Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Batiks (and Brownies) Are So Far Out!

In the 60's I was just a kid who was into the Beatles, The Monkees, Paul Revere and the Raiders, Sonny and Cher, and Herman's Hermits. I wore jeans, buffalo sandals, and t-shirts most of the time and sewed all my own clothes, including this little dress I'm wearing with Frank in 1968.

I never put flowers in my hair or smoked "funny things", but I knew some people who made those brownies that had a little "something" in them. I also never sewed anything with batiks. 

Well guess what...that's going to change! Batiks are coming in a week or so and I've been busy sewing away with some far-out batiks that are so cool and out-ta-sight!

As for the brownies, I always use a package mix (Ghiradelli is my favorite) because I have yet to find a homemade brownie recipe I like. Do you have a favorite homemade brownie recipe you'd be willing to share with me?...(without the "funny stuff" in them, of course!) I like them chewie on the inside and a little crunchy on the top.

I think Frank is kind of excited about the hop that will be starting on October 22nd. 
I'm excited, too!


  1. I had to Google "Batiks"... LOL I agree, Ghiradelli brownie mix is the best. The only homemade brownies that even came close were made by my friend's husband ho spent years coming up with the perfect recipe. I was lucky enough to get the recipe from him, but have yet to try making it myself. Hopefully he didn't leave anything out so his brownies would always be better. ;)

    1/2 c butter
    1/3 c cocoa
    1 c sugar
    2 eggs
    1 tsp vanilla
    1/2 c flour
    1/4 tsp salt

    Melt butter, add cocoa and blend. Add sugar and mix well. While beating add eggs, one at a time, vanilla, flour and salt. Spread in greased 8x8" pan. Bake at 350 for 30-35 min.

  2. Ohhh I just love your date lol you were such a cutiepatutie...and brownies, well I do have one...will have to write it out for you..David swears it is the best he has ever tasted..he is sooo biased...batiks...I am really looking forward to this .

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I swear I made the same dress in Home Ec, but I put a row of lace all the way down the centre! Thanks for bringing back the memories! Adorable you!

  5. My aunt, a caterer, shared a secret; the BEST recipes are on the back of the box. The companies want to sell their product, right?. Get a box of bakers unsweetened chocolate and make their one bowl brownies. It is as easy as a mix and you will never go back!

    Warning: addictive without the funny stuff.

  6. Cute couple! Was this the beginning of Creepy Carol! Love the picture and can't wait for the hop. We will all have such a nice trip down memory lane!

  7. Ohhhhhhhhhh where would we and our humor be without you two gals!! You make it so much your picture Carol!

  8. Oh my gosh the memories! You are such a hottie with Frank! Those were the braless days.....beads....long hair...and barefoot. XOXO

  9. This picture must be a clue of what your doing for the wicked hop ? I'm not over the Nancy Drew hop, I'm still in detective mode. bawhahaha At this point,the project I'm doing will be gray....sounds exciting ! right?

  10. I love that dress, would still look great today.


  11. Very cute picture Carol!

    I'm a big fan of Ghiradelli brownie mix ... the best brownie mix on the market (in my opinion). I tried several brownie recipes I found online and they didn't taste nearly as good as Ghiradelli brownies. Now I want brownies with lots of nuts and chocolate frosting. MMMMMMMMMMM

  12. Hello "sister from the sixties". Love your dress. That was my favorite time to sew, and I made a lot of dresses/skirts. However, I have never met a brownie that I could bake. Zero success. Now eating them, well, you bake it, I will eat it!

  13. I just saw a brownie recipe that gave me the chills.

    Smear one pkg. refrigerator chocolate chip cookie dough on the bottom of a 13 x 9 pan. Top with whole Oreo cookies. Mix up your favorite brownie mix and spread on top. Bake. How's that for a sugar high (rather than the other high). Can use Reese's peanut butter candies in place of Oreos. I have not tried it. Maybe I should add "don't try this at home."

  14. I haven't had a brownie with funny stuff since the seventies. I guess I could pull a "Clinton'. I didn't swallow and he didn't inhale! LOL

  15. You are totally adorable and I can so relate to sewing all my clothes in the sixties of my youth. Frankie looks very happy to be hugging you. Creative Bliss Dear...

  16. How cute are you? Great pic. Good luck with the hop!


Comments are always appreciated!

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