Thursday, March 19, 2020

Making Us Laugh Blog Hop With Beach Boy Freddie

We could all use a good laugh and Joan at Moosestash Quilting has the perfect way
to give us some giggles. She's the best hostess...thank you, Joan!

Beach Boy Freddie thought he'd do his part to make you smile.

We're all a little nervous about the virus and so is Freddie.
He's encouraging his fellow flamingos to do their part in avoiding the germs, too.

This wall hanging will go in a frame when the stores open back up so I can buy one.
We're on 30 day stay-at-home orders by our governor so the non essential stores are closed.
I'm not sure quilters and crafters would agree that craft and fabric stores are nonessential.

It's unreal to see the Las Vegas Strip with hardly anyone around...this is a first!
All the hotels have closed for the next 30 days. So crazy!

My photo backgrounds changed with the move and with needing to stay close to home.
Freddie didn't mind, though.

He can look dapper anywhere he goes!

Look who else is making us laugh during this blog hop...


  1. Great sign and great advice! Thanks, Freddy! This will look so cute framed. Freddy is so cool in his Mohawk and sunglasses. Love his colorful appearance. He's sure to get the attention he needs and will definitely lighten moods about the serious situation we're all facing. Thanks for making me smile, Carol!

  2. We have to turn a negative into a positive...thanks for the laugh - it is definitely needed now.

  3. Oh, I love Freddie, he's so cute. And I'd love to be in your next blog hop. Will send you mail. Stay safe, and stay strong!

  4. I love your Freddie and the worlds!!! You are so fun and talented lady. Hugs from me in Sweden

  5. Very clever and Freddie is awesome! Thanks for making me smile.

  6. Nice sign! I like Freddy and his advice. I agree--quilt shops are necessary; however... I guess I won't be running out of supplies in the near future. Wink, wink!

  7. Great Sign!! Inspiration has me going now! Vegas??Wow!!!!!

  8. Love Freddie and his message is perfect for the times. Made me smile that's for sure.

  9. I've always said that Freddy is a wise ole bird! LOL!! He's going to make a great conversation piece once you can get a frame and we are 6 months away from this craziness! Thanks for playing with us and not only bringing us smiles, but a words of wisdom too! Your the best!

  10. making sure a flamingo washes his wings is great! cute project in these uncertain times

  11. this is so adorable. thank you for sharing and inspiring.

  12. I love Freddie, am glad he's washing his wings to... Such a cute project with this stuff that's going on right now, but washing our hands is a reminder that we should do it all the time not just right now. It's pretty amazing to see the strip also so dead, I was floored when you mentioned that on FB the other day and to see a picture of it just really shocks the mind again. 30 days.. WOW!!

  13. Such a cute project - AND great advice, Carol!! Our stores aren't all shut down, but all restaurants are to go orders only! Crazy, crazy times.

  14. Hi Carol! Yes, this is exactly the kind of project to make us all smile. Plus, a gentle reminder to wash our hands WITH soap. HAHA! That sounds to me exactly what you would have told your monkey boys when they were smaller (and I tell Dominic now, who is two). That picture of the Vegas Strip is unreal. WOWEE! Almost as surreal as seeing Times Square with no one around. {{Hugs}} stay safe and healthy. ~smile~ Roseanne

  15. What a fun reminder, love bright and cheerful.

  16. Freddy is SO cool to support the CDC recommendations! Thanks for sharing. :o) And I agree that quilt shops and fabric stores are essential businesses, although I probably have enough fabric on hand to last for several years.

  17. Love it Carol! Going to reshare this!!

  18. Freddie is the coolest and makes the reminder sweet. The strip is so crazy. My son was supposed to be there watching basketball at a party. So sad, but we will be through it.

  19. Freddie is fabulous, even in Las Vegas that is now a ghost town. We all need to wash our wings!!

  20. Freddie is fabulous, especially his hair!! He's wonderful. I have never been to Vegas but imagining the strip with no people is something else!

  21. Freddie looks wonderful! That is an amazing shot of LV. I was thinking of it the other day when I heard the casinos and casino hotels were closed. It looks even stranger than I imagined. Good place to take a walk with no one around right now!

  22. I am late to blog hopping. Your bird cracks me up! But you should hang that in your home so all who enter will always wash their wings or paws or hands, even after this virus is done, so it doesn't come back.

  23. I’m in love withFreddie and his message! Vegas sure looks different now from our trip in December. Can’t wait for the new hop!

  24. Freddie is awesome. What an eerie sight. I went to Vegas a few days after 9/11....couldn't cancel. It was so quiet, and everything was on blackout.

  25. Running a bit behind...will get caught up now. Loved your flamingo and that's an absolute perfect saying...they continue to say that washing our hands is the BEST thing to do. Thanks for making it a fun time, too, Carol.

  26. I can't believe I am just getting to comment on this.... I so love what you came up much fun and so timely.

  27. That's a great sign. Really cute. Just sad people have to be told to wash their hands and stay home when sick.


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