Friday, November 8, 2019

Friday Likes Because I Missed Thursday Likes

Thursday in blog world is such a pleasure because of postings of "likes" by so many people.
Leeann at Not Afraid of Color started a series called "I Like Thursdays" that has bloggers 
sharing all kinds of likes...fabric, flowers, pets, grandchildren, etc. Have you seen these posts?
Reading them makes me relax and enjoy the positive things in life.

Though I may not always comment (yes, I am just a stalker sometimes), I love the posts.
In my mind, I always think "next Thursday I'm going to post things I like." I just can't seem to 
get it together to do it. Maybe I need to set an alarm on Wednesday to remind me.
I'd probably forget to set the alarm.

I missed Thursday (of course) so here's a late I like Thursdays on Friday list.

I like that my daughter takes me on some of her adventures (she takes a lot of them.)
She found a cave, but since she was alone at the time she wouldn't go in.
Her dad and I were more than willing to go with her to check it out.

It was actually no big deal and didn't go anywhere except a small cavern inside.
The graffiti and litter were disgusting. What's wrong with people!

If it can be climbed, she will climb it. She's over 40, but you wouldn't know it by all the
adventurous things she does. I wish I'd been more like her at that age.

I like that Ron can be just as adventurous at his "young age."

I like that my family loves Halloween as much as I do.
My adventurous daughter doctored up the family pic for Halloween.

I like that my youngest daughter makes sure she dresses her family appropriately for Halloween.
Villains and superheroes rock! 

I like this Monkey Boy's pose and that he always makes us smile.

I like that my daughter took me on this adventure to a petting zoo near Zion. 

This Monkey Boy liked it too!

I like when I run into random flowers in a mess of weeds.

I like when these two cuties come to visit and make me laugh.
We were at Chuck-A-Rama, one of their favorite eating places.

I love new toys. This Crafter's Edge Crossover has been fun to play with!

Thanks for stopping by to see my likes. Hopefully, I'll remember to do it again.


  1. Awe I like your likes. I enjoy the adventures with your family, and watching the monkey boys grow.

  2. You may have missed Thursday, but you certainly made up for it! I loved seeing all of the pictures. A very good variety and I enjoyed seeing your family having fun. I always like to see that! Thanks for sharing.

  3. Adventures are so much fun!! I was over 50 when I got my motorcycle license and over 60 when I did my first zip line adventure!! Even with no medical insurance during those years, I couldn't pass up the adventure!! Now caves...after exploring a few abandoned mines near Virginia City, Nevada, as a teen, I'll give a hard pass without proper equipment!! Scary when you come upon a hole that you can't hear the rocks you toss in hit bottom and there is no way around the hole. Dumb teen!! Looks like you are living life on your terms...the only way to go!

  4. Ohhh new toys. Nice

    I LOVE these photos of you and fam. Your daughter, hubbs and kiddos are wonderful. They all look exceptional

    Gorgeous pictures. I think that flower is a hollyhock. Everyone thinks they are just the most amazing flowers, but I like zinnias 1000 X better

  5. Hi Carol!!! I L.O.V.E. that you may just join in the Thursday (or Friday or whatever day) Likes club. It is addicting, you'll find. Some week you'll have oodles and oodles of them, and other weeks you'll think you have none. Your Monkey boys ALWAYS make me smile, and I just adore the Halloween whole family photo! And the Superman pose!!! OMG! He is so cute, and I'm glad he's the boy of steel - before you know it, he'll be the man of steel. {{Hugs}} What a fun post. ~smile~ Roseanne

  6. alrighty then! Your first post was terrific. Your monkey boy reminds me so much of my little great nephew!!! Twins! Do you live in Utah? I lived there with my sister near Salt Lake one year. Great pictures, what kind of camera or software do you use?
    I put in people's general blog addresses and let them ride if they think they'll do a post each week, let me know if that's what you want me to do. Plus several of us keep a running draft of things we liked, to make the post easier, and write it on Wednesday to auto post on thursdays... great to have you! LeeAnna

  7. Sitting here with my cup of coffee and enjoying my visit. Nice to get to know you better.


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