30th
Block 30 - Slow Tee


  1. I love the quilt and the setting is perfect.

  2. Cute quilt! You are so creative--I wouldn't have thought of setting it off with a circle in the center. The dog appliques are neat, the black and white is neat, the sculptures are neat (I like that dragon too.). You have given me some good ideas. :) Thanks, Carol!

  3. Now this is fun. It's a simple but effective quilt and I love how you added to it to give it more interest.

  4. Oh wow, you have really made this plain block into an interesting quilt! From the dogs, to the spotted fabric, to the paws in the quilting, to the name, you've really added lots of clever touches. Thanks for sharing.

  5. Amazing my friend. You always rock my world.Thank you for going above and beyond for the 30 Quilt Blocks in 30 Days Blog Hop and Quilt Along by taking on 2 blocks. Bravo!! !!

  6. Beautiful quilt. So pretty. Have a great day! angielovesgary2 atgmail dotcom

  7. Simple and very effective. The black and white gives a punch to this simple block.

  8. I like all the puppies surrounding the spot.

  9. Run Spot, run!!! This is adorable - a few puppy loving friends of mine would love this.

  10. That is so, so adorable! I love people who can think outside of the box. I think I just sit and stare trying to come up with something different.
    What made you put the circle in the middle? That's really creative!

  11. Hi again,
    Love this block, too! This blog hop is so fun - I am enjoying it immensely.
    ~smile~ Roseanne

  12. A very sweet quilt with lots of originality. Your photo shoot location is so much fun. Thanks for sharing

  13. Absolutely beautiful! I, too, loved

    the wonderful Spot readers. Your background setting was a superb choice--little girl with dogs so precious.

  14. Carol, what a fun quilt, especially with the quilted paw prints! I remember learning to read with Jane and Spot. Such a sweet memory to make a quilt using that as an inspiration. Super setting for quilt photos, too!

  15. That quilt would steal any child's heart, and a lot of adults, too. Thanks for sharing your never-ending creativity with us. This is such a great idea.

  16. I absolutely LOVE Spot and the black and white design. Your quilt is stunning and the props at the park are perfect. I do really love that Dragon reading a book. The paw print quilting is super cute and appropriate. Creative Quilting Bliss...<3

  17. I LOVE your rendition of this block, Carol. The black and white is so dramatic. The quilting is perfect for it too.

  18. I love the design! And your choice of black and white. The photography was great too.

  19. Perfection! You outdid yourself with this one!

  20. Love to see the creative quilt you made from a simple idea

  21. Wow! Your quilt is exceptional!

  22. I really enjoyed the way in which you created your quilt! Your quilt is just magnificent and using all of the special backgrounds for photographs were sure fun. I adore "cute and loveable" dragons plus the little girl with the wagon and puppies was so perfect. Thank you so much for sharing!

  23. Cute "Spot" quilt. Seeing the picture from the Dick and Jane book reminds me that I had found, and bought a couple of those books. My house got robbed, and along with my jewelry, they took my books. They weren't worth but a couple dollars for each book, but I miss them more than my jewelry!

  24. I love you design of this quilt block and the dogs are really cute.

  25. Great name and I love the setting of the circle to dance with the rest of the quilt. How fun!

  26. Very nice interpretation of this block. The quilt is lovely and the name says it all. It's loaded with symbolism.

  27. Awesome quilt! I love black and white quilts and the puppy is spectacular! Thanks!

    Please click on the delaineelliott above for my email link.

  28. :) I just love two color quilts and to date have never made one! I always end up with more colors in my quilts! :) :) You quilt is adorable! You have inspired me I'm going to try real hard this time to make a true 2 color quilt!!

  29. That is just adorable and what a perfect place for a photo shoot!

  30. Such a fun quilt, great use of the puppies and fun color choice :) Love your photos too!

  31. YOur photo backdrop is just perfect. You did a great job with the block and all of your additions. I love those books too. I actually have a couple of them (reprints) in a box in the back of the closet.

  32. I got a bit behind with the hop but really like your quilt and just had to say how good your photography/settings always are. Thanks for sharing.


Comments are always appreciated!

T-Shirt Quilts For Christmas

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