Wednesday, December 10, 2014

That Christmas Mood Thing

I think I feel it!
Yep, there it is...the "Christmas Mood" has slowly arrived along with lots of memories.

The Three Sisters on Christmas morning
(I'm the little one)
Look at those black patent leather shoes...I loved them!
My mom sewed all our Christmas dresses...she was amazing! 

Oh, the excitement that was happening on Christmas morning!
Usually, the sun wasn't even up and my sisters and I were not so patient waiting for my 
parents to get out of bed so we could rush into the living room to see what Santa brought.

We each had a stocking filled with small items and of course, there were oranges to fill in the 
toe of the stocking. Once those were dumped out and spread all around, it was on to the presents.

There were only a couple gifts for each of us...underwear was almost always one of them.
Then there was the BIG gift. Just one and it was always so special.

We didn't have much money, but I don't remember feeling poor. The doll, a clock radio,
new pajamas, whatever. It was always so exciting and we were so grateful for each gift.

One sweet bloggy friend mentioned in an email to me that she's giving her grandchildren three gifts,
only three because that's "how many Jesus got."  What a sweet idea and three gifts are plenty!

Here's how she figures out the three:
  1. "Gold was an indulgence...wealth...that's their toy or something they just want."
  2. "Frankincense was a perfume...something their hearts something from my heart to theirs, usually made by me"
  3. "Myrrh was used to anoint people when they died, something useful, needed....I get them pajamas every year."
Thanks, Marlene, for sharing this wonderful way to make Christmas so special! I love it!

Sometimes it's just something shiny that makes us smile and feel the spirit of Christmas.

With only 15 days left until Christmas (yikes!) I'm glad I'm feeling a little more in the mood!


  1. We carry on the tradition of the orange in the toe of the stocking - and I like the 'gift of 3', but I just do one each as there are so many on each side of the family - those kids are gift buried.

  2. Wonderful post and sweet memories. We had 8 kids, so a couple of presents were enough, but it was always something we wanted and loved, nothing expensive, usually skates or a sled. Of course one present was a dress that we wore to church and that is the only present we could open till after church, really made me appreciate the spirit of Christmas.


  3. how sweet is that black and white photo. love the tinsel on the tree which I still do.

  4. Love the picture in your finest dresses, each clutching a sweet doll! Since Christmas isn't supposed to be about the gifts, anyway... I like the 3 gift idea. Merry Christmas!

  5. What a great idea from Marlene! You were all so cute, and I know that we were kind of poor when I was a kid, but I didn't know it. Maybe a Barbie, pajamas, a new dress, but not a whole lot more.

  6. I really love what your friend said.....yeah, stockings had apples, oranges, nuts and peppermints....maybe some ribbon candy if you were lucky !

  7. Well that sums up the meaning of Christmas nicely. I can see how you are getting in the mood. Do you have your patent leather shoes all ready for the big day this year? Love that picture. It brings back happy memories for so many of us.

  8. Aw, what sweet girls and such happy memories, Carol.

  9. Your friend Marlene is a wise woman indeed Carol. This is a wonderful post... it brings back a lot memories for me too.


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