Sunday, March 15, 2015

My Tree Bird Is Here Today

Elizabeth's Studios has a whole line of beautiful bird fabrics and it is just stunning.

I took my one-man crew out to take photos of my projects. 
He's just the best crew I've ever had!

The panels of birds and birdhouses had gorgeous colors and designs,
so I fussy cut them and created a lap quilt with a scalloped border.

I love those birds and birdhouses, plus the beautiful quilting by Quilted Works.

I was in a fussy cutting kind of mood, so I picked out some of my favorite birdhouses from
the fabric and created a sweet little pillow that would be perfect for someone I love.

This swing usually has a Monkey Boy on it, but they weren't around so it displayed my pillow.


Sewing has been en-lightening since I got my Inspired LED light...I can see so much better!

Before I got lit up...

After I saw the light...

It's like a Broadway show around here!

It's been a while since I've had a giveaway, so I picked these up on my shopping trip
to Quilted Works and thought someone out there might just like to win them.

Don't they both just scream "SPRING!"

The Rules
  1. Leave a short and sweet comment.
  2. One comment per person.
  3. The giveaway can be mailed anywhere.
  4. You don't have to be a follower to play along, but of course that makes me smile if you do.
  5. Giveaway ends at 5 p.m. PST on March 23rdEntries after 5 p.m. PST on March 23rd will not be included in the giveaway.
  6. THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT: If you aren't sure whether or not you are a no reply blogger, LEAVE ME AN EMAIL ADDRESS...pretty please! You can't win if I can't contact you! If you don't get a reply from me to your comment, you are a no reply blogger.
There's more of us flitting around with beautiful bird projects so check them out!
You can find the whole schedule at It Seams To Be Sew.

Thanks for stopping by to visit!


  1. Those lights look fabulous! I need to investigate those!

    Love your quilt and that border rocks! Your pillow is really sweet too!

  2. Carol your quilt and pillow are beautiful! Your crew looks pretty good too,lol! Thank you for sharing.

  3. Your Pillow is ADORABLE! It just GRABBED me with that GORGEOUS RED HEART!!!! The fabric is gorgeously shown off in that lap quilt...that scalloped edging really framed them so "tweetly"! and your QUILTING.....So lovely and fresh! You are another one that I am never disappointed in what you create! THESE are just perfect!!!! and can we say...NICE CREW!!!!!!

  4. I love both the quilt and the pillow. The lovely border around the quilt just really shows off the beautiful birds and birdhouses. The red in the pillow just makes everything pop.. it's really really awesome.

  5. Beautiful panel quilt and pillow! Thanks for sharing.

  6. I love both the quilt and the pillow. I love the inner border on the quilt. I like the back shot of the crew, too. Yes, the giveaway screams spring. I love the multicolored clips. I want some even though I have a few red ones. Is that selfish? Thanks for joining the hop and being very, very generous.

  7. Lovely quilt and pillow! Thanks for the chance to win the fun & spring-like items!
    ~ Karen (doulakaren (at) yahoo(dot) com

  8. Love your quilt & your pillow. The giveaway is definitely Springy looking.

  9. Your quilt and your pillow are both gorgeous! I've seen several bloggers raving about these LED lights -- might need to check them out! Thanks for the tip and for the great giveaway!

  10. Carol. Beautiful quilt and its DONE! Yes! Loved seeing it hanging outside. Thanks for sharing your projects today.

  11. Gorgeous quilt Carol! And your pillow is really charming too.

  12. I love the sweet quilt. It really shows off the birds so well. You do have a great crew of one. I love the pillow too. That is such pretty fabric.

  13. Beautiful quilt! Love how you alternated houses and birds. Your pillow is just as gorgeous. Great projects!

  14. Yes! SPRING! I love the gorgeous fabric and couldn't make a quilt without Clover clips! How did we all exist before them? Thank you so much for the wonderful giveaway!

  15. spring.....I wish, it is like January here...this is one miserable winter Carol. we got 45 cm of snow since yesterday. but on a brighter note...your quilt is beautiful!!!

  16. Very nice Carol! Your pillow is so sweet.

  17. Carol, your quilt and pillow are gorgeous! I love the way you quilted it! Beautiful!

  18. Your quilt and pillow are just so perfect! I love that fabric... I chose it has so many possibilities. Your pillow will be a wonderful, heartfelt gift that anyone would treasure. Thanks for the projects and thanks for the giveaway. Happy Spring!

  19. I like the way you combined the birds and the bird houses in the same quilt and love that border design -- so simple and so effective!!

  20. Your quilt with the birdhouses and the birds is beautiful! And such a cute pillow!

  21. Carol that scalloped border just made this quilt even more beautiful! And the pillow - well whoever you gift it to will be thrilled! As usual you have made us smile with your wonderful projects! blessings, marlene

  22. I am a follower and believer in all things beautiful and fabulous - love. love this little quilt and pillow. The scalloped border certainly was the genius that brought the whole project to perfection. Thanks for all you do for us. Judy C in NC

  23. You always do such wonderful work--I love the tree bird lap quilt! The scalloped border is just the thing for it. Someone is going to love that pillow too. Thanks for sharing!

  24. Your quilt looks like spring to me. I like the border a lot. It adds a wonderful look to the crisp white. Beautiful job.

  25. Beautiful quilt, I especially like your scalloped border. Your pillow is just beautiful.

  26. Carol, your quilt and cushion are beautiful!!

  27. I love your quilt, Carol. The border on it is sooo pretty. The pillow is beautiful too. That will make a lovely gift.

  28. Looks like Spring indeed! I like the way you calmed the busy-ness of that panel with the white, the quilt looks beautiful :)

  29. As always, you've presented beautiful projects. I'm very interested in the lighting. My SIL is an electrician and he has these lights strategically placed throughout the house and camper! Never thought how great they'd work at the sewing machine! Glad someone did!

  30. Your quilt and pillow are beautiful. So cheery. Thanks for the chance to win fabric and clips.

  31. I do like your quilt! Charming and speaks spring. We could do with a bit of spring here in eastern Canada where a major snowstorm is in progress. Thanks for sharing your work & a giveaway.

  32. Such a sweet give away!! And love your runway! You can really strut your stuff! Thanks for the chance to win!

  33. Most of the picture links seemed to be broken on my computer but I did see the quilt and the pillow. Very cute. We're just waiting for the birds to come back here. The Canada geese have been back for a week or two so hopefully the song birds won't be too far behind.

  34. I love both your projects they are so fresh and clean looking. (I hope you know what I mean) Thanks for the chance in your giveaway and sharing your photo of your crew of 1. I think I need to get my crew a uniform as well. LOL

    Robin in Washington State
    assweetaspeaches hotmail

  35. Great quilt. Amazing crew. Tell me more about the lights.. Precious giveaway.

  36. Love, love,love that quilt with the cut up panels!

  37. What a beautiful quilt and pillow Carol and I love the "Crew" shirt!

  38. Lovely quilted projects. I will have to look for some of those lights so I can see better.

  39. Gorgeous quilt and pillow!! Love your use of the fabric line. " Super Sweet Tweets!"

  40. This is a lovely quilt and pillow. I have been enjoying seeing what people are doing with these beautiful fabrics. I have a one-man crew too except I actually call him my roadie.


  41. I love that quiltie with the scalloped border on it. That one looks like it would almost be do-able for me, as I never got the hang of cutting the outside edges with scallops! Fabulous pillow too. These Birdie prints are just the cutest!

  42. We have bird houses and feeders all over the yard.....last count 45 houses, so it's obvious how much I love your pretty quilt. It's so much fun watching the different birds come to feed, and how excited we get when we spot a new variety. Love the fact that you have such a willing stage hand, as do I. . I've had mine for 60 years now, 63 if you count the years before marriage. We are blessed!

  43. Your quilt really shows off these beautiful birds. I love the scalloped border! It's such a sweet design addition.
    Thank you for the sweet giveaway. Those rainbow clips are fun!

  44. Hi! I love your quilt and pillow, what I would have done if I could have found the fabric! Love the lights everyone is showing! I guess 2 things on my list now! Take care, Leslie

  45. I really liked your scalloped inner border. That added so much to your quilt. I think I am going to have to get some of that fabric and make a lap quilt for my sister. Nancy A:

  46. Your quilt and pillow are both gorgeous! Beautiful work!

  47. I love your cute quilt and little pillow. Great use of the fabric! Thank you for the chance to win a prize!

    blessings, :D

  48. The quilt is beautiful, the pillow got pinned to my pinterest board and I love those rainbow clips!

  49. Cute quilt and pillow. Giveaways says spring is here.

  50. Carol you did wonderful. Loving your quilt and pillow. You always come up with such great ideas.

  51. The quilt is lovely! The way you put the whole quilt together is perfect. I love the birds...and the border. The color of the border just really sets off the whole piece. Great job! Pillow is cute too! Are the lights hot after they have been on a while? If one was to get these, exactly what would we ask for to have a set up like yours on the machine. Thanks for the giveaway. You are always so generous and cheery!

  52. I love that you combined blocks from the two different panels into one quilt! And the pillow is so pretty and feminine with that bright red ruffle and heart in the center. It will be lovely to display for Valentine's each year. Thanks for the giveaway and the chance to win. I've started following you on bloglovin.

  53. Loving this little quilt. Wish this fabric line had been available a couple of years ago. A group of us made a special quilt and she loves birds and birdhouses. Looks like you live in California or Arizona. Will look for you in my inbox.

  54. Your quilt is so pretty. I like how you let the fabric shine. Very cute pillow too. Thanks for the chance on your giveaway.

  55. Gorgeous quilt! I actually noticed your green scalloped border first - it is just the perfect frame for the quilt. Loved your crew's shirt; what a hoot. At least, this time, you didn't have 'the crew' climbing over ravines!! :)

  56. Your pillow is really cute, but that quilt..... it is a show stopper. Such pretty fabric isn't it?


  58. Love the fabric and your projects. They are beautiful. Thanks for the chance to win.

  59. Oh, your quilt is so petty! Those birds are so bright and cheerful looking. But Carol, I love your pillow with the red ruffles. They make it so adorable.

  60. I love the scallop border you used for your quilt. The ruffle really makes the pillow too. I think I should light up my sewing machine, it really show the difference.

  61. Your bird quilt is beautiful Carol. I like your crew of one too and he even has his own tee-shirt, lol!!! You are a lucky lady he helps with your photo shoots. I ordered one of those lights for my machine, so I hope I will be seeing better soon too.

  62. There you go again, sewing up another beautiful quilt and pillow ! You definitely have your sew MOJO back, that's great because it keeps your 1 man crew busy.

  63. I've enjoyed seeing the bird projects all over blogland, but yours is the prettiest so far. Love all the white, and the pretty border!

  64. Carol I love your quilt, the scalloped border is wonderful as is your "love"ly pillow but what other bird related item were you working on when showing off the led lighting?

  65. I really like the border you used. It just sets that quilt off so beautifully. Gorgeous quilt. And I like the pillow. That big red ruffle is awesome. I giggled when I saw the word CREW on your man's tshirt. I like that. I think my one man crew needs one of those. Thanks for sharing your gorgeous creations. I am now officially ready for spring.

  66. I love the quilt you made. The white fabric around the blocks and the scalloped border were perfect choices to set off the beautiful bird fabric. I have been inspired by this hop and want to get to my sewing machine. I think I should look in to the led lighting.

  67. Your quilt and pillow are sew pretty, Carol! I love the way you mixed the bird and birdhouse panels in the quilt. The border is perfection. Thank you for sharing and for the chance to win. Those LED lights are sew nice and bright ... :) Pat

  68. Your quilt is just beautiful, Carol. I love it! The cushion is very pretty too.

  69. Spring! Yaaay Spring...only a few more days until SPRING!!!

  70. wow you have done an outstanding job. You are a very creative lady. Yahhhh spring is finally coming. I have tulips and crocus's starting to pop their heads up. quilting dash lady at Comcast dot net

  71. Great job by your one man crew! This Tree Bird Quilt is stunning with the scalloped border. Thank you sew very much for Tree Bird hopping and participating. Your generous give is definitely looking like Spring and thank you. Creative Bird Bliss...

  72. Your quilt and pillow are very pretty! I really love red with this fabric line.

  73. Very cute quilt. Thanks for the giveaway.

  74. Very beautiful Quilt. This theme was much needed it makes us spring ready. Thanks for the chance to win the giveaway.

  75. I absolutely love your quilt and pillow, the way you framed the birds and birdhouses with white and red trim. Your quilting makes the designs stand out that much more. Thank you for being an inspiration and the chance to win fabric and wonder clips. The colors seem to shout out SPRING!

  76. So beautiful! The pillow is just so pretty! It's great to have wonderful crew members isn't it? ;) Don't enter me in the giveaway. Being able to visit and see your creations is the best prize to me. Hugs!

  77. Cute website design & you really did a lot of beautiful birdie things for today. Thanks. Hope I win the Spring give away! Angeliasue (

  78. What a gorgeous quilt! ( great quilt hanger too!) I love how you fussy cut to showcase each image, and the border design is something I haven't seen. I have to look into getting some of those lights soon. I do most of my sewing at night after work, and these old eyes do see as well as they used to.

  79. I need a crew shirt for my helper. Love it. Great quilt and the quilting is wonderful. That pillow is gorgeous with those bird houses and the heart.

  80. They do indeed scream spring! Thanks for the chance to win. And thanks for sharing your beautiful bird quilt. The fabric, the design, and the quilting are all gorgeous!

  81. Beautiful quilt and great job of piecing! Love the pillow especially the red heart.

  82. Beautiful quilt and gorgeous quilting on it. I loved the little pillow just adorable. This is a wonderful fabric and it just screams spring

  83. Love the scalloped border you framed your quilt with, so pretty. Your quilt is beautiful.

  84. Love your quilt. So happy to see things that remind me of spring.

  85. Love the quilt, especially the scallop looking border. Beautiful pillow too. The red really makes the panel pop!

  86. Such wonderful projects and just calling out for spring to get here. Love the lighting and may have to order one. Love the Fresh Cut charm pack and the easter egg colored Wonder Clips.

  87. Hi Carol Oh MY!!! Your birdies are so pretty!! The red pillow does really pop with color. Thank you for sharing them with us and for the chance to win your great prize. You are right those do say "Spring".


  88. What a difference your scalloped border makes with your lap quilt...just charming. Nice job with all your projects, thanks for sharing.

  89. Beautiful projects! I love to hear the birds early in the morning and now that winter is almost past I am enjoying their songs. Thanks for the great springy giveaway!

  90. Love your quilt and pillow, of course I follow

  91. Beautiful projects Carol (as always)!!! :)

  92. Love the colorful clover clips in your give-away. I am also very curious about the LED lights for my sewing machine. I will definitely be doing some research on them. I always enjjoy seeing your lovely projects!

  93. Darling quilt, great helper and lovely prizes. Thanks! K-

  94. Love the scalloped edge on your quilt. Checked on the led site but they don't ship to New Zealand so send my over to one of their distributors - so that's on my list of things to do tonight. I have seen the light!

  95. Your quilt turned out wonderful. I need to get this panel. I love how you did the border. Wonderful.

  96. Very pretty. Birds allways remind me of my moma..When I call her she always tells me about what birds are in yer yard and shich ones are at her feeders right then...

  97. I love your quilt! Birds always make me feel like spring. And I must gat one of those lights for my sewing machine! Thanks!

    Please click on the delaineelliott above for my email link.

  98. I am here, a bit late, but so worth the visit...lovely projects my sweet lady great help with your crew....

  99. Still cold here, we are waiting for the robins to return and bring the warmer weather. The little pillow is the sweetest.

  100. I love your lap quilt. It looks like were looking through the window to all the pretty birds outside. Thank you for the chance to win your giveaway. I love the fabric.

  101. Those lights are terrific and what a difference they make. I'll need to investigate them for my own machine since I',m still sewing in the dark ages. lol Your bird projects are fabulous and love the cohesiveness of them. That scalloped border treatment is perfect with the quilt. Beautiful projects! Thanks for sharing.

  102. Your bird quilt really showcases that gorgeous fabric - just lovely! The scalloped border was an inspired choice.

  103. I do love your quilt but that Pillow speaks to me!!! However, I am missing pictures of the Monkey Boys. Perhaps I haven't visited as often as I need to but I do love those Monkey boys and watching to see how they grow. I have 5 grandsons and 2 granddaughters. Those little boys do crack me up and I'm sure the Monkey boys keep you as entertained as much as my little grandpeeps do.
    Gmama jane

  104. I do love your quilt but that Pillow speaks to me!!! However, I am missing pictures of the Monkey Boys. Perhaps I haven't visited as often as I need to but I do love those Monkey boys and watching to see how they grow. I have 5 grandsons and 2 granddaughters. Those little boys do crack me up and I'm sure the Monkey boys keep you as entertained as much as my little grandpeeps do.
    Gmama jane

  105. waoh, what great Projects! the quilt is fantastic and your cushion is gorgeous.....! and I really envy you, you never have winter with snow? Brrrrr, I could really Need some more warmth at the Moment.....

  106. Your quilt is very beautiful,and so is your pillow .That bird fabric is to die for .not sure if i am a no blocker or not so here

  107. Your quilt is very beautiful,and so is your pillow .That bird fabric is to die for .not sure if i am a no blocker or not so here

  108. Love the quilt. Birds are such a lovely gift from God

  109. great projects. i just love that quilt - the border sets everything just nicely!

  110. Wonderful projects Carol. I love birds and this fabric is so cute. I haven´t seen that in Sweden so my day on Monday will be with birds but not Tree Birds.
    Have a great day

  111. I'm so glad you saw the light, and you did it in a perfect way by sewing som many beautiful things. I love that bird fabric. Thanks for your giveaway. I need spring now!

  112. ♥♥your quilt is a stunner!!♥♥
    The scalloped border really frames your bird collage perfectly. Happy snuggling under it!

  113. What a lovely lap quilt. The scalloped border makes it perfect. I love your work.

  114. What a lovely lap quilt. The scalloped border makes it perfect. I love your work.

  115. Your quilt is gorgeous! The pillow is cute too! Cute giveaway too.

  116. Love your work! Love your site! Thanks for sharing and for the giveaway!

  117. I love the scalloped border on your quilt. It makes it look like one of those beautiful nature stamps you discover on the envelope of a letter from a distant friend!
    I'm an "old" Bloglovin' follower!

  118. Can't wait to be able to open my windows and hear the birds singing in the morning! Lovely quilt.

  119. An absolutely beautiful quilt. ☺

  120. Love both the quilt and pillow!!! Also love this giveaway!!!!

  121. I absolutely love your quilt...scallops and all! Thank you for the chance to win.

  122. Your border is perfect for the setting - reminds me of collecting postage stamps. I am now in the market to be lit up , that looks like a must-have!

  123. Rosemary B here:
    Well, better late than never
    I really like your quilt and the pillow too. I love the birdies, the scallop border and the color This is a sweet quilt
    The pillow is beautiful. I love the flowers. and the heart in the middle. You are really good Carol

    This is a nice giveaway. Good luck to all, and It would be so cool to win, so who ever wins, YAY

  124. I love how you uSed those two panels to make the quilt. I have the one with bird houses-need the one with just birds. Great job!

  125. Love that quilt and the fun pieced scallop effect!

  126. I really like both your quilt and your pillow. Nicely done.

  127. I really like your LED lighting system! Your quilt is lovely.

  128. Good morning! Lovely to meet you via the internet! Found you from the Elephant-along post this morning. You seem like someone I'd love to have a cup of tea with, so I'll follow. Have a terrific day today!

  129. You always make the cutest projects. Love the sweet little pillow and the scallop around the quilt is just perfect. Reminds me of a postage stamp.

  130. Carol, I need new lights in my sewing room so I will check those outI usually do not like panel quilts but you did an amazing job on yours

  131. The birds are lovely! My mom would love your quilt, as she is big into birds. Thank you for sharing your super fun project.

  132. Love the scalloped border on your quilt as well as that adorable ruffled pillow, Carol!!! Both make me look forward to getting back to sewing/quilting once I recoup from the major surgery I had last week…in the meantime, I look forward to more of your beautiful projects :)

  133. Love your projects and your giveaway. I appreciate your positive approach and willingness to share your quilting talents. Have a great day.

  134. I love the bird quilt. Do you have a pattern on how to do the scalloped border? Or better yet, do you have a pattern for the quilt? My email is Thank you.


Comments are always appreciated!

T-Shirt Quilts For Christmas

 It was a busy three months sewing t-shirt/memory shirt quilts, but I made the Christmas deadlines and got them all done...whew! I made six ...