Saturday, April 7, 2018

46 Years With That Guy, But It Seems Like Only Yesterday

Time flies so fast that I'm having a hard time registering that it's been 46 years with
that guy of mine. It really does seem like yesterday that he left me anonymous notes
and a donut while we worked at Montgomery Ward. We were both so young!

I wasn't even 19 and I was walking down the aisle with him.

Then we started having babies...

...until there were four kids to make our family complete.

Or so we thought. 

Six Monkey Boys later...

...and a couple son-in-laws makes for a pretty amazing 46 years.

Now we're just two old crows ready for more adventures! 


Thanks for this life, babe!


  1. Awww, I love this post. I have goosebumps. You are all so PUUUrrrty. Congratulations!!

  2. Congratulations on 46 years. I love seeing couples that have made wonderful lives together. Through thick and thin you've kept it together because I'm sure not every day was sunshine.

  3. Awww, how sweet. A great post, have fun on your trip.

  4. What a heart-warming post. Congratulations on so many years together.

  5.'s a wonderful life!

  6. Congratulations. You guys do have a wonderful life. Enjoy more to come. BTW - We celebrate 30 in a few weeks. Crossing my fingers we make it to 50. :)

  7. So sweet when couples are still in love so many decades later. Wow that older monkey boy must have some giraffe in him because he sure is tall! Unless the rest of you are short? Lol! Basketball player?

  8. Congratulations on this wonderful adventure that you are on. May it continue with nothing but health and happiness.

  9. I love this post!! Thanks for sharing this wonderful anniversary with us!! CONGRATS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  10. That's awesome and you two are so blessed to still have each other. Mine was gone way too early. Enjoy each and every day!!

  11. I have goosebumps! Congratulations!

  12. Congratulations! So awesome to see a marriage that lasts forever.

  13. Love your photos, what a wonderful life and family.
    Happy Anniversary!


  14. I enjoyed your story. My hubby and I are now 47 yrs so I understand what you are saying. You were a good looking couple and still are. Bless you
    Carol (Etty)
    in Israel

  15. Oh my goodness, what a wonderful post! Happy Anniversary to you and your guy! Thank you for sharing this post with us. It just makes me smile!

  16. Congratulations! I'm sure there have been more ups than downs, and that's a wonderful thing. Keep on going strong.

  17. Happy anniversary! Thank you for sharing your joy with us!

  18. And you still look so happy-keep it going! Congrats to you both.

  19. Hi Carol,
    Such a wonderful glimpse into those 46 years! Congrats to your and your DH. The kiddos are all grown with kiddos of their own - it's it just the bestest?!!!!! There's still plenty of adventures out there for the two of you to enjoy. Thanks for sharing such fun memories - I remember Montgomery Ward.
    ~smile~ Roseanne

  20. Love this post! Happy Anniversary :)

  21. Awwwwww...congrats on your fabulous 46 years. Here's to 46 more!

  22. That's wonderful! We made 46 last summer, and our first child was born in 1974 also.

    He had a major heart attack in December, but thankfully, we made it to the hospital in time. Praying you and us have many more years together!

  23. Congratulations and what a great post Carol! It was so neat to see all of the photos! My first was born in 1975!

  24. Happy Anniversary! May you continue to be blessed with many more years. Your family looks great! Great post. Thanks for sharing.

  25. Oh my...19?? what did your mother say?? A lovely family...and the two of you did it all so proud..xo

  26. Congratulations!! I was 18 when I married. I'm 80 now and I don't regret a moment of my life. I am so happy for you both and your lovely family!! How blessed you are!!!

  27. Congratulations! Love seeing the photos...such a beautiful family, and what fun you have had!

  28. Sounds like a wonderful life. Congratulations and best wishes for many more years together.

  29. What a wonderful post filled with family! Thanks for sharing!

  30. Wonderful post. I know exactly how you feel. We celebrated 46 years last August..
    xx, Carol

  31. Congratulations!!! Lovely story, Carol...times goes so quickly

  32. Done good girl! What a lovely family you and hubby are surrounded by. Congrats!

  33. Blessing to the both of you and your family. Happy Aniversary. I too met my husband while in High school and next month will be married 44 yrs. My first child was born in July also. I truly hope you have lots of fun the rest of your lives! Enjoy traveling.

  34. Congratulations! 46 years is so fabulous. We were married when I was 21, and had 42 years before Paul died. It is a wonderful thing to spend all those years together and still love each other unconditionally! Here's hoping for many more for you - and great grandchildren, maybe some monkey girls!

  35. Like fine wine, you have both aged quite well! Congrats!

    1. Thank you Susan. Did you know you are a no reply blogger? I hope you get to read this.


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