Wednesday, April 28, 2021

Email Subscribers, Changes, And Other Stuff

Google has decided to stop their email subscribing method so there's been a lot of us bloggers scrambling to find a way to let readers have an option for email notifications of our blog posts. 

Yikes! Just when things are running smoothly...BAM...somebody has to change things! I headed off to the internet to search for a new way to do things. I'm just a simple blogger and it's a scary world out there when you don't know what you're doing!

UPDATE: Here's a link that might help you!
I landed at MailChimp and set things up. Unfortunately, I didn't do it right so my sister emailed me this morning to ask if I'd been hacked because this is what she received. No link, just my logo. Ugh, ugh, ugh! I'm sure this wasn't quite what anyone cared to see.

So, back to MailChimp I went to fix the mess I had created. I thought I fixed it, but after having one of my sister's amazing techies, Jess, look at wasn't right. She used her magic fingers to fix things. Whew! Hopefully, those that want notifications will now receive them and those that want to receive notifications can sign up over there on the right.

I love getting emails with new post notifications from some of my favorite blogs, so I'm hoping those of you who still want them will receive them from me. My motivation and inspiration come from all of you and I want to keep it that way!

There have been some new blog hops I'll be hosting so if you are interested in any of them, let me know. Email me with your name, blog name, and blog URL. 

"It's A Guy Thing" challenge is to make something for a guy or tomboy, or in manly-man colors of blues, grays, browns, etc.

"Ghastly Ghouls" challenge is anything Halloween.

As always, I love having you stop by to visit!


  1. These constant changes are so frustrating.

  2. I agree with Needled Mom. Why can't they leave things alone? (I wondered about that logo from you... I either love technology or hate it--there usually isn't much in between.)

  3. These big tech companies are always trying to mess something up!! Anyway, I love using Mailchimp. It does take some getting used to though. I use it for my email signups. Welcome aboard! I am definitely going to try to participate with your two hops. I have something in mind for July and of course October!!

  4. LOL, I got the same notice about Google so I guessed what you were doing with Mail Chimp. I clicked and was able to subscribe even though the only thing that came through was your logo. I don't want to miss anything you do. I think I must do the same. Thanks.

  5. How frustrating for everyone. Did Mailchimp allow you to import your subscriber list or do we have to re-enter our email if we want notification? I tried that and it said I am already on the list. I sure hope I stay on it. :)

  6. I figured out the Bloglovin' widget to add, but I am not going to deal with Mail Chimp. I think they are trying to discourage us bloggers as they seem to take away stuff and then never explain how to do things. Next I figure it will be bye bye to blogs altogether, which will be sad. As soon as the next social media sharing platform starts, I think that blogs will be gone. Remember how so many bloggers used Flickr to post their photos? Not many people post photos to Flickr anymore.

  7. I received this email without having to re-enter my email. I usually need to get help from my son.

  8. Hi Carol, these birds are so dang cute! Hopefully, the emails go through as planned!!

  9. Hi Carol! I received that email with just your logo. It made me giggle - I thought, oh, she's trying to figure out a new email service. {{Hugs}} If not for change we wouldn't even have blogs or the internet. It's just a fact of life. Since I'm a late bloomer for blogs, I certainly do not want them to go away. There are lots of platforms for sharing photos but the written word is the part that shares a piece of you and draws readers in. I'll follow you however I need to do so! ~smile~ Roseanne


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