Sunday, December 7, 2014

In The Mood For Christmas With A Giveaway!

A lot of people I've run into lately have said they aren't in the mood for Christmas
and that they have a "BAH HUMBUG" kind of attitude about all the decorating and shopping.

I have to admit I am one of them, too!
In an attempt to change my not-so-excited-about-the-holidays attitude,
I did a few things today to help get me in the Christmas spirit.

First, I bought a Santa hat at the pet store...seriously, I did.
Bruster wasn't so thrilled about it, but tolerated my attempt to feel festive.

Second, I stopped at a vintage store in town where I had bought my spool for the last post.
While walking around I thought, "Hey, how about getting another one for a giveaway."
They had one left for me to share! Yay!

Third, I headed to Quilted Works for their 8 Deals of December sale...oh boy!
(Fabric stores are a great way to get excited about Christmas.)
The fat quarters were on sale, so I picked up five Christmas fabrics to share with one of you.
Debbie rubber banded them together for me so they would stay cute like the ones on display.
Thanks, Debbie!

Put them together and it makes a sweet little bundle for a giveaway!

Bah Humbug, of course there are rules!

The Rules
  1. Leave a short and sweet the mood for Christmas or not?
  2. One comment per person.
  3. The giveaway can be mailed anywhere.
  4. You don't have to be a follower to play along, but of course that makes me smile if you do.
  5. Giveaway ends at 5 p.m. PST on December 15thEntries after 5 p.m. PST on December 15th will not be included in the giveaway.
  6. THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT: If you aren't sure whether or not you are a no reply blogger, LEAVE ME AN EMAIL ADDRESS...pretty please! You can't win if I can't contact you! If you don't get a reply from me to your comment, you are a no reply blogger.


  1. Not really in the mood - most of my time is travel 5 hrs each weekend to see my dad who is ill so I do not feel inspired to decorate - but the fat quarters looking like stars made me smile and Thank you for the kindness - I can't sleep right now so maybe I should "haul out some holly"... :) Thank you ( I think I will not put a Santa Hat on my dog - she would look even more annoyed than Buster lol)

  2. We usually have a 'toned-down' Christmas, try to avoid all the stress in the stores, and not to decorate too much. But, my sons are coming home from college after their exams, and I guess there will be a little extra for them.
    Love the cute star bundle and the spool !

  3. Trying to get into the mood by getting out my xmas wall hangings today. I've made them over the years and they always cheer me up!

  4. I admit I love Christmas and I only have to get out one little xmas item and I can't help myself then, I have to keep going. Lovely giveaway Carol

  5. We have a tree and a half year old in the family and he is so excited it's impossible not to be excited too.

  6. I admit I hung all my Christmas quilts last night, so yes, I am in the Christmas spirit! Thanks for the chance to win those lovely fabrics!

  7. I'm really in the mood for Christmas this year!! Although.... I haven't even started decorating yet. LOL. But the spirit of Christmas is flowing thru the house... the decorating will come. Thanks for a sweet giveaway. I hope it helps to chase the bah humbugs away.

  8. Bruster looks very handsome in his Christmas hat. I just love Christmas time.

  9. I'm in the mood for be over! Putting up the tree today and I'm already planning for when we take it down. Bah! Humbug! (But I am giving some awesome handmade gifts this year!)

  10. I'm baking done, few presents bought, no cards written.....but I still smile every time I walk past the Christmas tree, I'm still watching Hallmark Christmas movies, and diligently searching online for the perfect gifts. Merry Christmas! blessings, marlene

  11. I am so in the mood for Christmas. Our snow is back, the wood stove is keeping us toasty, and I'm just waiting for dh to finish up a few things (renos) in the living room so I can tidy and decorate! Oh and I'm listening to Christmas music every chance I get LOL Love the santa hat...such a cutie! Love your giveaway....put together so very pretty! And that fabric is totally festive...what fun...and a happy Bah Humbug to you xox

  12. I am so trying to be in the mood. I work retail, though, and people are not very nice or cheerful most of the time, so it is a struggle to stay in the mood. Christmas movies and Christmas sewing help. I have my own monkey boys, and last night we went and watched them decorate their tree. That helps too. The two and a half year old is hilarious.

  13. What a lovely way to keep the Christmas spirit alive, a giveaway. thank you. I have the spirit. Yesterday I met with my niece and nephew to decide on a Christmas dinner menu and they voted on Taco's. Maybe I shouldn't have asked what they wanted for dinner but hey why not, it's a lot easier than a Turkey.

  14. Very hard to get excited about Christmas this year. Miss my mom, who loved to go shopping before Christmas and was great at picking out the right presents. I will also have no income for 2 weeks, due to Christmas vacation where I work and not qualifying for paid vacation.
    I follow on Bloglovin.

  15. I am not in the mood even with the stores hauling out the Christmas decor before Halloween! I only decorate my mantel and the stockings are hung - for my furry babes.

  16. Am just starting by wrapping 12 little gifts, some handmade, for my sister and niece, for our annual 12 days of Christmas swap, but we are in the process of selling our house, and moving, so most things for decorating are staying packed away! I love Christmas, always a special time of year.

  17. I am almost ready. Lots of homemade gifts this year. Very nice give away. Have a merry Christmas.

  18. like Marla, I am just about there!! I like Christmas, but it is so much work for such a short time. but I am excited for everyone to receive the quilts I made them this year!!! thanks for this giveaway Carol

  19. I am getting in a Christmas mood. I'm almost done making handmade gifts for my daughters and nieces.We've enjoyed shopping at a couple of gift shops that specialize in home-made items. I'll start wrapping gifts today. I've spread all my Christmas quilts and wall hangings around. I think the Rudolph TV special on Tuesday night should finish the job.

  20. I'm definitely in the mood with the house all decorated and with Christmas events right and left. I'm sewing madly with any spare time, trying to get gifts made and finished. Lots of fun. Thanks for the giveaway, Carol! What a nice holiday-ish thing to do! :)

  21. Very much in the mood! Decirations are up, fudge has been made and half of my shopping is done. Plus, how can you not be in the mood with a toddler in the house who loves sitting and admiring the tree?! :)

  22. I am getting in the mood för Christmas. I have in my kitchen window an electric Advent star and an electric candlestick with five lights in framed by stars. It is typical for Scandinavia to have stars and candlesticks in the windows from the first Sunday in Advent until Epiphany day. And some people wait one more week to take the stars and candlesticks away. But I will not have any tree instead several handcrafted Santas everywhere.

  23. Yes, I'm sort-of in the mood. I love seeing people's decorations on homes & businesses, yet I don't like to have to put away decorations myself so we don't put up much now that the kids are grown.The "downer" is the commercialism of Buy This or Get This or....

  24. Beautiful. Thanks so much for sharing. i am slowly getting into the christmas spirit. I finished some baking yesterday and that seemed to help me focus on the season..

  25. Hi Carol! Thanks for the fun post and help to bring us out of the bah humbug drears :) I have been making gifts ever since the "'Twas the Night" blog hop. I don't know who I'm going to give all these little gifts to though! I haven't done any decorating yet, but I do keep one 3ft skinny fake pine tree up all year with little white lights on it. It reminds me to keep Christmas in my heart all year....and I like the way it feels to look at it. I haven't started decorating yet, but maybe today is the day! Happy, merry, joyful holidays!

  26. I am definitely in the mood! I love Christmas. Thanks!

    Please click on the delaineelliott above for my email link.

  27. I'm in the mood for Christmas but I can't decorate or do much about it in the middle of a move across a half dozen states! Ugh!!! Buster was a good sport! Love the spool and fat quarters.

  28. Hi Carol, I am a follower and in the Christmas spirit. Our 6 year old granddaughter lives with us so it is hard to resist the Christmas spirit.

  29. Thanksgiving was so wonderful but it wore me out. I am just now getting the energy to think about Christmas. The fabric in your giveaway has me thinking of a great project. The yellow and black gingham in your gift was a perfect combination.

  30. For the first time in many years I'm in the Christmas spirit. Have the house decorated. I've started (and completed) most of my sewing. Started the baking and realized that's the part of the Christmas spirit I don't like. Not that I don't like baking, because I do... I hate the mess it makes in my kitchen and all the clean up.... So today it's back to sewing while I listen to Christmas music. I hope everyone has a beautiful and blessed Holiday.

  31. I am semi in the mood. I've done very little decorating and have decided that it's getting so late that I'm not even going to put up a tree. On the other hand, I do have several Christmas gatherings that I'm looking forward to. Thank you for your sweet giveaway! And Merry Christmas to you and yours!

  32. I AM in the mood for Christmas because all 4 grandchildren will be here! But I still need to finish all 4 quilts for them AND decorate the house! YIKES! Rcoyle at olemiss dot edu. Your pup is precious.

  33. I am trying hard to get in the mood. My husband passed away last dec and this season has been hard for me. I am trying to decorate and make gifts to get me in the mood.

  34. I'm trying to get in the mood, but I had surgery in October on my left Achilles tendon and am still not fully mobile. I've been sitting around watching my husband try to get the house ready for Christmas, but I'm finding it hard to believe that it it only 18 days away.

    1. Katie.. ouchy boo-boo! I can so relate.. although I lucked out and did not have to have surgery. Get well soon!

  35. It has been a rough year for my family and I thought I wouldn't be in the mood but I am. My family was here for Thanksgiving so I decorated half Christmas and half autumn. My kids decorated outside for me and I am done. My shopping is done - just a few home made items. I don't like to do the same thing each year. This year I have little vignettes all over the house. I am looking forward for 2015.

  36. Carol, you always have such sweet give aways! I have not been in the Christmas spirit for a long time. I am too far away from my family to be festive... no tree or decorations. That will change once we are back in Bama... so this year for Christmas all I want from Santa is for someone to buy our farm. :)

  37. I am not really in the mood but like you trying to get there. I LOVE Christmas. we lost my mother in law last Dec and last week one of my Aunts passed so it is not a happy time. Am planning to make gingerbread houses with the grands Christmas Eve to give them some happy memories. I am slowly decorating around here to make it festive. kids and pets help to take the "bah humbugs" away for sure!

  38. I am trying to get in the mood. I love Christmas. This year all the kids have other things planned so won't be coming home. This week is decorating week. I am sure once I start taking out the decorations my mood will change.

  39. What a sweet giveaway. I'm more on the bah humbug side of things right now. I'm in AZ with my daughter and grandson which is great but I want to be home in WA with my DH. It's been a long year. Of course it doesn't help when the weather is soooo different here than at home.

    Have a great week
    Robin in AZ from Washington State
    assweetaspeaches hotmail

  40. Merry Christmas, if the shopping is getting you down. Ask what them want/need. Your not a mind reader.

  41. Rosemary B here:
    Sweet Puppingtons looks adorable and quite focused on the reason for this season.
    Giving to those we love so much.
    I love this bobbin. It is a special treasure with the fabric on top!
    Merry Christmas days to you Carol and your friends and family too

    1. Oh, and I am always in the mood for giving I love Christmas and my peeps that I adore.
      I am gonna be a gramma in June!!!!

  42. I am not in the Christmas yet. Hope I can get it going soon. Your group of fabrics is cute. I am a follower.
    paweis at yahoo dot com

  43. What?! Not in the mood? Oh, so sad. All I have to do to get into the spirit of Christmas is to listen to Christmas music. So I've been in the spirit of the season sice before Thanksgiving. What a lovely generous giveaway and we've all come crawling out of the woodwork for a chance at it. LoL. I hope you find your holiday spirit soon.

  44. I am always in the mood for Christmas! Love your bundle of fabric, just like a Christmas tree! Thank you! Or is that a star, super cute either way. I sing Christmas Carols, watch Christmas movies and bring out my crèche pieces. I can share my joy with you as I always enjoy your posts.

  45. Not in the mood yet….think a visit to Quilted Works may help change that!! ;)

  46. Buster in his Santa hat is definitely a lift for the holiday spirits! He's so handsome ")
    What is it about vintage items that make them so warm and comforting, maybe because they represent, to me, a much simpler time.
    Merry Christmas Carol.
    Thank you for the chance*

  47. With seven grandkids around, it's hard not to be in the Christmas spirit. I love everything vintage, thanks for the great giveaway. Merry Christmas to you and your family.

  48. Not really in the mood for Christmas and haven't done any decorating except put the wreath on the front door. With temps in the 50's and no snow it just doesn't feel like Christmas. I've also just gotten two kittens so don't think I'll be putting a tree up this year. BUT.....I am deep into using Christmas fabrics to work with and have pulled out more for a new quilt and ordered some on black Friday.

    Buster looks so cute in his hat, maybe I need to get a Santa hat for the kittens and see if it helps.

    Thanks for the chance at such a festive gift and although I may be one of your quiet followers I am a dedicated one.

  49. Now that little bundle would get anyone in the Christmas spirit. I love how they are folded. Thanks so much for the chance.

  50. I have the Christmas spirit but am starting to get panicky about getting everything done!

  51. Just about every day we do something to spark the excitement... Outside lights, decorated the tree, sewed new stockings for everyone.... hmmmmmm.... I think baking some cookies is next!!!!

  52. I'm somewhere in between with Christmas. We got our home all decorated so it helps to get in the Christmas mood. I am waiting for the kiddos to go on Christmas break the we can really relax and enjoy the season.

  53. Thank you, Carol, for this sweet giveaway. It has been too warm to think about Christmas, but I am getting into the spirit. I started decorating yesterday and have been listening to Christmas music and watching movies.

  54. well i got my tree up and finished and i am putting out Santas today trying to get in the mood. didn't sleep last night so it hard

  55. I am starting to get into the Christmas mood. There is so much to do before it arrives though!

  56. This year I am not in the mood for Christmas--at least not yet. The constant ads on TV, the holiday music that started in October, the crowds and the buy me even if you don't need it hype seem to get worse every year. Plus, too many deaths this year and health issues flaring up for me make me want to put it off for a few more months. I don't have the energy to decorate, so I will just sit back and enjoy other people's decorations. I will go to Christmas Eve services and wake up on Christmas morning and be thankful for God's blessings.

  57. In the mood. I start later every year it seems but now we only shop for the grandkids. My daughters, son-in-laws, and other family members were finding it difficult to shop for each other. We don't really need anything. Now we just enjoy the spirit of the holidays, plan our meal, bake lots of goodies, enjoy our family time and ignore the commercial aspects that overwhelm us this time of year. My three year old grandson is just now learning about Santa. He had his first experience buying a toy to donate. Of course he picked something he wanted and it was hard for him to give it away but he did. I can't wait for hip to see Santa's footprints come Christmas morning! I wish you and your monkey boys a very happy holiday!

  58. In the mood for Christmas, but not the stress and office parties that come with it. I'm in the mood to be a homebody and celebrate Christmas with my close family this year.

  59. What a sweet giveaway...I love those spools! I'm not really in the mood either. I have some Christmas sewing to get going on this coming week, little things, I'm hoping this will get me more in the mood. Thank you for sharing.

  60. Trying to get in the mood but finding it tough this year. Need to get over my slump and just enjoy!

  61. I am in the mood for Christmas. My decorating is all done, my gifts are all wrapped and I finished sewing my last handmade gift today. With three little granddaughters, Christmas is so much fun.

  62. I start prepping for Christmas in September. I actually buy presents in the after Christmas sale. Perfect for giving Christmas decorations.
    I follow you by bloglovin.

  63. I'm not quite in the mood yet, I brought out the boxes of decorations so once those are out I'll feel festive!

  64. HELLO, wishing you+yours a Joyous Christmas!
    Thanks for sharing a sweet giveaway!
    Thanks for your Blog too! (follow on Blog Lovin'!)

  65. I've said it before and I'll say it again... You have the best blog. I love your post and your fun give aways. I'll also remind you that it's the most wonderful time of the year. I watch Elf when I need a seasonal pick me up. :-)

  66. I was really in the mood around Thanksgiving, but the mood comes and goes. I think wrapping up some gifts and touring the neighborhood Christmas lights can help bring it back for me tonight.

  67. I think your fabric and spool looks like such a pretty decoration. My Christmas mood comes and goes too. I try not to think about all I have to do and enjoy what I am doing at the moment. Decorating, baking, shopping sewing.

  68. I'm definitely in the Christmas mood! All of my children and grandchildren will be home on the 18th to celebrate Christmas early. I've finished decorating and will finish my shopping and baking this week. Thanks for the cute giveaway.

  69. Always in a Christmas mood when seeing Christmas through my little grandson's eyes!

  70. Not really in the mood for Christmas right now.....maybe when I finish my shopping and start wrapping presents it will put my in the mood.....

  71. I'm getting closer, but I'm grateful for my family whether we are ready or not.

  72. Awe! Thanks for spreading some Christmas Cheer! And thanks for the chance to win :)

  73. Now that my two big dinners are behind me, I am in the mood for Christmas. Your spool looks so pretty with the fabrics.

  74. Just got started decorating for Christmas:)

  75. I am feeling a lot like you....not much in the mood yet! I am trying to push myself and realize that the mood must come soon or we are not going to be in a good way! I just say in 2 holiday concerts this weekend, so that helps a bit, but hoping tomorrow I can dive into the Christmas tree ornaments and tinsel to get the house prepared, even if I'm not!

  76. Bah Humbug!! I'm trying to but it has been a rough year. :)

  77. NOT in the Christmas mood this year! My uncle passed away last week and depending on when the services can be scheduled (he's a veteran so it will be at a national cemetery) I'll not be home for Christmas or I'll be spending Christmas Day on the road, not to return home for over 2 months. I do have all my gifts made/purchased, but no decorating (last time I did that and had to leave after Christmas my step-daughter "helped" take down the tree and broke several of my blown glass icicles - at 20 she should know better). Definitely a bah humbug this year. But, those fat quarters and that spindle are so adorable!!! Definitely made me smile, even if I don't win!! Thank you for that :)

  78. I love Christmas! I have 3 year old twins. This year they are actually interested in Christmas. It is an exciting year in my house.

  79. Hi Carol. Thanks for the fun! I'm a teacher and I never even attempt to begin my Christmas preparations until the semester is over - in this case Dec 19th. But after that, I'll definitely be in the mood! I actually should be grading essays right now, but I needed a little blog surfing break. And you blog is one of my favorites!

  80. I can't believe Christmas is here already, but I am definitely in the mood for Christmas! I LOVE making things, and Christmas gives me an excuse to make things to my heart's content. Also, my children are 5,7 and 9 and love making things, too. It makes such a difference! Today we made potato stamp wrapping paper and Christmas cards.

  81. Beginning to get in the mood for Christmas. Just found out that my step Mom has lymphoma. She is starting chemo tomorrow. Our family is pulling together. Our faith is strong. We are feeling better. Thanks.

    wigglypup2 ( at ) yahoo ( dot ) com

  82. I know how you feel! One of my fur babies died last month so it has been hard to do but I've been listening to some Christmas music and trying to be thankful for what I have. Thanks so much!

  83. No Carol...definitely not in the Christmas mood...way too much on my plate....not much sewing, shopping or baking being done here. The tree is up but not the usual decorating. With DHubby's health issues we are not traveling either. We are still looking at brain surgery in the new year. We are getting a second opinon...and living on the edge....hoping there will be no more bleeding or seizures. Thanks for the chance...Happy Holidays!!

  84. I won't have family here till the 31st so that's a little bit of a bummer but the tree is up and the gifts will get mailed. Si I guess Yes I refuse to be down.

  85. Love Christmas! And the kids are finally big enough to really enjoy it too, we decorated the tree together yesterday.

  86. NOT in the Christmas mood this year! My health is not good. but making the best of it. all I want is for my family to just be together and happy hope you have a MERRY CHRISTMAS

  87. Not a good year for us so I'm still a bah humbug!!

  88. It will be the first Christmas for my 6 month old twins, so I am in a very festive mood! We decided to pare down the gifts amongst my family, so that helps relieve the stress. I am more excited about the people I am giving gifts to because I have time to really focus on getting them a thoughtful gift. I pray for peace to those who are not feeling the Christmas spirit. It can be a difficult time for many people.


  89. Poor puppy but oh so cute...Merry Christmas Carol, I know that this time of year can be as difficult for some people as it is joyful for others.

  90. I'm excited about Christmas, but not doing regular decorating this year.

  91. I couldn't resist clicking on your profile pic (I love it - so fun and sassy) from a comment you left on Piece n Quilt's blog. How sweet to see you're having a giveaway. Looking forward to following you!

  92. The Christmas spirit is starting to hit me, but it seems like it's taking a long time. I really want to spend time with my kids but they have their own plans and it's harder to get everyone together at the same time. Shopping online is a plus though! I don't have to deal with the crowds! So yes, I am now in the spirit!

  93. That is such a sweet little giveaway Carol! Hmmm... The look on Bruster's face pretty well sums up how I feel about the holidays this year. Don't forget... he isn't the only one with a new Santa hat - you got one for your head in the header too. LOL

  94. I am finally in the mood for Christmas. Started shopping yesterday. Thanks for the giveaway, the fabric looks festive.

  95. It will be my first Christmas in the US. I'm very excited. Cooking, spending time with family, going to church, caroling... are all I will do.

  96. I'm making an effort to get in the Holiday Spirit! I hope I don't wait till the last moment to start shopping!

  97. I am in the mood, but then again I am kind of not. I would love a "low drama" holiday. Even if it was groundhog's day.

  98. I'm trying, but it's not happening yet. I'm sure I will be in the right mood for it soon. Today I'm writing the cards, so I'll put some Christmas music on and I reckon that'll do the trick.

  99. I am slowly moving toward the Xmas spirit. But with only two weeks left the spirit better move me faster. Cold enough here this morning to "feel" Christmassy. Nice giveaway.

  100. Yes I am in the mood! Our church's Christmas service (all music) is this Sunday.... we have been ringing and singing Christmas music since Oct !
    Lovely give away! Merry Christmas!!

  101. I do love Christmas and all the decorations - maybe not so much putting the lights on the tree. :) We have our Christmas celebration this coming weekend - with all my kids married and with kids of their own, it helps that they don't have 15!!! different places to be in a 2-day period. There's always some sadness with Christmas but working through it is important. Have a Merry Blessed Christmas.

  102. I am in the mood despite having shoulder surgery a couple weeks ago. Merry Christmas!

  103. I am slightly in the mood despite my surgery on my broken leg....Merry Humburg!

  104. Bah Humbug here as well! Bruster's face says it all. LOL!! I am happy to spend the time at home away from the crowds outside. Happy Bah Humbug :)


  105. I am always in the mood for Christmas! Tree up,now if someone could just come decorate it for me lol

  106. The mood for Christmas starts today! This evening Christmas market at the school of my kids, with lots of drinks and delicious things to eat, trees and lights everywhere,... I will buy a tree today, tomorrow it will be fun to decorate ( a 9 and 5 year old will hang something, a 1,5 year old will remove again ;-)) We only need someone to say HOHOHO!!!, merry christmas from Belgium

  107. I'm starting to get in the mood as I decorate my house.



Comments are always appreciated!

T-Shirt Quilts For Christmas

 It was a busy three months sewing t-shirt/memory shirt quilts, but I made the Christmas deadlines and got them all done...whew! I made six ...