Tuesday, September 10, 2013

I've Been Pinned!

Madame Samm from SewWeQuilt.com got us in the mood to pin...

Kristen from Meadowbrook is cheering us on...

And today is my day to share my pincushion creations.
I had such fun looking for ideas and creating my own pincushions.

I found a vintage-like clamp at Christmas Goose and just HAD to have it! After a little searching,
I found this cute bird pattern at Cheswick Company that would work perfectly with the clamp. 
(My bird didn't quite turn out like theirs, but close enough.) This was my first time sewing with
wool felt...loved it! It wasn't 100% wool, but it worked great for this cute bird. 

Their pattern had the heart underneath the wing...I thought it was too cute to hide.

I previously mentioned my visit to Superior Threads and my luck in meeting Annie from
byAnnie.com...she has a pattern that included this rolled up wool felt/felted wool pincushion.
(I'm learning the difference between wool felt and felted wool thanks to Annie.)

A shopping trip with my three-year-old Monkey Boy found us this cute soap dish. It is heavy and
works great to hold my pincushion. I filled it (and my other pincushions) with walnut shells
that I purchased at Quilt Taffy.com. My little flower and covered button look so cute on my mini quilt!

A sundae anyone?

I just love those clamps and this circus elephant perches nicely on it.
The elephant pattern is by Heather Bailey, Effie & Ollie.

Just in case you didn't know, the Wicked Blog Hop is coming and this guy is ready!

Enough of me, me, me...how about a giveaway?

Thearica at Pigtales and Quilts has a fun store, so I did a little 
shopping for my giveaway and came up with a package of goodies just for you.
Three patterns by Bunny Hill Designs will go to the first name chosen.

But, wait! There's more! 
This amazing package of threads from Thearica will go to the second name chosen.
Thanks, Thearica! You are just so nice!

The usual giveaway rules..blah, blah, blah
  1. Leave a little comment. 
  2. This one is important! Make sure I can contact you if you're a no-reply blogger. *If you don't get a reply from me, you're a no-reply blogger or something else is screwed-up.
  3. I'll mail it anywhere...yes, even to the other side of the world.
  4. Giveaway ends at 6 p.m. PST on September 17thEntries after 6 p.m. PST on September 17th will not be included in the giveaway.

There's lots of other pincushions today..
check them out:

You can see all the pincushions here:


  1. Carol, you are such a talented woman! My goodness, I CAN NOT choose a favorite ! The first one looks like a road runner which is my favorite bird ! Maybe I'll say that's my fav, but then again...oh I can't choose ! Your really good !

  2. You have done it again! Each and every one of your pin cushions are fantastic. Now that Vulture is sew darn scary, lol!

  3. Hmmmm you make my favorite desert! The bird is very nice!
    Have a good day

  4. Ah, you make me drool with your talent. A vulture - now who would have 'thunk it' but every sewing room should have one - to keep those UFOs away.

  5. Love them all! Great job!


  6. MMM, I love your pincushions, the sundae looks particularly tasty....

  7. Oh, just love your pin cushions. Fabulous!

  8. Oh Carol. You have been so busy sewing up a storm of pincushions. And I love them all.But as you know, as I love birds, the first one, the bird pincushion is my favorite. Thanks for sharing your creativity again and again.
    Hugs from Sweden to you

  9. What a busy girl you were, it's really, really hard to say which of your wonderful pincushions I like the best...

  10. Uffff, I am amazed by the amount of cushions you did, and you know what, when I saw the last one, I was nearly hearing Luky Luke galopping past our house !!!! GREAT, you are my FAV of today!!!

  11. You were busy! I love them all. Really, all of them. My absolute favourites are the first bird (so cute) and your vulture (crazy). The soap dish piggy-pincushion made my giggle. Fantastic post. Well done.

  12. What a lot of pincushions! And all of them great! I couldn't pick a favorite.

  13. Carol, love your pincushions and the little elephant is my favourite one, thanks for sharing and the chance to win!

  14. They are all absolutely adorable! You were a busy girl and it sure paid off. Great creations!

  15. Fabulous pincushions - it's hard to choose a favourite! Maybe the vulture???

  16. Love your pin cushions - my favorite is the elephant!

  17. I have to say I love your pin cushions. I am really drawn to the pinwheel of felted wool. The buzzard is neat, but kind of creepy.

  18. Wow!! Amazing. What a beautiful pincushions! I'm really impressed by the vulture pincushion, but the other bird is also great!! Wowwowwow!!! Thanks for sharing!

  19. They are all great, but I specially loved the elephant and the bird.

  20. Carol your pincushions are fab. Thanks for hoping again!

  21. You outdid yourself again! What a lovely range of pin cushions, so creative! Thanks for sharing!

  22. I adore your pincushions! and it is hard to choose a favorite but I think I love the wicked one! ha! :)

  23. Carol, you are the cherry on the sundae...what great pincushions!

  24. Wow Carol! They're all amazing, especially the bird! WoolFelt is so easy to work with and the results are great.

  25. Wow..you were on a roll. All of them are so cute. Great job. I think I like the elephant the best! Thanks for the wonderful giveaway prizes and the chance to win.

  26. Are you kidding me....with all that you have going on, you have time to create such dynamic pieces...I love them all..ok, maybe not the vulture lol but the bird, sundae, elephant...goodness me YOU WIN

  27. Great patterns and I love the first one because you included the tomato.
    I use my tomato as a pin cushion.

  28. All your pin cushions are just great! Love them all. Thanks for the give away.

  29. Oh Carol....those pin cushions are fantastic!! You put so much into them...love them all!! The piggy is so cute, but the idea of the rolled up felt is wonderful.

  30. You made some fun original pincushions! Well done.

  31. Such a gorgeous collection. I particularly love the bird and the elephant. Thank you so much for lovely giveaways too.

  32. Wow, I love ALL your pincushions!! I think my favorite has to be that vulture--he/she is sew unusual--gotta love it!

  33. Oh...just stick a PIN in them! All are great as usual! Thanks for the chance to win!

  34. Pretty and um..interesting birds. A vulture, I thought Samm was kidding, lol! Great projects as always Carol! Thanks for giving us some great pattern ideas for gifts :)

  35. Fabulous pincushions - each and every one of them. I love the clamp and ball idea.

  36. Uhhh I don't like that buzzard one. he needs to fly away and leave the little birdie alone!

  37. What great pincushions. The clamp that you used is so cool. I don't think I could choose one for a favorite. Now I am going to have to go and discover the difference between wool felt and felted wool.

  38. I came back to see your photos again because a couple did not load when I was here the first time...

    All I can say is "I need (scratch that word) want that pig!! ha!

  39. oh wow - I love them all - but the little elephant is my favourite :-)

  40. Adorable pincushions! My favorite is the little elephant on the circus ball. I have that pattern but would have never thought of that great idea!

  41. WOW! They are all wonderful, each so unique!!! I do love the elephant, though the sundae looks delish ;)

  42. Carol, Your pincushions are the cutest, even the vulture! I am not sure which I like the most, but I would probably say the elephant simply because I have a thing for them. Beautiful job on all of them. Thank you for the giveaway.

  43. Wow! Each one is cuter than the next and I love how you repurpose items so cleverly. What fun!

  44. I knew you wouldn't disappoint..WOW what great pincushions! :)

  45. Love the yellow elephant pincushion. Thanks for the great giveaway and for sharing all your cute pincushions.

  46. Thank you so much for a chance to win. Your giveaway is fabulous!

  47. So cute and clever, I love them all
    Sandy W

  48. sew many cute and wonderful pin cushions ... thanks sew much for sharing them with us today Carol and for hosting a give away too.
    in stitches

  49. Wow these are all great! I love the somplisity of the rolled felt. :)

  50. Oh my Carol you pincushions are all darling! Love the eyeballs in the jar with the vulture, lol. The bird is sweet. My mom gave me an old sewing bird clamp that's an antique. It's all metal except for a tiny little circle on the bird's back is a pincushion.
    I bet that other lady is squirming seeing all the great pincushions that you made, not that she is in competition with you or anything, right?

  51. Each pincushion is sooo cute and fun! I love that you use different props with each one. You make me chuckle as I look at them!



  52. Carol, those are soooo cute! All of them! Since I am from Brazil originally, the bird one would be a great gift to celebrate my 27th anniversary in the US this November, and the others would be welcome at Christmas, Easter, my birthday next June... You get the hint!!!

  53. LOVE the pincushions. Can't really choose a favorite cause I like them all. Thanks for the inspiration. Will have to find me a clamp!

  54. I just love the buzzard!!!They are all awesome!

  55. Oh, those birds are so sweet. How creative. Wow,you sure did a wonderful job.

  56. I love them all. You are so creative. Thank you for the generous giveaway.

  57. Carol you have done it again. Your pincushions are spectacular. Congratulations on being most creative! Great job.

  58. Wow! I didn't know you could get so creative with a pin cushion! Awesome!

  59. Love them all!!!
    Am glad the sundae is calorie free:) ha!

  60. Such beautiful and clever pincushions. I really love the first one. Thanks for the giveaway! And happy blog hop.

  61. Oh my goodness....what a line up! Adorable pin cushions...you rocked this assignment! :)

  62. Oh, Carol! You outdid yourself. I'm sure that other lady is beginning to sweat! Your pin cushions are all adorable!

  63. Charming pin cushions! The elephant on circus ball is quite colorful and delightful! Thx for sharing your treasures and for the opportunity to participate in your generous giveaway.

  64. Rosemary B here:
    Oh my gosh. Your pin cushions are beautiful. I want them all, haha
    Well done Carol

  65. Your pin cushions are so cute! All I have is a tired ole tomato, I need a new one!
    lisamcgriff (at) hotmail (dot) com

  66. Holy Cow or should I say parrot...those PC are super mega cute !!! I love them all !!! I definitely will have to keep my eyes open for one of those clamps...super cute !!
    Congratulations on being picked Most creative of the day..you definitely deserve it !

  67. Cute pincushions. You definitely went all out.

  68. I couldn't stop looking at your vulture pin cushion - very unique!!

    Thanks for offering the giveaway.

  69. So many lovely cushions to look at. so glad I don't have to pick a favorite. That clamp is a perfect tool for showcasing these little works of art.

  70. I love those clamps you found! And I especially love the bird one. Are you by any chance familiar with the very old (antique) sewing birds that women used as a sort of third hand for their hand sewing? I lucky to have one but it's missing the pin cushion. I should probably make one!

  71. Each of your pincushions is sew precious. I adore how you created and shown each one. Love this hop...thank you.

  72. You are a very creative lady, I love all of your pincushions, but the sundae icecream brings sweet memories to me :) Thank you!

  73. Unbelievable... You have so much creativity and beautiful skill in every one of these pin cushions. You have inspired me beyond words. Thank you for sharing.

  74. So many lovely creations!! The soap dish cushion is my favorite :)

  75. Love the pin cushions. So creative. You have been a busy lady. Thanks for the inspiration.
    Happy quilting,

  76. Love all of your pincushions-that vulture is to 'die' for! lol Thanks for the giveaway, hope I win! (fingers crossed) vickise at gmail dot com

  77. Wow! What a clever person! Each one of your pincushions are wonderful & fun. Thanks for sharing. What a fun blog hop this is.


  78. I'm still laugh! These are all wonderful. I kinda like the buzzard best. That's how I look in the sewing room sometimes.

  79. Wow! You have been one busy gal! Love your pinnies, and can't wait to see what that vulture is up to...

  80. I love all your pin cushions and thanks for the giveaway.
    smjohns63 at yahoo dot com

  81. Wow! Carol you are amazing! What wonderful(well, maybe the vulture isn't wonderful...a bit yukky but a good yukky!) pincushions. You always do such special things. I love visiting your posts during the hops!

    (Oh, I will warn you to watch my blog on Friday because you will be mentioned! Really and truly you will be!)

  82. Those are all very cute! I haven't made a pin cushion yet but am in desparate need :)

  83. I love all of those pin cushions. I have wanted to make the elephant one for my daughter who loves elephants. We have had sundae cups for a long time and no one uses them anymore so I think I should make some pin cushions out of them too. Thanks for sharing.

  84. Love the vulture! Looks so real..You are so creative. I know I have told you that before but you continue to blow me away with your designs. Thank you for sharing.

  85. Oh, my! So many really cute pin cushions. Fantastic job. My daughter would love that cute little elephant!

  86. Your pin cushions are sew cute. I especially love the bird on the clamp.

  87. They are all fabulous!! I need to start a pincushion collection.

  88. Very original pincushions. I could use the thread.

  89. Very nice give away and really cute pin cushion. This has been a great hop so far and enjoying everyone's projects.

  90. Sew many imaginative pin cushions! I can not choose a favorite. You are very talented. Thanks for sharing your art and the opportunity to participate in a giveaway.

  91. Wow, you have been busy! Love them all and am very impressed with your sewing bird.

  92. Carol I love them all - especially the vulture. :) I have one of the wool rolls a friend made for me and it's wonderful! blessings, marlene

  93. All you pin cushions are just adorable, even the vulture! Thanks for sharing!

  94. I love them all. Great idea to repurpose an iron soap dish to hold your cute pin cushion and the iron clamp is a great idea. Presentation and function all in one!

  95. What fun pincushions! I like all of them, even the vulture. :)

    Thank you for the chance to win patterns. Those are darned cute.

  96. How cute,,, all of them!! Thanks for the chance to win..

  97. Very "tweet" pincushions! Love them all. The vulture is a bit scary. Does he stick people who come too close? Thanks for showing everything!

  98. Oh, my goodness! you are so creative. too too cute! love them all!!!

  99. Great vulture! They are all fun, thanks for a chance to win,

  100. Love the clamp pincushions. So great and versatile. Thanks so much for shring

  101. Gosh, so many coolio pincushions. Wish I could eat that sundae!

  102. All of your pin cushions are beautiful! You are very talented.

  103. These are all so awesome! I would have never thought of a buzzard much less the others.

  104. Here I am again...Your clamps really lend themselves to some of the cutest pincushions - love the elephant! The little patchwork with the flower is just so sweet. Retirement is lookin' good on you. :)

    After I hit reply, I thought, "How could there be only 1 comment on Carol's blog?" Only if someone's not paying attention and put her comment on the wrong post! LOL I'd love to blame someone else, but I'm here all by myself!!!

  105. Loved all your pincushions!! Especially the elephant!!

  106. Love the vulture; he's the cutest! Rcoyle at olemiss dot edu

  107. What a lovely bunch of pin cushions , you must have been dreaming pin cushions for many nights to come up with all of these wonderful creations. Thanks once again for entertaining us with your talent.

  108. What absolutely delightful pincushions! And I love the way you displayed them. I never thought I needed a vulture for my sewing room, but I've got to have one now. Thanks so much for sharing!

  109. O how inspirational you are. Always coming up with wonderful ideas. Thanks for sharing

  110. So many adorable pinnies...hard to decide which one I like best but I think its the first one..the bird. But the elephant is a close second. :)

  111. What a great, and fun, collection of pincushions...love them all!!! Thanks for sharing :)

  112. Carol, you have outdone yourself as usual. The little elephant is my favorite of course.

  113. Wow Carol, I just love all of your creations. Sorry I am so late visiting. I think the vulture is my favorite, but the elephant is too cute too. Adorable stuff lady!
    xo jan@sewandsowfarm

  114. GORGEOUS you are so creative, so talented tHe first is my favorite. And please count me in for the giveaway, i am in France.

  115. Oh, Carol - How very fun to meet you this evening at Fabric Fest! I was so giddy I nearly tripped over the machine cord coming to greet you in person! LOVE all of your fun pincushion combos - what fun clamps and such a great idea to use a soap dish! Now that vulture has got to take the cake! I'm still giggling. Perfect!

  116. Your pin cushions are all so cute - love the vulture. Thanks.

  117. very nice. You certainly made a bunch of them. They are all cute, I really love the bird with the heart on his wings.

  118. Lovely and extremely creative Carol...You never let us down and I think all of Blogdom looks forward to seeing what you come up with next. Now that buzzard looks totaly horrifying.. I would hate to run into that fella in the dark.....Thank you for the chance to enter your giveaway also.

  119. Love the clamp! Cute ideas for using it. I can just imagine that clipped to my sewing table. :)

  120. Wow, these are just so beautiful! Love your work!


  121. Holy smokes Carol! All of your pincushions are beautiful ... yes, even the vulture.

  122. loved all the pin cushions - will have to raid my husbands garage to see if he has any cute clamps like those - they are sooo great. thanks for many great ideas

  123. loved all the pin cushions - will have to raid my husbands garage to see if he has any cute clamps like those - they are sooo great. thanks for many great ideas

  124. These are really great, Carol! All of them! I wish I could have such ideas! Thanks for the inspiration. Timtirim from Hungary who has just started sewing and quilting.

  125. What interesting pin cushions. I love all of the different ideas. Thanks

  126. I love all of your pincushions....that buzzard is hysterical! The clamps are so cute...thanks for sharing where they came from. Also, your giveaway is sweet!!

  127. I collect pigs so I have to say I like your pig soap dish pincushion the best.

  128. Wow Carol, what an amazing collection of pin cushions! I laughed quite hard when I got to the vulture, but only because it is exactly something you'd find in my house unexpectedly. :)
    brandizzle7133 at yahoo dot com

  129. I was going to do my posting to the Wednesday blog hop postings early, early Wednesday morning and got distracted and it's nearly early, early Saturday morning (even though I'm in NM instead of my usual OK) before I'm back to it. I started to say that I think Mdm Samm might be biased (horrible pun) when it comes to your posts, but I can't agree with that. Your creativity is over the moon. Congrats on creativity of the day - more than well deserved. I have seen some clamp pin cushions and was too scared to even order any clamps - I know you are so talented that I'm still a little skeptical. You rock, girl! Then I was going to say, the pig soap dish was boring. But it isn't, it is just adorable and not boring at all. That would be just boorish of me to say that! I could have waited until Sunday to comment on the sundae, but it might be gone - it is so tempting. Great job! My daughter collected elephants until she graduated from college. Then one day she donated them all to Goodwill. Her name is Jamie Alison and her brother couldn't say her name and called her Jamie Elephant. So, you know I have a soft spot for the elephant pin cushion. And the vulture is just as you describe - WICKED! And, I pleased to see that I am not too late to have my name in the pot (we just bought a potty chair for my two-year old grandson this week) for the drawings. See, I can make a horrible connection to anything - except for the fact that you did a fantastic job on your pin cushions. As always, thanks for participating and inspiring me and I'm sure many, many others. I can hardly wait to see your post in the upcoming hops.

  130. Ok, you are killing me! There is no way I can compete with all of those. ;). I would say that the parrot and vulture are my favs. Those are whimsical fun and soo unique. Love them!!!

  131. These are awesome! Love the lamp-on pincushions, especially the bird! And the elephant! And love the pin cushion in the soap dish. You outdid yourself! Well done!

  132. So many pin cushions.....all so cute and clever. Where do you find the time?
    For whatever reason, your post just arrived on my dashboard today. Saturday... so I'm late with comments.
    Have a great week end!

  133. Oh they are all so fabulous - I love that little elephant, and what a lovely giveaway too! Thanks for sharing and sorry I am late visiting.

  134. I cannot pick a favorite---I tried! All wonderful, Carol. Do YOU have a favorite from your collection??

  135. The creepy pincushion is my favorite. Haha

  136. Carol, you are so creative! I love everyone of your pincushions but the vintage clamp pincushions and soap dish pincushion are fabulous! Thanks for your inspiration.

  137. I love the pincushions that make use of old objects - like the soap dish. Thank you for your great ideas!

  138. Wow Carol,
    you always impress me ☺
    Gorgeous pincushions and great pictures!
    Thanks for sharing and the chance to win.

  139. Hi!!! These are all sew wonderful!!! The vulture is so fun and will keep us all on the move!!! We don't want him getting any thoughts!!!! Thank You

  140. Oh, my goodness! They are just adorable, so bright, cheery and clever!!

  141. I was picking my favorite but then here came the elephant and the buzzard and well I fell in love with them.
    They are so adorable. They just make you smile.
    Thanks for sharing


Comments are always appreciated!

T-Shirt Quilts For Christmas

 It was a busy three months sewing t-shirt/memory shirt quilts, but I made the Christmas deadlines and got them all done...whew! I made six ...