Thursday, November 14, 2019

I Like Thursdays Post #2

This is sort of post #2 for I Like Thursdays, because my first post was really on Friday.
 Not Afraid of Color started "I Like Thursdays" and I've been enjoying reading all the likes
on other bloggers posts. Lots of fun things out there to learn about them!

I like my little old dog, Bruster, and how he jumps on my lap and pushes my iPad away.
He loves to snuggle!

I like finding good deals at Target like this already assembled gingerbread house.
No more broken houses...hopefully!

I like when I can use some of my stash for applique, which I love.
This is for a sew along happening pretty soon at Therm O Web.

I like when my husband jumps in to create a useful sewing thing for me.
He saw all my thread and made a pegboard for me.

I like blog hops. Actually, I love blog hops and how much fun I have with them.
These little bags were in my post this week for a blog hop. 
They are really small, which was my plan. Smaller gifts this year for famly!

I like looking at old photos of me and remembering the moments.
This one was taken in Hawaii in 1971...a long, long, time ago.

I like that my poor husband was good about taking a photo of me that I needed for something.
I DON'T like having my pictures taken, so it wasn't easy for him. Ugh!

Finally, I like that others share their likes so I can get to know them.
Visit Not Afraid of Color to see more likes!


  1. Hi Carol! I am just thrilled to see post #2. Once these likes get their hooks in you, there's no turning back. I love that photo of Bruster! Yay to him pushing your iPad away. Yes, pay attention to him please. He looks like a sweet boy and snuggling is fab. Pre-assembled gingerbread houses! At Target! Holy moly. I need to get one or two of them. I was thinking that Dominic could 'help' decorate one this year . . . 2+ might just be a little bit too young but it sounds like fun to me. Plus he can lick his hands clean afterward. I enjoy applique as well, and that star on the tree with the background fabrics look so pretty. LOVE the photos of you - 1971 seems like just a blink ago. Happy Thursday! ~smile~ Roseanne

  2. I like your "I Like Thursdays" post. Lots of fun things and memories too. Holy cow, we were all so skinny (and young) in 1971!! The sew-along looks interesting... I'll keep watch for that one. Keep up the good work!

  3. Great likes. Bruster and Bobbin are kind of similar. If I am sitting still Bobbin is of the opinion that she should be on my lap or wedged (she likes to wedge behind be in the recliner). Prefab gingerbread houses! Have you seen the oreo ones? Be still my heart. Great pics. Oh I am jealous of your thread organization.

  4. Hey, welcome to a fantastic group!!! I just found out or I'd have added you in last week... I like your likes this week girl. I could have been your bud in the 70's, but I was in tropical Florida not Hawaii. Do you know Sonja Hagemann who moved to HI about that time and lives there still? I love my poodle son and his snuggles too, lately he's gotten really good at pushing his long nose between me and the ipad. I have an ongoing affair with scraps, for most things including applique. Small gifts this year... wonder what you're making. That thread wall is a sculpture of beauty. LeeAnna

  5. I like your likes Carol :) Your pics are both great...won't say anything about 1971...hehehe, you might slug me and you look so pretty in your photos, you should definitely take more, your family will thank you for it - I know as I typically duck photos too.

  6. Fun things!! The dog wins tho - ha ha -what a face!!!!

  7. What a wonderful list of likes -- I enjoy seeing the photos of you! My hubs made me a pegboard for my thread too - it's so helpful to have all my thread up and organized (and out of my cat's reach). Nice post, Carol!

  8. Oooh Bruster looks so comfy and cute;)))
    Love those photos--I like your shorter "do"..
    Your pegboard is so great--kudos to your hubby...hugs, Julierose

  9. Hey! I was in Hawaii in '71! I'm sorry I missed you! hahaha

  10. I love your thread pegboard - so helpful! Those little gift bags are great, too. Welcome to I Like Thursdays!

  11. I am really liking your likes. I also really like you!

  12. You have a lovely smile. What a great pegboard! Pre-built gingerbread houses seems a little like cheating - but the decorating is the best part anyway!! :-)

  13. I shy away from pictures of myself too. I guess I still want to look like I did in the 70s. lol We lived in Hawaii back then. Were you visiting or living there? My dogs do the same thing as Buster. How can we resist them?

  14. The thread pegboard is so thoughtful, and useful. Love the new photo of you. Your husband made an excellent photograph. I do not like my photo taken either, ha ha. Our Christmas gifts will be smaller this year also. And that is perfectly OK.

  15. yep this is a likable post. I find that I like your husband. tee hee. I like you too.

  16. Ha, I don't like the picture thing either. I never have. My husband was the only one who ever took a decent picture, as I'm not photogenic. He got some good ones, but I avoid having them now, mostly. I love the Hawaii picture. We were so much older then. We're younger than that now. =)

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. It looks like my first comments didn't take? Anyway, I don't like my photo taken either. Your photo is great, tho. A pre-built gingerbread house? What a good gift for some crafty lady. Love that peg board.

  19. Oh Buster looks so comfy there--sweet! Great pictures, hugs, Julierose

  20. Buster looks very comfy! Mine are like that, they definitely want snuggles and do not care that you were on instagram or whatever! Love your little bags, such a fun way to gift things!


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