Monday, September 2, 2013

It's National Sewing Month!

The whole month of September is National Sewing Month
thanks to President Ronald Reagan. 

Proclamation 4976 - National Sewing Month
September 24, 1982
By the President of the United States of America
A Proclamation

Now, Therefore, I, Ronald Reagan, President of the United States of America, do hereby proclaim September, 1982, as National Sewing Month. I call upon the people of the United States to observe this month with appropriate ceremonies and activities.

So....what will you be sewing this month?

Does this mean we get to take the whole month off just to sew?


  1. From your lips to my bosses ear! At least I have today off to sew!

  2. If only, I could have the whole month off to sew. Oh, what fun it would be.

  3. I am off to a start by purging my sewing room of fabrics I know I won't use. Sometimes I am overwhelmed at the amount of fabric I have.

    Much is going to charity groups, some in a yard sale. Some in my Etsy shop. That should spread it around a bit.

    2 Ghastlie Keilts are ready to bind!

  4. Oh, sounds about perfect to me, Carol!

  5. Lots of hand stitching for me this month since I will be traveling! Blessings, Marlene

  6. If the answer to your last question is Yes then look out I am coming to stay and I am bringing ALL my WIPs!!! Australia doesn't have a national sewing month!!

  7. I was thrilled to have a day off that maybe I can sew after I get all my Batik Swaps cut, ready to mail and run to the post office.

  8. I didn't know a President "authorized" national whatever days! I liked Ron Reg tho so nice that he did it! I have so much to complete...I have some stuff I am making for my Etsy shop for the holidays and a bargello I have to complete (FMQ'ing starts today!) and a Civil War on I need 5 more blocks and then ready to assemble and some mugrugs and that is just the "hopefully by the middle of the month" part of the list!

  9. Sew and shop for more fabric. Yes.

  10. Ok for me every month anymore is sewing am I to do something different lol

  11. Now I like that idea of being able to take the whole month off to sew....
    I've actually got back to sewing. Finished up one little quilt and working on the 2nd one. Let's see if I can be truly productive this month before it's over.
    Thanks for sharing


Comments are always appreciated!

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